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What lessons can be learned from the past in this decade?

Private issue has always been associated with data collection.


Attacks on freedom are new.


The accumulation of data encourages oppression.


Privacy has been a neglected issue.


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更多 “单选题What lessons can be learned from the past in this decade?A Private issue has always been associated with data collection.B Attacks on freedom are new.C The accumulation of data encourages oppression.D Privacy has been a neglected issue.” 相关考题
考题 When data() , it has to be analyzed to decide what it all means. A.had been collectedB.has collectedC.has been collected

考题 We can obviously notice that over a period of no practice what has been learned tends to be forgotten from______.

考题 According to Paragraph 2, some organizations check their systems to find out[A] whether there is any weak point.[B] what sort of data has been stolen.[C] who is responsible for the leakage.[D] how the potential spies can be located.

考题 The boy has been taking piano lessons from my neighbor ( ) he was 12. A、ever sinceB、ever whenC、from whenD、from since

考题 A system has a TCPIP issue that is a known problem. The newest code from the support website has been downloaded to resolve the issue. Which of the following commands should be used to install the new code?()A.smitty install_commitB.installp -ugVC.installp -aXD.instfix -all

考题 Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the targets course and speed.The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather.What should you expect under these circumstances ________.A.The ARPA will generate data as if the target was still being tracked by radarB.The ARPA will give an audible and/or visual lost target alarmC.The ARPA will generate data based on sea return echoes from the vicinity where the target was lostD.The ARPA has lost all memory of the target and must recompute the target data

考题 Text 2 America rarely looks to Brussels for guidance.Commercial freedom appeals more than governmental control.But when it comes to data privacy,the case for copying the best bits of the European Union's approach is compelling.The General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)is due to come into force next month.It is rules-heavy and has its flaws,but its premise that consumers should be in charge of their personal data is the right one.The law lets users gain access to,and to correct,information that firms hold on them.It gives consumers the right to transfer their data to another organisation.It requires companies to define how they keep data secure.And it lets regulators levy big fines if firms break the rules.America has enacted privacy rules in areas such as health care.But it has never passed an overarching data-protection law.The failings of America's self-regulatory approach are becoming clearer by the week.Large parts of the online economy are fuelled by data that consumers spray around without thought.Companies'mysterious privacy policies obscure what they do with their users'information,which often amounts to pretty much anything they please.Facebook is embroiled in crisis after news that data on 87m users had been passed to a political-campaign firm.These are changing the calculus about the benefits of self-regulation.Opponents of privacy legislation have long argued that the imposition of rules would keep technology companies from innovating.Yet as trust leaks out of the system,innovation is likely to suffer.If consumers worry about what smartphone apps may do with their data,fewer new offerings will take off.It is striking that many of the firms preparing for the GDPR's arrival in Europe are excited that the law has forced them to put their data house in order.The need to minimise legal fragmentation only adds to the case for America to adopt bits of the GDPR.One reason behind the new rules in the EU was to harmonise data-protection laws so that firms can do business across Europe more easily.America is moving in the opposite direction.States that have detected a need for greater privacy are drafting their own laws.California has pending legislation that would establish a data-protection authority to regulate how the state's big tech firms use Californians'personal data.The GDPR is far from perfect.At nearly 100 articles long,it is too complex and tries to achieve too many things.The compliance costs for smaller firms,in particular,look burdensome.But these are arguments for using it as a template,not for ignoring the issue of data protection.If America continues on today's path,it will fail to protect the privacy of its citizens and long-term health of its firms.America's data economy has thrived so far with hardly any rules.That era is over. It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that privacy legislation is likely to_____A.be opposed by tech companies B.cause concerns among consumers C.promote corporate innovation D.hinder the popularity of apps

考题 Text 2 America rarely looks to Brussels for guidance.Commercial freedom appeals more than governmental control.But when it comes to data privacy,the case for copying the best bits of the European Union's approach is compelling.The General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)is due to come into force next month.It is rules-heavy and has its flaws,but its premise that consumers should be in charge of their personal data is the right one.The law lets users gain access to,and to correct,information that firms hold on them.It gives consumers the right to transfer their data to another organisation.It requires companies to define how they keep data secure.And it lets regulators levy big fines if firms break the rules.America has enacted privacy rules in areas such as health care.But it has never passed an overarching data-protection law.The failings of America's self-regulatory approach are becoming clearer by the week.Large parts of the online economy are fuelled by data that consumers spray around without thought.Companies'mysterious privacy policies obscure what they do with their users'information,which often amounts to pretty much anything they please.Facebook is embroiled in crisis after news that data on 87m users had been passed to a political-campaign firm.These are changing the calculus about the benefits of self-regulation.Opponents of privacy legislation have long argued that the imposition of rules would keep technology companies from innovating.Yet as trust leaks out of the system,innovation is likely to suffer.If consumers worry about what smartphone apps may do with their data,fewer new offerings will take off.It is striking that many of the firms preparing for the GDPR's arrival in Europe are excited that the law has forced them to put their data house in order.The need to minimise legal fragmentation only adds to the case for America to adopt bits of the GDPR.One reason behind the new rules in the EU was to harmonise data-protection laws so that firms can do business across Europe more easily.America is moving in the opposite direction.States that have detected a need for greater privacy are drafting their own laws.California has pending legislation that would establish a data-protection authority to regulate how the state's big tech firms use Californians'personal data.The GDPR is far from perfect.At nearly 100 articles long,it is too complex and tries to achieve too many things.The compliance costs for smaller firms,in particular,look burdensome.But these are arguments for using it as a template,not for ignoring the issue of data protection.If America continues on today's path,it will fail to protect the privacy of its citizens and long-term health of its firms.America's data economy has thrived so far with hardly any rules.That era is over. Facebook is mentioned to show that_____.A.America needs a general data-protection law B.online economy relies heavily on consumer data C.online news can produce strong economic impact D.America has benefited greatly from self-regulation

