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You are connected to a pluggable database (PDB) as a common user with DBA privileges. The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is PDB_MODIFIABLE. You execute the following: SQL > ALTER SYSTEM SET STATISTICS_LEVEL = ALL SID = ‘*’ SCOPE = SPFILE; Which is true about the result of this command?()

The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to all whenever this PDB is re-opened.


The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to ALL whenever any PDB is reopened.


The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to all whenever the multitenant container database (CDB) is restarted.


Nothing happens; because there is no SPFILE for each PDB, the statement is ignored.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You are connected to a pluggable database (PDB) as a common user with DBA privileges. The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is PDB_MODIFIABLE. You execute the following: SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET STATISTICS_LEVEL = ALL SID = ‘*’ SCOPE = SPFILE; Which is true about the result of this command?()A The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to all whenever this PDB is re-opened.B The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to ALL whenever any PDB is reopened.C The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to all whenever the multitenant container database (CDB) is restarted.D Nothing happens; because there is no SPFILE for each PDB, the statement is ignored.” 相关考题
考题 Your multitenant container database has three pluggable databases (PDBs): PDB1, PDB2, and PDB3.Which two RMAN commands may be; used to back up only the PDB1 pluggable database?() A. BACKUP PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB1 while connected to the root containerB. BACKUP PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB1 while connected to the PDB1 containerC. BACKUP DATABASE while connected to the PDB1 containerD. BACKUP DATABASE while connected to the boot containerE. BACKUP PLUGGABLE database PDB1 while connected to PDB2

考题 Which three statements are true about the working of system privileges in a multitenant control database(CDB) that has pluggable databases (PDBs)?() A. System privileges apply only to the PDB in which they are used.B. Local users cannot use local system privileges on the schema of a common user.C. The granter of system privileges must possess the set container privilege.D. Common users connected to a PDB can exercise privileges across other PDBs.E. System privileges with the with grant option container all clause must be granted to a common user before the common user can grant privileges to other users.

考题 You are connected using SQL* Plus to a multitenant container database (CDB) with SYSDBA privilegesand execute the following sequence statements:What is the result of the last SET CONTAINER statement and why is it so?()A. It succeeds because the PDB_ADMIN user has the required privileges.B. It fails because common users are unable to use the SET CONTAINER statement.C. It fails because local users are unable to use the SET CONTAINER statement.D. If fails because the SET CONTAINER statement cannot be used with PDB$SEED as the target pluggable database (PDB).

考题 In your multitenant container database (CDB) with two pluggable database (PDBs). You want to create a new PDB by using SQL Developer.Which statement is true?() A. The CDB must be open.B. The CDB must be in the mount stage.C. The CDB must be in the nomount stage.D. Alt existing PDBs must be closed.

考题 Your multitenant container database (CDB) contains a pluggable database, HR_PDB. The default permanent tablespace in HR_PDB is USERDATA. The container database (CDB) is open and you connect RMAN.You want to issue the following RMAN command:RMAN BACKUP TABLESPACE hr_pdb:userdata;Which task should you perform before issuing the command?()A. Place the root container in ARHCHIVELOG mode.B. Take the user data tablespace offline.C. Place the root container in the nomount stage.D. Ensure that HR_PDB is open.

考题 Which two statements are true concerning the Resource Manager plans for individual pluggabledatabases (PDB plans) in a multitenant container database (CDB)?() A. If no PDB plan is enabled for a pluggable database, then all sessions for that PDB are treated to an equal degree of the resource share of that pdb.B. In a PDB plan, subplans may be used with up to eight consumer groups.C. If a PDB plan is enabled for a pluggable database, then resources are allocated to consumer groups across all PDBs in the cdb.D. If no PDB plan is enabled for a pluggable database, then the PDB share in the CDB plan is dynamically calculated.E. If a PDB plan is enabled for a pluggable database, then resources are allocated to consumer groups based on the shares provided to the PDB in the CDB plan and the shares provided to the consumer groups in the PDB plan.

