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考题 单选题______A out B on C forward D through

考题 单选题The word “multifaceted” underlined in Paragraph 3 means __________.A versatileB complexC many-sidedD multitude

考题 单选题The example of the pupils’ learning about Mexico shows that __________.A a child usually learns the right things from their teachersB a teacher can correct a pupil’s wrong ideasC a teacher’s attitude can influence a child’s attitude by teachingD a child’s attitude is very changeable

考题 单选题______A gratefulB readyC pleasedD obligated

考题 单选题______A availableB enoughC sufficientD convenient

考题 单选题The number of USA citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase.A encouraged B enforced C expected D entitled

考题 单选题______A HoweverB Then C For example D Instead

考题 单选题The scenery on the way was truly spectacular , with beautiful mountains, rivers and valleys, and I took a lot of pictures from the window.A notorious B amazing C noble D diplomatic

考题 单选题Turtles are well-known throughout the world for reasons except its _________.A longevityB beneficial substances to human beingsC high value as a special target for collectorsD status in restaurants

考题 单选题______A industry B literature C education D IT

考题 问答题The On-going Debate over Healthcare Reform  It seems that the government’s so-called Blue Ribbon Commission has already decided what plan it will propose without undertaking any public consultation and is now merely engaged in a PR campaign to convince us they have the answer.  This seems a little head over heels to us. Since it is our money and our health that is in question, shouldn’t we have been consulted at the break about which way we want to go?  There are several models to achieve healthcare reform, and not all of them require us to hand more money over to keep government bureaucrats in big offices. Purely private healthcare may have big problems—but so does the socialised medicine the commission is recommending.  For example, Canada’s universal system of socialised medicine is now busily engaged in transferring costs from the public to the private sector… by reducing covered expenses, by de-insuring some expenses and so on.  Medical authorities are on record as saying that in an effort to manage costs, hospital stays are being shortened (or even dispensed with altogether).  So while we in the Bahamas are citing universal ‘free’ health care as the answer to our problems, in Canada there is an uncoordinated scramble by the public system to reduce and offload the effects of rising health care costs. And we won’t even mention the litany of complaints from users who have to wait for poor service.  But what mostly concerns us about the Blue Ribbon Commission is that they have plumped for social health insurance without determining the cost of their recommended programmer, or of the alternatives.  And they do not seem to have taken into account the impact this plan will have on the fiscal deficit or on our individual pockets. Apparently, the position is that whatever the cost, this is the plan that will be presented to parliament.  An initiative so far-reaching and so potentially damaging to our economy, should require more careful assessment of the alternatives in public. There is always more than one way to skin a cat. And we do not believe that a small group of consultants constitutes ‘the public’.

考题 单选题______A arise B derive C raise D originate

考题 单选题According to the passage, it can be concluded that a “multifaceted approach” to human motivation in the workplace to __________.A exclude economicsB lead to greater productivityC exclude physical conditionsD focus mainly on psychological and social forces

考题 单选题The government is believed to be considering passed a law making it a crime to import any kind of weapons.A to pass B to have passed C passingD having passed

考题 问答题Classes at American College  The year at an American college is divided into 2 semesters or 3 quarters. Semesters are 15 weeks; quarters are 10 weeks. American college students usually attend school from September to May. Occasionally their academic pursuits extend into the summer.  Students choose their classes a few weeks prior to the start of each term. Universities offer a great many classes in the students’ main area of study and in other areas as well. Students must take both. These include science, mathematics, computer, history and English. Other classes may be just for fun, like dance, theater or sports. Tests usually are given in the middle of the term and at the end3. The final examinations are extremely important. In some classes, the professor asks the students to write a research paper or complete a certain task instead of taking a test.  Classes usually are organized through lectures. For example, a student may attend 2 or 3 lectures a week by the professor. As many as several hundred students sit at each lecture. Sometimes they also attend a smaller class to ask questions and discuss what the professor says4. These small classes are taught by professor’s assistants. In science classes, students also have a long laboratory class each week.  What do American students study at college? The US Department of Education says the most popular area of study is sciences and management. Next is social science, which encompasses history, sociology, literature, public relations and political science. English is another popular field of study. Then comes computer science and health and life sciences like biology, chemistry and physics. Education is popular, too. Foreign languages are not popular as a main area of study among American college students. However, students at many colleges must study a language other than English before they can graduate. The most popular foreign language is Spanish, followed by French and German.

考题 单选题Amateur cooks have joined the craze with the help of more than 20 cookbooks which devote exclusively with hot and spicy Mexican, Thai and Cajun foods.A that devote exclusively toB devoting exclusively ofC that devotes exclusively withD that devoting exclusively to

考题 单选题The Atlantic coast of Patagonia is increasingly vulnerable. Squid fishing is depleting food stocks vital to marine life.A essential B preliminary C sophisticated D sheer

考题 单选题The study of law, with its great number of cases, statutes, and contracts, can be a tedious process.A curious B tiresome C challenging D overwhelming

考题 单选题______A capable B cheap C practical D affordable

考题 单选题______A attractivenessB beautyC figureD shape

考题 单选题I do not advocate building the park near a jetport, which might make people to suffer from defective hearing.A make people suffering from defective hearingB make people suffer from defective hearingC make people suffer defective hearingD make people to suffer defective hearing

考题 问答题精神文明建设  精神文明建设取得新成果。学习宣传邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想活动深入开屋。坚持依法治国和以德治国相结合。以讲文明、树新风为主要内容的精神文明创建活动蓬勃展开。思想道德建设继续加强。科学知识进一步普及,科学精神得到弘扬。文学艺术、新闻出版、广播影视等事业全面发展,优秀作品不断涌现。广播电视覆盖能力和质量明显提高。文化、卫生、体育领域改革和发展加快。文化设施建设和各类专项经费投入力度加大,新建和改扩建了一批图书馆、博物馆、科技馆、档案馆、文化馆等。文物保护和档案工作取得新成绩。“扫黄”、“打非”斗争不断深入。

考题 单选题______A positive B negative C satisfactory D gratifying

考题 单选题______A in effectB as a resultC for exampleD in a sense

考题 单选题______A brightnessB foreseeingC foresightD prediction

考题 单选题______A Oil B Exhaust C Smoke D Gas

考题 单选题______A withB inC ofD toward

考题 单选题______A stoutB powerfulC wonderfulD hopeful