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Currently 94% of Web users use either Internet Explorer or Firefox, but recently some new(71) have been developed that are beginning to attract attention. The browser Opera is becoming very(72) because of its speed, it is currently the world's fastest browser, and because it is much smaller(73) existing browsers (it can almost fit on a single diskette). It can also(74) the last Web page you visited, so the next time you surf, you can start where you left off. And like the big two, you can get it for free; the catch is that you have to watch blinking ads in one comer, or pay $40 for the ad-free (75) of Opera.






更多 “ Currently 94% of Web users use either Internet Explorer or Firefox, but recently some new(71) have been developed that are beginning to attract attention. The browser Opera is becoming very(72) because of its speed, it is currently the world's fastest browser, and because it is much smaller(73) existing browsers (it can almost fit on a single diskette). It can also(74) the last Web page you visited, so the next time you surf, you can start where you left off. And like the big two, you can get it for free; the catch is that you have to watch blinking ads in one comer, or pay $40 for the ad-free (75) of Opera.A.readersB.machinesC.techniquesD.browsers ” 相关考题
考题 IE浏览器本质上是一个()。 A、连入Internet的TCP/IP程序B、连入Internet的SNMP程序C、浏览Internet上Web页面的服务器程序D、浏览Internet上Web页面的客户程序

考题 Internet Explorer浏览器本质上是一个()。 A、连入Internet的TCP/IP程序B、连入Internet的SNMP程序C、浏览Internet上Web页面的服务器端程序D、浏览Internet上Web页面的客户端程序

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考题 Tomcat服务器修改哪个配置文件来提升客户请求最大线程数() A.server.xmlB.web.xmlC.tomcat-users.xmlD.context.xml

考题 下列关于Internet和Web的说法中,正确的是( )。A.Web就是Internet的别称B.Web是基于Internet之上的一个应用服务C.Internet是基于Web之上的一个信息系统D.Internet与Web没有任何关系

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考题 Currently 94% of Web users use either Internet Explorer or Firefox, but recently some new (71) have been developed that are beginning to attract attention. The browser Opera is becoming very(72)because of its speed, it is currently the world’s fastest browser, and because it is much smaller(73) existing browsers (it can almost fit on a single diskette). It can also (74)the last Web page you visited, so the next time you surf, you can start where you left off. And like the big two, you can get it for free; the catch is that you have to watch blinking ads in one corner, or pay $40 for the ad-free (75) of Opera.A.beyond B.so C.than D.as

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