考题 You create a new pluggable database, HR_PDB, from the seed database. Which three tablespaces arecreated by default in HR_PDB?() A.SYSTEMB.SYSAUXC.EXAMPLED.UNDOE.TEMPF.USERS

考题 Which statement is true concerning dropping a pluggable database (PDB)?() A. The PDB must be open in read-only mode.B. The PDB must be in mount state.C. The PDB must be unplugged.D. The PDB data files are always removed from disk.E. A dropped PDB can never be plugged back into a multitenant container database (CDB).

考题 Your multitenant container database (CDB) is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. You connect to the CDB RMAN.Examine the following command and its output:You execute the following command:RMAN BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG;Which data files will be backed up?()A. Data files that belong to only the root containerB. Data files that belong to the root container and all the pluggable databases (PDBs)C. Data files that belong to only the root container and PDB$SEEDD. Data files that belong to the root container and all the PDBs excluding PDB$SEED

考题 Your multitenant container database, CDB1, is running in ARCHIVELOG mode and has two pluggable databases, HR_PDB and ACCOUNTS_PDB. An RMAN backup exists for the database.You issue the command to open ACCOUNTS_PDB and find that the USERDATA.DBF data file for the default permanent tablespace USERDATA belonging to ACCOUNTS_PDB is corrupted.What should you do before executing the commands to restore and recover the data file in ACCOUNTS_PDB?()A. Place CDB1 in the mount stage and then the USERDATA tablespace offline in ACCOUNTS_PDb.B. Place CDB1 in the mount stage and issue the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE accounts_pdb CLOSE IMMEDIATE command.C. Issue the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE accounts_pdb RESTRICTED command.D. Take the USERDATA tablespace offline in ACCOUNTS_PDb.

考题 You create a new pluggable database, HR_PDB, from the seed database. Which three tablespaces arecreated by default in HR_PDB?()A、SYSTEMB、SYSAUXC、EXAMPLED、UNDOE、TEMPF、USERS

考题 Which statement is true concerning dropping a pluggable database (PDB)?()A、The PDB must be open in read-only mode.B、The PDB must be in mount state.C、The PDB must be unplugged.D、The PDB data files are always removed from disk.E、A dropped PDB can never be plugged back into a multitenant container database (CDB).

考题 Which three statements are true concerning unplugging a pluggable database (PDB)?()A、The PDB must be open in read only mode.B、The PDB must be dosed.C、The unplugged PDB becomes a non-cdb.D、The unplugged PDB can be plugged into the same multitenant container database (CDB)E、The unplugged PDB can be plugged into another cdb.F、The PDB data files are automatically removed from disk.

考题 Identify three valid methods of opening, pluggable databases (PDBs).()A、ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN ALL ISSUED from the rootB、ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN ALL ISSUED from a pdbC、ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from the seedD、ALTER DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from the rootE、ALTER DATABASE OPEN issued from that pdbF、ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from another pdbG、ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN issued from that pdb

考题 Which three statements are true about the working of system privileges in a multitenant control database(CDB) that has pluggable databases (PDBs)?()A、System privileges apply only to the PDB in which they are used.B、Local users cannot use local system privileges on the schema of a common user.C、The granter of system privileges must possess the set container privilege.D、Common users connected to a PDB can exercise privileges across other PDBs.E、System privileges with the with grant option container all clause must be granted to a common user before the common user can grant privileges to other users.

考题 单选题You are connected using SQL* Plus to a multitenant container database (CDB) with SYSDBA privilegesand execute the following sequence statements:What is the result of the last SET CONTAINER statement and why is it so?()A It succeeds because the PDB_ADMIN user has the required privileges.B It fails because common users are unable to use the SET CONTAINER statement.C It fails because local users are unable to use the SET CONTAINER statement.D If fails because the SET CONTAINER statement cannot be used with PDB$SEED as the target pluggable database (PDB).

考题 多选题You create a new pluggable database, HR_PDB, from the seed database. Which three tablespaces arecreated by default in HR_PDB?()ASYSTEMBSYSAUXCEXAMPLEDUNDOETEMPFUSERS

考题 单选题Which statement is true concerning dropping a pluggable database (PDB)?()A The PDB must be open in read-only mode.B The PDB must be in mount state.C The PDB must be unplugged.D The PDB data files are always removed from disk.E A dropped PDB can never be plugged back into a multitenant container database (CDB).

