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An industrial corporate can meet its financial needs by seeking funds from the capital market.



C.Doesn't say


更多 “ An industrial corporate can meet its financial needs by seeking funds from the capital market.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say ” 相关考题
考题 The financial closeout of a project dictates that:A.All project funds have been spent.B.No charge numbers have been overrun.C.No follow-on work from this client is possible.D.No further charges can be made against the project.E.All of the above.

考题 Many companies self insure against some risk. Problems which can arise from self-insurance include:A failure to reserve funds to handle worst case scenarios (low probability events) resulting in severe financial damage to the companyB stiff competition from insurance companiesC confusion of business risks with insurable risks.D A and CE All of the above.

考题 163 Many companies self insure against some risk. Problems which can arise from self-insurance include:A. failure to reserve funds to handle worst case scenarios (low probability events) resulting in severe financial damage to the companyB. stiff competition from insurance companiesC. confusion of business risks with insurable risks.D. A and CE. All of the above

考题 – Excuse me. Could you tell me the best way to the China Bank from here? –() (A)No, I can’t say that.(B) You can’t miss it.(C) Sorry, I’m new around here, too.(D) Please don’t say so.

考题 ● The financial closeout of a project dictates that:A All project funds have been spent.B No charge numbers have been overrun.C No follow-on work from this client is possible.D No further charges can be made against the project.E All of the above.

考题 The writer mentioned the case of the United States to justify the policy of _______ .A providing financial support overseasB preventing foreign capital's controlC building industrial infrastructureD accepting foreign investment

考题 According to this passage, a money marketA.provides convenient services to its customers.B.has close contact with the individuals or firms seeking funds.C.maintains accounts with various retailers of financial services.D.is made up of institutions who specialize in handling wholesale monetary transactions.

考题 (c) Comment on the matters to be considered in seeking to determine the extent of Indigo Co’s financial lossresulting from the alleged fraud. (6 marks)

考题 The recovery of funds of a commercial bank is ideally managed on a parallel with its expenditure.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

考题 听力原文:Commercial banks are mainly to provide short-term loans for the capital market with the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.(2)A.Commercial banks mainly provide short-term loans for the capital market.B.The capital market mainly depends on the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.C.Short-term loans are mainly from the acquired deposits and the funds from other channels.D.Commercial banks mainly depend on the capital market for deposits and the funds.

考题 听力原文:Seeking to maximize profits by assuming inappropriately large financial risk can cause investors to lose sleep.(2)A.Assuming inappropriately large financial risk can cause investors to lose sleep.B.Financial risk will not cause investors to lose sleep.C.Seeking to maximize profits appropriately can cause investors to lose sleep.D.No matter how much they earn, the investors will lose sleep.

考题 Apart from borrowing from hanks, a firm or an individual can obtain funds in a financial market in two ways. The most common method is to issue a (61) , such as a bond or a mortgage, which is a (62) by the borrower to pay the holder of it at (63) until a specified date, when a final payment is made. The (64) of it is the time of expiration date. The second method of raising funds is by issuing (65) , such as common stock, which are claims to share in the net income and the assets of a business.(46)A.debt instrumentB.letter of creditC.letter of guaranteeD.certificate of deposit

考题 The borrower may draw the funds from the credit aggregates within the time limit for expanding their operations.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

考题 Nowadays a private business usually obtains its working capital through a commercial bank.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

考题 What is the main function of deposit insurance fund?A.To ensure that the banks have sufficient fund to finance other economic sectors.B.To protect the banks from all kinds of risks arising from their operation.C.To meet requirements of financial needs of the public.D.To pledge to depositors that their money is safe whenever a bank is insolvency.