考题 Text 2 America rarely looks to Brussels for guidance.Commercial freedom appeals more than governmental control.But when it comes to data privacy,the case for copying the best bits of the European Union's approach is compelling.The General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR)is due to come into force next month.It is rules-heavy and has its flaws,but its premise that consumers should be in charge of their personal data is the right one.The law lets users gain access to,and to correct,information that firms hold on them.It gives consumers the right to transfer their data to another organisation.It requires companies to define how they keep data secure.And it lets regulators levy big fines if firms break the rules.America has enacted privacy rules in areas such as health care.But it has never passed an overarching data-protection law.The failings of America's self-regulatory approach are becoming clearer by the week.Large parts of the online economy are fuelled by data that consumers spray around without thought.Companies'mysterious privacy policies obscure what they do with their users'information,which often amounts to pretty much anything they please.Facebook is embroiled in crisis after news that data on 87m users had been passed to a political-campaign firm.These are changing the calculus about the benefits of self-regulation.Opponents of privacy legislation have long argued that the imposition of rules would keep technology companies from innovating.Yet as trust leaks out of the system,innovation is likely to suffer.If consumers worry about what smartphone apps may do with their data,fewer new offerings will take off.It is striking that many of the firms preparing for the GDPR's arrival in Europe are excited that the law has forced them to put their data house in order.The need to minimise legal fragmentation only adds to the case for America to adopt bits of the GDPR.One reason behind the new rules in the EU was to harmonise data-protection laws so that firms can do business across Europe more easily.America is moving in the opposite direction.States that have detected a need for greater privacy are drafting their own laws.California has pending legislation that would establish a data-protection authority to regulate how the state's big tech firms use Californians'personal data.The GDPR is far from perfect.At nearly 100 articles long,it is too complex and tries to achieve too many things.The compliance costs for smaller firms,in particular,look burdensome.But these are arguments for using it as a template,not for ignoring the issue of data protection.If America continues on today's path,it will fail to protect the privacy of its citizens and long-term health of its firms.America's data economy has thrived so far with hardly any rules.That era is over. According to Paragraphs l and 2,GDPR——.A.stresses commercial freedom over governmental control B.aims to give citizens the control of their personal data C.grants companies the right to collect user information D.recognizes the legitimacy of data transfer among firms

考题 Companycom has been performing scheduled backups of their data to tape using "tar" in a script for over one year with no problems. Recently, the tar command is returning a non zero return code during the backup phase, causing the script to fail. What is the primary cause of this problem?()A、The files have grown to over eight gigabytes in sizeB、The file systems are corrupt, and fsck should be runC、The tape block size has been changed from the defaultD、The user’s limit has been changed to less than eight gigabytes

考题 A system has a TCPIP issue that is a known problem. The newest code from the support website has been downloaded to resolve the issue. Which of the following commands should be used to install the new code?()A、smitty install_commitB、installp -ugVC、installp -aXD、instfix -all

考题 A network technician is troubleshooting a network issue that has just been reported. Which of thefollowing troubleshooting steps should the technician take FIRST to help resolve this issue?()A、Record the solution in the appropriate logs for future use.B、Ask the user who reported the issue what past documentation they have.C、Ask the user who reported the issue to explain the symptoms in detail.D、Record what steps should be taken to resolve the issue.

