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3/4 percent American workers are potential applicants.


1.3 million jobs were created last year.


40 percent of companies will take on part-time staff.


The service sector does not contribute to job creation.


M: If you look at any list of New Year’s resolutions you wouldn’t be surprised to see find a better job fight at the top. Vera Gibbons of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine is here with some tips to help you get a better job or maybe take on a career change. Good morning, Vera.
W: That’s right, good morning, nice to see you.
M: Nice to see you too. Happy New Year.
W: Same to you.
M: Start the new year, start looking for a new job, what’s amazing is how many people are actually thinking of doing that this year.
W: Yes, one survey found that 75% of American workers plan to look for a new job this year. They’re unhappy with the pay; they’re unhappy with the situation at their work; they want new challenges; there’s no room for advancement with their current employer, so a lot of people are going to be out there looking for work, and this is the time of year that we are more inclined to actually take the bull by the horns, take the initiative to go out there and find that job.
M: That whole resolution thing.
W: Yes.
M: Is there a good time to go about doing this?
W: Well you know, the opportunities pop up all year long but, yes, the heaviest of hiring generally does take place at the beginning of the year, early, they fire at the end of the year, they hire in the new. They fire for Christmas, and then hire in the next year.
M: So if you think about doing it, you really should get out there now.
W: Get out there now and get the ball rolling, yes.
M: What about the job market in 2007, what does it look like?
W: It is softening a little bit, job growth is slowing down some, because of the contraction in housing and all of those sectors, but that’s been offset a bit by the service sector. Those types of companies are hiring in the service industry. We’re actually expecting 1.3 million jobs to be created this year. And one survey by Career Builder actually found 40 percent of employers will be hiring full-time employees this year. So it’s not a bad time, it’s not great, it’s OK.
M: OK, so if you’re ready to take the plunge, if you wanna get out there, you have some tips. NO. 1 is Do Some Soul Searching.
W: Yes, I just think in order to get out of a job that isn’t going anywhere, a career that’s gonna drift, you really have to sit down and be proactive here, you can’t be reactive you have to be proactive. Motivation is really the key to making any changes in your personal life. People may sit back and say: well I’m getting a paycheck. The benefits are good. Why rock the boat? Here’s the thing, we’re spending that half of our life in the workplace, if you’re unhappy, do some soul searching, figure out where you are, and where you would like to go.
M: And part of that is you say prioritize your options. What do you mean?
W: Yeah, I mean write down 5-10 things that are important to you in your job, in your career, maybe you wanna a better work-life balance, more flexible schedule whatever that happens to be again, take a look at what’s making you happy, what makes you unhappy, take a look at your goals, your dreams, your aspirations and then put together a plan to actually reach those goals. Because you’re more inclined to get there if you have a plan in place.
M: Good idea. You can actually write these all out. Also of course when you’re going out for that job search, you gotta have the resume, so you say make that resume stand out.
W: Yeah, you know, employers only spend about 10 seconds looking at your resume and on ...
M: Ten seconds?
W: Yeah, and get this on average for every 245 resumes, they get, they only interview one person for 245 resumes. So it’s very competitive. You need to have your resume stand out, keep it short, keep it succinct, keep it to the point, focus on your measurable accomplishments. And because you’re gonna be looking for different jobs you should be highlighting different skills, different experiences, so it may be relevant for one position but not for another, so you wanna highlight different ones, have several different versions of the resume, all ready to go, then get out there, do the networking.
M: OK, and just briefly, you say do not look online, but do a lot of networking.
W: A lot of networking. That’s the key.
M: Vera Gibbons, thanks so much!
W: Thanks.
1. Which of the following is NOT Vera’s tip for finding a new job?
2. Which of the following best describes the prospect of job market this year?
3. What can be inferred about job hunting?
4. Which of the following is NOT advised as a way to make your resume stand out?
5. What can we learn about the employment this year?
更多 “单选题A 3/4 percent American workers are potential applicants.B 1.3 million jobs were created last year.C 40 percent of companies will take on part-time staff.D The service sector does not contribute to job creation.” 相关考题
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