考题 We can learn from the second paragraph of the passage that there are some equations of market which can explain the demand and supply of the currency of a country.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

考题 According to the passage, companies can have different classes of stock mainly because the company wants ______.A.to keep the financial costs at a certain levelB.to still have the control over the companyC.to keep the stock price from droppingD.to attract more capital from the public

考题 The correspondent bank can only make money for its services to other banks from deposit balances maintained by bank customers.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

考题 A Certificate of Financial Responsibility attests that the vessel ______.A.has financial backing to meet any liability resulting from the discharge of oilB.has the minimum required amount of P & I and hull insuranceC.will assume the responsibility for any damage or loss to the shipperD.has financial reserves to meet reasonable expected crew costs of an intended voyage

考题 Every government that refuses to meet the needs of its people must accept the( ).A.consequences B.endings C.results D.outcome

考题 根据以下内容,回答233-236题。 The Hidden Price Tag For many small or recently established businesses, finding sources of capital can be difficult. Companies are often in need of funds before they can build a stable customer base, so they are forced to turn to investors. Many such businesses soon discover, however, that this borrowed money can come at a high price. If entrepreneurs are not careful about which investors they do business with, their companies can suffer the consequences. The most common problem, according to financial experts, are investment deals that allow the investor to take control of key operations away from the company's management. Struggling firms and new businesses facing mounting start-up costs can be easily tempted to take the offer that provides them with the most money, regardless of the deal's conditions. Unfortunately, the biggest investment usually comes with the most strings attached. For example, some deals give the venture capital finn seats on the board of the company it invests in. From this position, the investor has the ability to control all aspects of a company's operations,including decisions concerning mergers or sales. This situation may remain tolerable as long as the investor and the management share the same goals. Yet, the investor will inevitably choose to protect its own interests over those of the company, creating a conflict that the company is then helpless to prevent. The best advice analysts have for businesses seeking investment capital is to thoroughly analyze any deal before agreeing to it. Sometimes, the control that must be given up is worth much more than the money being offered. Who would be most interested in this article?A.An analyst working for an investment finn B.A member on the board of a successful company C.A representative of a large venture capital group D.An entrepreneur in need of funds for a new business

考题 资料:New York and London may rule the roost, but other financial hubs in America and Europe have managed to carve out useful specialist niches for themselves. Chicago, for instance, has consolidated its position as the world’s derivatives center, and Houston, the largest city in Texas, is home to America’s biggest energy firms and has spawned an active cluster of energy traders and hedge funds. Europe has also developed a diverse set of financial centers ranging from big cities to island havens such as Jersey and to niche markets such as Luxembourg and Dublin. Edinburg, an established banking center, is now touting itself as a low-cost alternative for financial operations. Among the larger hubs, Frankfurt is an important center for banking and derivatives trading through Eurex, a German-Swiss exchange, with significantly lower costs than London. Switzerland’s twin financial centers, Geneva and Zurich, have done well in their specialists of private banking, wealth management and insurance. The main attractions are low taxes, political stability and a reputation for discretion. Urs Roth from the Swiss Bankers Association says, however, that given its tiny domestic market, Switzerland has had to fight for open markets on an international scale. Paris has long lagged far behind London, dogged by a reputation for excessive regulation and high taxes. The new government is aware that some of France’s best financial brains have crossed the Channel for more lucrative careers in London. Yet Paris has many advantages: a large number of international banks; more international companies than Frankfurt; and easy access to regulators. It has the largest market in Europe for trading in mutual funds. Few would dispute that Paris offers an attractive quality of life and has good transport links. What makes Paris a place to watch just now is the NYSE’s recent merger with Euronext. The combined group will base its international equities business in the French capital. Euronext, which operates exchanges in five European countries, also illustrates the importance of a common language. Financial executives around the world increasingly view Europe as a single market. Soon a new European rule called MiFID (Markets in Financial Instrument Directive) is due to be implemented. It aims to increase competition among and transparency within financial markets. Financiers in other parts of the world are wondering how to achieve a similar degree of cross-border financial integration. What can be inferred from the passage?A.New York is the world’s largest financial hub. B.Houston is the world’s biggest center for energy trading and hedge funds. C.The Europe has as many financial centers as the United States. D.Different financial centers have different specialist features.

