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______ is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shore based support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions.

A.The Administration

B.The Government

C.The Company

D.The Organization


更多 “ ______ is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shore based support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions.A.The AdministrationB.The GovernmentC.The CompanyD.The Organization ” 相关考题
考题 ()is responsible for the attraction,selection,training,assessment,and rewarding of comployers,while also overseeing organizational leadership and cuiture and ensuring compliance with cmployment and labor lawsA.human resource managementB.strategic analysisC.team managementD.RACI

考题 I________shore-based radar assistance.A.askB.look forC.requireD.in need of

考题 ______ is not an item of the communication between the ship and shore.A.agreed procedure to STOP cargo operationsB.Personnel responsible for terminal cargo operationsC.agreed procedure for draught checkingD.agreement between the ship's Master and the terminal representative

考题 Automatic identification systems(AIS)are required to ______.A.provide safety-related information automatically to shore stations,other vessels and aircraftB.receive safety-related information automatically from similarly equipped vesselsC.exchange safety-related information with shore-based facilitiesD.All of the above

考题 材料:The Company should establish a safety and environmental protection policy which describes how the objectives will be achieved.The Company should ensure that the policy is implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization both ship based as well as shore based.If the entity who is responsible for the operation of the ship is other than the owner,the owner must report the full name and details of such entity to the Administration.The Company should define and document the responsibility,authority and interrelation of all personnel who manage,perform. and verify work relating to and affecting safety and pollution prevention.The Company is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shore based support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions. To ensure the safe operation of each ship and to provide a link between the company and those on board,every company,as appropriate,should designate a person or persons ashore having direct access to the highest level of management.The responsibility and authority of the designated person or persons should include monitoring the safety and pollution prevention aspects of the operation of each ship and to ensure that adequate resources and shore based support are applied,as required.The Company should clearly define and document the masters responsibility with regard to:implementing the safety and environmental protection policy of the Company;motivating the crew in the observation of that policy;issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner;verifying that specified requirements are observed;and reviewing the SMS and reporting its deficiencies to the shore based management.The Company should ensure that the SMS operating on board the ship contains a clear statement emphasizing the Masters authority.The Company should establish in the SMS that the master has the overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention and to request the Companys assistance as may be necessary.问题:The Company should ensure that the policy is implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization both ship based as well as shore based.The ORGANIZATION refers to ________.A.IMOB.SMSC.the AdministrationD.the construction of the CompanyThe overriding authority and the responsibility to make decisions with respect to safety and pollution prevention is on the part of ________.A.th highest level of management of the CompanyB.DPC.the master of the shipD.the owner or the entity who is responsible for the operation of the ship________ are/is not the master's responsibility defined and documented by the Company.A.reviewing the SMS and reporting its deficiencies to the shore based managementB.motivating the crew in the observation of the safety and environmental protection policy of the CompanyC.issuing appropriate orders and instructions in a clear and simple manner and verifying that specified requirements are observedD.providing a link between the company and those on boardThis passage is probably extracted from ________.A.IMDG CodeB.ISM CodeC.SOLASD.Marpol请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 How does the Cisco Small Service Business Pro Service differ from the Cisco Small Business Pro warranty?()A、 access to Cisco Small Business Support CommunityB、 device-level warrantyC、 Cisco Small Business Pro Products onlyD、 speed of hardware replacement

考题 ()is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture, and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws.A、Human resource managementB、Strategic analysisC、Team managementD、RACI

考题 Which two are true about authentication?()A、Form-based logins should NOT be used with HTTPS.B、When using Basic Authentication the target server is NOT authenticated.C、J2EE compliant web containers are NOT required to support the HTTPS protocol.D、Web containers are required to support unauthenticated access to unprotected web resources.

