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更多 “ 29.A.skateB.swimC.surfD.dance ” 相关考题
考题 文章⑤-⑥段之间缺少必要的过渡,请你补出:___________________________(3分)

考题 ②_______________________,该结论是通过分析比较实验序号____的数据得出来的.

考题 Imagine you receive an e-mail that looks something like this: ARE YOU GOING TO CLASS TODAY? How does(61) this message make you feel? ( 62) did the sender use all capital letters? Was he or she angry,or did that person just (63) to turn off the Caps Lock (大写键) on the computer? This E-mail sounds like the (64) is shouting because using all capital letters in an e-mail is usually the way that people shout (65) .Knowing when and where not to use capital letters is just one (66) 0f online manners.Don't do anything online that you wouldn’t do in (67) life Don't use information that (68)else has written,and (69) it,s yours. Do share your knowledge of the (70) with others.( )61.A.leavingB.copyingC.watchingD.reading

考题 38_________.A.worriedB.surprisedC.taughtD.hurt

考题 凝聚亲情,才会有幸福的家庭;凝聚友谊,才会有温馨的集体;凝聚爱心,才会有和谐的社会;凝聚智慧和力量,才能够战胜困难,实现理想……请以“凝聚”为题目,写一篇文章。要求:(1)将题目抄写在答题卡上。(2)不限文体(诗歌除外)。(3)字数在600-1000之间。(4)作文中不要出现所在学校的校名或师生姓名。

考题 画一条数轴,并在数轴上表示:3.5和它的相反数,-4和它的倒数,绝对值等于3的数,最大的负整数和它的平方,并把这些数由小到大用“”号连接起来。

考题 甲、乙两种商品原来的单价和为100元。因市场变化,甲商品降价10%,乙商品提价40%,调价后,两种商品的单价和比原来的单价和提高了20%。甲、乙两种商品原来的单价各是多少元?

考题 6.诗歌欣赏。(5分)阅读下面新诗,按要求答题。妈妈很深①读了这首诗,根据你对生活的体验和本诗的理解,说说诗中所抒发的情感。(2分)答:②从下面两个诗句中选取一句作简要赏析。(3分)(1)春日阳光暖暖的/而我的心空却下着/绵绵雨丝(2)从此思念像一条长长的线/连着你/牵着我答:。

考题 请你将第一、二句所展现的画面用形象生动的语言描绘出来。___________________________________________________________ 。

考题 文章批评利用资源不得法的是____________和 ___________ 两种做法。(2分)