考题 WebSphere Commerce has been successfully installed and tested.  WebSphere Commerce Analyzer has been installed and the extraction programs have run with no errors but there is no data in any reports when viewed from the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.  What could be the cause of this problem?()A、The WebSphere Commerce application server was not startedB、The web server was not startedC、SSL has not been configured on the web serverD、The appropriate listeners were not enabled in Configuration ManagerE、The database server was not started

考题 A customer has 5 older POWER5 systems and they want to consolidate them onto a POWER6 system. What information is important to analyze when deciding how to design the new machine using the System Planning Tool?()A、 vmstat and iostat data from the older machines B、 The number of CPUs that were installed in the original machines C、 Data from Workload Estimator (WLE) and IBM Performance Management (PM) D、 Performance data that is collected from the new system after it has been put into production

考题 What does the output on this report indicate?()   RMAN report need backup;  RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command  RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy 1  Report of files with less than 1 redundant backups  File #bkps Name  5 0 C:///ORACLE/ORADATA/ORCL/MY_DATA_01.DBF  A、 The my_data_01.dbf datafile is corrupted and needs to be restored.B、 The my_data_01.dbf datafile has not yet been backed up. This report does not imply that the data in the datafile can not be recovered.C、 The my_data_01.dbf datafile has not yet been backed up. This report implies that the data in the datafile can not be recovered.D、 The my_data_01.dbf datafile no longer meets the retention criteria for backups.E、 Datafile 5 is missing.

考题 单选题What lessons can be learned from the past in this decade?A Private issue has always been associated with data collection.B Attacks on freedom are new.C The accumulation of data encourages oppression.D Privacy has been a neglected issue.

考题 单选题The best title for the passage would be ______.A Privacy on data filesB Heated attacks on the computerC Privacy issue caused by computerD Privacy has been long neglected

考题 单选题The best title for the passage would be ______.A Privacy on data files B Heated attacks on the computerC Privacy issue caused by computer D Privacy has been long neglected

考题 单选题Companycom has been performing scheduled backups of their data to tape using "tar" in a script for over one year with no problems. Recently, the tar command is returning a non zero return code during the backup phase, causing the script to fail. What is the primary cause of this problem?()A The files have grown to over eight gigabytes in sizeB The file systems are corrupt, and fsck should be runC The tape block size has been changed from the defaultD The user’s limit has been changed to less than eight gigabytes

考题 单选题A customer has 5 older POWER5 systems and they want to consolidate them onto a POWER6 system. What information is important to analyze when deciding how to design the new machine using the System Planning Tool?()A  vmstat and iostat data from the older machinesB  The number of CPUs that were installed in the original machinesC  Data from Workload Estimator (WLE) and IBM Performance Management (PM)D  Performance data that is collected from the new system after it has been put into production

考题 单选题WebSphere Commerce has been successfully installed and tested.  WebSphere Commerce Analyzer has been installed and the extraction programs have run with no errors but there is no data in any reports when viewed from the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.  What could be the cause of this problem?()A The WebSphere Commerce application server was not startedB The web server was not startedC SSL has not been configured on the web serverD The appropriate listeners were not enabled in Configuration ManagerE The database server was not started

考题 单选题Your ARPA has been tracking a target and has generated the targets course and speed.The radar did not receive a target echo on its last two scans due to the weather.What should you expect under these circumstances().A The ARPA will generate data as if the target was still being tracked by radarB The ARPA will give an audible and/or visual lost target alarmC The ARPA will generate data based on sea return echoes from the vicinity where the target was lostD The ARPA has lost all memory of the target and must recompute the target data

考题 单选题A customer has 5 older POWER5 systems and they want to consolidate them onto a POWER6 system. What information is important to analyze when deciding how to design the new machine using the System Planning Tool?()A  vmstat and iostat data from the older machines B  The number of CPUs that were installed in the original machines C  Data from Workload Estimator (WLE) and IBM Performance Management (PM) D  Performance data that is collected from the new system after it has been put into production

考题 单选题_____conscious of her moral obligations as a citizen.A Marsha was and always will beB Marsha has to be and always will beC Marsha had been and will always beD Marsha has been and will always be

考题 单选题What does the output on this report indicate?()   RMAN report need backup;  RMAN retention policy will be applied to the command  RMAN retention policy is set to redundancy 1  Report of files with less than 1 redundant backups  File #bkps Name  5 0 C:///ORACLE/ORADATA/ORCL/MY_DATA_01.DBFA  The my_data_01.dbf datafile is corrupted and needs to be restored.B  The my_data_01.dbf datafile has not yet been backed up. This report does not imply that the data in the datafile can not be recovered.C  The my_data_01.dbf datafile has not yet been backed up. This report implies that the data in the datafile can not be recovered.D  The my_data_01.dbf datafile no longer meets the retention criteria for backups.E  Datafile 5 is missing.

考题 判断题The privacy of members of organizations has been invaded through the creation and maintenance of data files of computers.A 对B 错

考题 单选题A system has a TCPIP issue that is a known problem. The newest code from the support website has been downloaded to resolve the issue. Which of the following commands should be used to install the new code?()A smitty install_commitB installp -ugVC installp -aXD instfix -all

考题 单选题A network technician is troubleshooting a network issue that has just been reported. Which of thefollowing troubleshooting steps should the technician take FIRST to help resolve this issue?()A Record the solution in the appropriate logs for future use.B Ask the user who reported the issue what past documentation they have.C Ask the user who reported the issue to explain the symptoms in detail.D Record what steps should be taken to resolve the issue.