考题 单选题A Certificate of Financial Responsibility attests that the vessel().A has financial backing to meet any liability resulting from the discharge of oilB has the minimum required amount of P I and hull insuranceC will assume the responsibility for any damage or loss to the shipperD has financial reserves to meet reasonable expected crew costs of an intended voyage

考题 单选题People from the European Union can apply for the post.A RightB WrongC Doesn’t say

考题 单选题Failure to meet customer needs can lead to_____.A overemphasis on the service formatB decreased corporate revenueC misunderstanding of customer satisfactionD customers’ complaints

考题 单选题Failure to meet customer needs can lead to______.A overemphasis on the service format.B decreased corporate revenue.C misunderstanding of customer satisfaction.D customers’ complaints.

考题 问答题Passage 14Questions 8—12  ● Read the article below about GE.  ● Choose the best sentence from the opposite page to fill each of the gaps.  ● For each gap (8—12), mark one letter (A—G) on your Answer Sheet.  ● Do not use any letter more than once.  ● There is an example at the beginning, (0).A slipping crown  For decades America’s General Electric (GE) has worn its AAA credit rating as a badge of pride. The company has also used it to mint money in its financial-services business, GE Capital. No longer (0)______. That added insult to the injury that GE has already suffered.  Last year the outfit generated a profit of $8.6 billion or almost 48% of GE’s total earnings. By exploiting its AAA rating, GE Capital was able to raise capital cheaply and then deploy it to fund everything from commercial-property and home loans to credit-card lending and insurance. (8)______. Announcing its decision to downgrade the business, SP predicted rising credit losses in coming months in several areas of GE Capital’s portfolio.  Although GE’s demotion from AAA was bad news, it triggered a rise in the firm’s shares, which had recently been trading at about the same price as one of the light bulbs that the company makes. (9)______. They may also have taken comfort from the agency’s conclusion that GE’s industrial businesses should continue to pump oodles of cash, in spite of the global downturn.  Yet some financial analysts are still fretting that GE Capital’s portfolio may contain more nasty surprises. (10)______. They also wonder out loud whether Moody’s, another rating agency, will take a more pessimistic view of GE’s prospects when it finishes a review of the AAA rating that it still assigns to the firm.  Next week GE plans to hold an in-depth briefing on the state of the assets in GE Capital’s portfolio, which will help to dispel the cloud still hanging over the business. It has also been telling anyone who will listen that it doesn’t expect this week’s downgrade to have a significant impact on its business, though it does plan to keep shrinking GE Capital’s activities so that the unit represents no more than 30% of total profit. (11)______. GE is sitting on $48 billion of cash and has already raised over 90% of its long-term debt needs for this year—no mean feat in a dire credit market.  The company also plans to slash its dividend from the second half of 2009, which it reckons to conserve an additional $9 billion a year on an ongoing basis. (12)______.. In his annual letter to shareholders published recently, Mr. Immelt admitted that GE’S reputation had been “tarnished”.  A. This has made some of the company’s small investors apoplectic; they have grown used to juicy dividend payments.  B. Jeff Immelt, GE’s CEO, has said that the overall company will continue to manage itself like a AAA-rated firm, notably by keeping plenty of liquidity to hand.  C. Resolving lingering doubts over GE Capital quickly will be essential if one of America’s most iconic companies is to regain its shine.  D. They point out that the business does not mark many of its assets to their market price—a practice that has blown huge holes in the finances of many big banks.  E. No doubt investors were relieved that SP didn’t make an even deeper cut in the company’s rating.  F. But the chaos triggered by the credit crunch has taken the shine off GE’s cash machine, which has seen some of its property and other loans turn sour.  G. SP stripped the company and its financial arm of their top-notch ratings, downgrading them to AA-plus.