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  • A、key
  • B、id
  • C、meta
  • D、data


更多 “在OSS中,用户操作的基本数据单元是Object,Object中不包含哪个元素?()A、keyB、idC、metaD、data” 相关考题
考题 在PowerBuilder应用程序中,对数据库数据的操作是通过下列哪一个对象进行的?A.Data WindowB.WindowC.ApplicationD.User Object

考题 阅读下列函数说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】类Queue表示队列,类中的方法如下表所示。类Node表示队列中的元素;类EmptyQueueException给出了队列操作中的异常处理操作。public class TestMain { //主类public static viod main (String args[]){Queue q=new Queue();q.enqueue("first!");q.enqueue("second!");q.enqueue("third!");(1) {while(true)System.out.println(q.dequeue());}catch( (2) ){ }}public class Queue { //队列Node m_FirstNode;public Queue(){m_FirstNode=null;}public boolean isEmpty(){if(m_FirstNode==null)return true;else return false;}public viod enqueue(Object newNode) { //入队操作Node next=m_FirstNode;if(next==null)m_FirstNode=new Node(newNode);else{while(next.getNext()!=null)next=next.getNext();next.setNext(new node(newNode));}}public Object dequeue() (3) { //出队操作Object node;if (isEempty())(4); //队列为空, 抛出异常else{node=m_FirstNode.getObject();m_FirstNode=m_FirstNode.getNext();return node;}}}public class Node{ //队列中的元素Object m_Data;Node m_Next;public Node(Object data) {m_Data=data; m_Next=null;}public Node(Object data, Node next) {m_Data=data; m_Next=-next;}public void setObject(Object data) {m_Data=data;}public Object getObject(Object data) {return m_data;}public void setNext(Node next) {m_Next=next;}public Node getNext() {return m_Next;}}public class EmptyQueueException extends (5) { //异常处理类public EmptyQueueException() {System.out.println("队列已空! ");}}

考题 阅读以下技术说明和Java代码,将Java程序中(1)~(5)空缺处的语句填写完整。[说明]类Queue表示队列,类中的方法如表4-12所示。类Node表示队列中的元素;类EmptyQueueException给出了队列中的异常处理操作。[Java代码]public class testmain { //主类public static viod main (string args[]) {Queue q= new Queue;q.enqueue("first!");q.enqueue("second!");q.enqueue("third!");(1) {while(true)system.out.println(q.dequeue());}catch( (2) ) { }}public class Queue { //队列node m_firstnode;public Queue(){m_firstnode=null;}public boolean isempty() {if (m_firstnode= =null)return true;elsereturn false;}public viod enqueue(object newnode) { //入队操作node next = m_firstnode;if (next = = null) m_firstnode=new node(newnode);else {while(next.getnext() !=null)next=next.getnext();next.setnext(new node(newnode));}}public object dequeue() (3) { //出队操作object node;if (is empty())(4)else {node =m_firstnode.getobject();m_firstnode=m_firstnode.getnext();return node;}}}public class node{ //队列中的元素object m_data;node m_next;public node(object data) {m_data=data; m_next=null;}public node(object data,node next) {m_data=data; m_next=next;}public void setobject(object data) {m_data=data; }public object getobject(object data) {return m_data; }public void setnext(node next) {m_next=next; }public node getnext() {return m_next; }}public class emptyqueueexception extends (5) { //异常处理类public emptyqueueexception() {system. out. println ( "队列已空!" );}}

考题 以下程序的输出结果是_____。 include class object {private:int val; public:objec 以下程序的输出结果是_____。include<iostream.h>class object{ private:int val;public:object( ) ;object(int i) ;~object( ) ;};object: :object( ){ val=0;cout < < "Default constructor for object" < < endl;}object: :object(int i){ val=i;cout < < "Constructor for object" < < val < < endl;}object: :~object( ){ cout < < "Destructor for object" < < val < < endl;}class container{ private:object one;object two;int data;public:container( ) ;container(int i,int j,int k) ;~container( ) ;};container: :container( ){ data=0;cout < < "Default constructor for container" < < endl;}container: :container(int i,int j,int k) :two(i) ,one(j){ data=k;cout < < "Constructor for container" < < endl;}container: :~container( ){ cout < < "Destructor for container" < < endl;}void main( ){ container anObj(5,6,10) ;}

考题 在PowerBuilder应用程序中,对数据库数据的操作是通过下列( )对象进行的。A.Data Window B.WindowC.Application D.User Object

考题 在JAVA中,Object类是所有类的父亲,用户自定义类默认扩展自Object类,下列选项中的( )方法不属于Object类的方法。A、equals(Objectobj)B、getClass()C、toString()D、trim()

