01428民航乘务英语 问题列表
问题 He was () a box on his shoulder.A、carryingB、keepingC、bringing

问题 汉译英:玛丽叫我不要在房间里抽烟。

问题 It () three years since I joined the air force. 【be】  我加入空军已经三年了。

问题 Mary is not here. She () to Paris.A、wentB、has goneC、has been

问题 Mary () into the room.A、burstB、crashedC、hit

问题 Two birds escaped () their cage.A、fromB、withC、out

问题 The question was so difficult that () people could answer it.A、littleB、afewC、few

问题 We can finish this work () a few hours.A、inB、forC、after

问题 He worked in this company () several years.A、inB、sinceC、for

问题 短语翻译:接受海关检查

问题 I () that book. 【read】  我已经读过那本书了。

问题 汉译英:这架飞机太小,装不下所有的人。

问题 汉译英:这架飞机太小,装不下所有的人。

问题 汉译英:你们航空公司有多少架飞机?

问题 They decided to () into the cause of the accident.A、seeB、lookC、watch