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Tom is a person who always () up to dangers.

  • A、meets
  • B、faces
  • C、sees


更多 “Tom is a person who always () up to dangers.A、meetsB、facesC、sees” 相关考题
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考题 The best way to deal with the bitterness is to __________.A. make the person who hurts us look badB. hate the person who hurts us very oftenC. accept that you are hurting the other personD. forgive the person who hurts us and forget it

考题 27. Who are Alice’s friends?A. Ann and TomB. Tom and Lin TaoC. Ann and I.in TaoD. Ann, Tom and Lin Tao.

考题 Tom ______ get up a little earlier tomorrow.A、needsB、needC、need toD、needs to

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考题 --- I’d like to know if every body is here. ---_______.A、You are always lateB、Tom came up.C、Every one except Tom isD、We’re wondering if he’s coming.

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考题 Dick: Who's that speaking?Tom: This is Tom ___________.A、talkingB、addressingC、speakingD、saying

考题 23. What do you think of Mike?A. A person who is good at driving.B. A person who does well in drawing.C. A person who -likes drinking.D. A person who is good at writing.

考题 A survival craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a ship should approach the person ______.A.at a high rate of speedB.under oarsC.against the windD.with the wind

考题 A person who sees someone fall overboard should ______.A.call for help and keep the individual in sightB.run to the radio room to send an emergency messageC.immediately jump in the water to assist the individualD.go to the bridge to report the captain

考题 Tom is snobbish, always _________the influential people." A.making out for B.making up C.making up to D.making up for

考题 — Who is that speaking? — This is Tom()AspeaksBspokeCspeakingDsaying

考题 Little Tom is used to getting up()eight every morning.AatBonCinDof

考题 单选题Tom is snobbish, always _________the influential people.A making out forB making upC making up toD making up for

考题 单选题— Who is that speaking? — This is Tom()A speaksB spokeC speakingD saying

考题 问答题Practice 5  ● Your colleague, Tom Miller has asked you for help with a report on current market situation, but you cannot help at the moment.  ● Write an e-mail to Tom:  ● Explaining why you cannot help him;  ● Recommending another person;  ● Telling what relevant experience that person has.  ● Write 30—40words.

考题 单选题If we say a person lives a dog’s life, he might be ______.A a sudent who does quite well in English.B a baby that is well taken care of by its motherC a person who has endless work to do.D an old person who refuses to accept new things.

考题 单选题A person who sees someone fall overboard should().A immediately jump in the water to assist the individualB go to the bridge for the distress flaresC run to the radio room to send an emergency messageD call for help and keep the individual in sight

考题 单选题A survival craft being used to pick up a person who has fallen overboard from a ship should approach the person().A at a high rate of speedB under oarsC against the windD with the wind

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考题 单选题Tom is a person who always () up to dangers.A meetsB facesC sees

考题 单选题When a rescue vessel approaches a lifeboat in heavy seas,the person in charge of the lifeboat should().A tie up to the rescue vesselB transfer only those personnel who are not seasickC wait for calmer weather before transferring personnelD transfer all personnel immediately