考题 阅读以下说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。说明类Queue表示队列,类中的方法如下表所示。类Node表示队列中的元素;类EmptyQueueException 给出了队列操作中的异常处理操作。Java 代码public class TestMain{ // 主类public static void main(String args[]) {Queue q = new Queue();q.enqueue("first!");q.enqueue("second!");q.enqueue("third!");(1) {while(true)System.out.println(q. dequeue());}catch((2)) ( }}}public class Queue { // 队列Node m_FirstNode;public Queue() { m_FirstNode = null; }public boolean isEmpty() {if(m_FirstNode == null) return true;else return false;}public void enqueue(Object newNode) {// 入队操作Node next = m_FirstNode;if(next==null) m_FirstNode = new Node(newNode);else {while(next.getNext() != null) next = next.getNext();next.setNext(new Node(newNode));}}public Object dequeue() (3) {// 出队操作Object node;if (isEmpty())(4); // 队列为空,抛出异常else {node = m_FirstNode.getObject();m_FirstNode = m_FirstNode.getNext();return node;}}}public class Node { // 队列中的元素Object m_Data;Node m_Next;public Node(Object data) { m_Data = data; m_Next = null; }public Node(Object data, Node next) { m_Data = data; m_Next = next; }public void setObject(Object data) { m_Data = data; }public Object getObject0 { return m_Data; }public void setNext(Node next) { m_Next = next; }public Node getNext() { return m_Next; }}public class EmptyQueueException extends (5) { // 异常处理类public EmptyQueueException0 {System.out.println("队列已空 ! ");}}

考题 When an object receives a( ), methods contained within the object respond.A.parameter B.information C.message D.data

考题 对象是阿里云对象存储OSS存储数据的基本单元,也被称为是OSS的文件。每个对象由文件名(Key),用户数据(Data)和元信息(ObjectMeta)组成。其中,对象的元信息是一组键值对,表示对象的一些属性。OSS支持的文件操作包括()A、文件创建B、文件读取C、文件修改D、文件删除

考题 在OSS服务中,单个object的大小限制为()A、24.4TBB、50TBC、48.8TBD、38.8GB

考题 在OSS中,用户操作的基本数据单元是文件(Object),单个文件的最大允许大小根据上传数据方式不同而不同,下列哪种描述不属于OSS分块上传?()A、支持断点上传B、网络条件较差,经常连接断开C、上传超过100MB文件D、上传最大不得超过5GB

考题 对于阿里云OSS服务来说,每个Bucket中只能存放10000个Object。

考题 在OSSAPI中通过哪个参数的操作可以实现设置object头?()A、MultipartUploadB、GetObjectC、GetBucketD、CopyObject

考题 scala中的object描述下列那些正确()A、object是scala的关键字B、scala中的object和java中的object是一样的C、object本身就是一个单例对象D、scala中的object是一个伴生对象

考题 下列哪个控件可以通过绑定中间层对象来管理数据库()A、Sql Data SouceB、Xml Data SourceC、Object Data SourceD、Access Data Source

考题 在kafka中,数据的操作基本单元是哪个?()A、eventB、agentC、partitionD、topic

考题 下列关于scala中的object描述正确的是()A、object是scala的关键字B、scala中的object和java中的object是一样的C、object本身就是一个单例对象D、scala中的object是一个伴生对象

考题 在JAVA中,Object类是所有类的父亲,用户自定义类默认扩展自Object类,下列选项中的()方法不属于Object类的方法。A、equals(Object obj)B、getClass()C、toString()D、trim()

考题 有关Object Data Source说法正确的是()A、它只能绑定数据访问层方法,才能返回正确数据B、只有通过ADO.NET方式访问数据库C、使用Object Data Source需要在表现层写SQL语句操作数据库D、Object Data Source一般绑定业务逻辑层方法

考题 A developer chooses to avoid using SingleThreadModel but wants to ensure that data is updated in athread-safe manner. Which two can support this design goal?()A、Store the data in a local variable.B、Store the data in an instance variable.C、Store the data in the HttpSession object.D、Store the data in the ServletContext object.E、Store the data in the ServletRequest object.

考题 A Company.com developer chooses to avoid using SingleThreadModel but wants to ensure that data is updated in a thread-safe manner.  Which two can support this design goal?()A、 Store the data in a local variable.B、 Store the data in an instance variable.C、 Store the data in the HttpSession object.D、 Store the data in the ServletContext object.E、 Store the data in the ServletRequest object.

考题 You have a Web application that is configured for personalization. You need to access personalization data from one of the pages of the Web application by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. What should you do? ()A、Access the personalization data from the Session property of the HttpContext object.B、Access the personalization data from the Application property of the HttpContext object.C、Access the personalization data from the Cache property of the HttpContext object.D、Access the personalization data from the Profile property of the HttpContext object.

考题 You are developing an ASP.NET Web application. The application must pass an object that contains user-specific data between multiple pages. The object ismore than 100 KB in size when serialized.You need to minimize the amount of data is sent to the user. What should you do?()A、Pass the object data in a hidden field.B、Store the object instance in a session variable.C、Use a cookie that contains the object data.D、Encode the object data and pass it in a query string parameter.

考题 单选题有关Object Data Source说法正确的是()A 它只能绑定数据访问层方法,才能返回正确数据B 只有通过ADO.NET方式访问数据库C 使用Object Data Source需要在表现层写SQL语句操作数据库D Object Data Source一般绑定业务逻辑层方法

考题 多选题A Company.com developer chooses to avoid using SingleThreadModel but wants to ensure that data is updated in a thread-safe manner.  Which two can support this design goal?()AStore the data in a local variable.BStore the data in an instance variable.CStore the data in the HttpSession object.DStore the data in the ServletContext object.EStore the data in the ServletRequest object.

考题 单选题在JAVA中,Object类是所有类的父亲,用户自定义类默认扩展自Object类,下列选项中的()方法不属于Object类的方法。A equals(Object obj)B getClass()C toString()D trim()

考题 ( 难度:中等)在OSS服务中,单个object的大小限制为:A.24.4TBB.50TBC.48.8TBD.38.8GB