考题 How does the Cisco Small Business Pro Service differ from the Cisco Small Business Pro warranty?()  A、 device-level warrantyB、 Cisco Small Business Pro products onlyC、 speed of hardware replacementD、 access to Cisco Small Business Support Community

考题 Which layer of the OSI reference model is responsible for ensuring reliable end-to-end delivery of data?()A、ApplicationB、PresentationC、SessionD、TransportE、NetworkF、Data-Link

考题 Which layer in the OSI reference model is responsible for determining the availability of the receiving program and checking to see if enough resources exist for that communication?()A、transportB、networkC、presentationD、sessionE、application

考题 What are three purposes of the RMAN “FROM” clause?()A、to support PUSH-based active database duplicationB、to support synchronization of a standby database with the primary database in a Data environmentC、To support PULL-based active database duplicationD、To support file restores over the network in a Data Guard environmentE、To support file recovery over the network in a Data Guard environment

考题 单选题The GMDSS defines four sea area based on the().A location and capacity of the facilities located on board shipsB Position and type of a sincre sintionC Capacity and location of shore based communication facilitiesD Position and capacity of mobile communication stations

考题 单选题The spread of fire is NOT prevented by().A shutting off the oxygen supplyB cooling surfaces adjacent to the fireC removing combustibles from the endangered areaD removing smoke and toxic gases by ensuring adequate ventilation

考题 单选题Automatic identification systems(AIS)are required to().A provide safety-related information automatically to shore stations,other vessels and aircraftB receive safety-related information automatically from similarly equipped vesselsC exchange safety-related information with shore-based facilitiesD All of the above

考题 单选题My radar is not working.I require shore based radar assistance.Is shore based radar assistance()?A usedB availableC in useD can be used

考题 单选题In order to improve the efficiency of the communication with shore personnel, you should()A inform the chief engineer whenever there are problemsB reduce the time wasted on checking itemsC know who is responsible for the domestic cleaning equipmentD know the chain of authority on the ship

考题 多选题What are three purposes of the RMAN “FROM” clause?()Ato support PUSH-based active database duplicationBto support synchronization of a standby database with the primary database in a Data environmentCTo support PULL-based active database duplicationDTo support file restores over the network in a Data Guard environmentETo support file recovery over the network in a Data Guard environment

考题 单选题General communications are those communications().A between ship stations and shore-based communication networksB concern the management and operation of shipsC may have an impact of the safety on shipsD all of A, B, C

考题 单选题How does the Cisco Small Business Pro Service differ from the Cisco Small Business Pro warranty?()A  device-level warrantyB  Cisco Small Business Pro products onlyC  speed of hardware replacementD  access to Cisco Small Business Support Community

考题 单选题Who will be responsible for ensuring that a ship maintains a standard at least equivalent to that specified in international conventions?()A Port stateB The AdministrationC The shipownerD The master

考题 单选题The Company should ensure that the Safety and Environmental Protection policy is implemented and maintained().A at the level of ship based organizationB at the level of shore based organizationC at all levels of the organization both ship based as well as shore basedD at highest level of the organization

考题 单选题()is responsible for ensuring that adequate resources and shore based support are provided to enable the designated person or persons to carry out their functions.A The AdministrationB The GovernmentC The CompanyD The Organization

考题 单选题Who is responsible for ensuring that someone is assigned to close the watertight doors in an emergency?()A Maritime Safety AdministrationB Master of the vesselC Chief EngineerD Chief Mate

考题 单选题During oil transfer operations,who is responsible for ensuring that the posted transfer procedures are followed?().A The designated person in chargeB The tankermanC The senior able seamanD The oiler

考题 多选题Which two are true about authentication?()AForm-based logins should NOT be used with HTTPS.BWhen using Basic Authentication the target server is NOT authenticated.CJ2EE compliant web containers are NOT required to support the HTTPS protocol.DWeb containers are required to support unauthenticated access to unprotected web resources.

考题 单选题Which layer in the OSI reference model is responsible for determining the availability of the receiving program and checking to see if enough resources exist for that communication? ()A transportB networkC presentationD sessionE application