考题 多选题Identify three valid methods of opening, pluggable databases (PDBs).()AALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN ALL ISSUED from the rootBALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN ALL ISSUED from a pdbCALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from the seedDALTER DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from the rootEALTER DATABASE OPEN issued from that pdbFALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from another pdbGALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN issued from that pdb

考题 单选题Your multitenant container database (CDB) contains a pluggable database, HR_PDB. The default permanent tablespace in HR_PDB is USERDATA. The container database (CDB) is open and you connect RMAN. You want to issue the following RMAN command: RMAN BACKUP TABLESPACE hr_pdb:userdata; Which task should you perform before issuing the command?()A Place the root container in ARHCHIVELOG mode.B Take the user data tablespace offline.C Place the root container in the nomount stage.D Ensure that HR_PDB is open.

考题 单选题Your multitenant container database, CDB1, is running in ARCHIVELOG mode and has two pluggable databases, HR_PDB and ACCOUNTS_PDB. An RMAN backup exists for the database. You issue the command to open ACCOUNTS_PDB and find that the USERDATA.DBF data file for the default permanent tablespace USERDATA belonging to ACCOUNTS_PDB is corrupted. What should you do before executing the commands to restore and recover the data file in ACCOUNTS_PDB?()A Place CDB1 in the mount stage and then the USERDATA tablespace offline in ACCOUNTS_PDb.B Place CDB1 in the mount stage and issue the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE accounts_pdb CLOSE IMMEDIATE command.C Issue the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE accounts_pdb RESTRICTED command.D Take the USERDATA tablespace offline in ACCOUNTS_PDb.

考题 多选题Your multitenant container database has three pluggable databases (PDBs): PDB1, PDB2, and PDB3.Which two RMAN commands may be; used to back up only the PDB1 pluggable database?()ABACKUP PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB1 while connected to the root containerBBACKUP PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB1 while connected to the PDB1 containerCBACKUP DATABASE while connected to the PDB1 containerDBACKUP DATABASE while connected to the boot containerEBACKUP PLUGGABLE database PDB1 while connected to PDB2

考题 单选题You are connected to a pluggable database (PDB) as a common user with DBA privileges. The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is PDB_MODIFIABLE. You execute the following: SQL ALTER SYSTEM SET STATISTICS_LEVEL = ALL SID = ‘*’ SCOPE = SPFILE; Which is true about the result of this command?()A The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to all whenever this PDB is re-opened.B The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to ALL whenever any PDB is reopened.C The STATISTICS_LEVEL parameter is set to all whenever the multitenant container database (CDB) is restarted.D Nothing happens; because there is no SPFILE for each PDB, the statement is ignored.

考题 多选题Which three statements are true about the working of system privileges in a multitenant control database(CDB) that has pluggable databases (PDBs)?()ASystem privileges apply only to the PDB in which they are used.BLocal users cannot use local system privileges on the schema of a common user.CThe granter of system privileges must possess the set container privilege.DCommon users connected to a PDB can exercise privileges across other PDBs.ESystem privileges with the with grant option container all clause must be granted to a common user before the common user can grant privileges to other users.

考题 多选题Which two statements are true concerning the Resource Manager plans for individual pluggabledatabases (PDB plans) in a multitenant container database (CDB)?()AIf no PDB plan is enabled for a pluggable database, then all sessions for that PDB are treated to an equal degree of the resource share of that pdb.BIn a PDB plan, subplans may be used with up to eight consumer groups.CIf a PDB plan is enabled for a pluggable database, then resources are allocated to consumer groups across all PDBs in the cdb.DIf no PDB plan is enabled for a pluggable database, then the PDB share in the CDB plan is dynamically calculated.EIf a PDB plan is enabled for a pluggable database, then resources are allocated to consumer groups based on the shares provided to the PDB in the CDB plan and the shares provided to the consumer groups in the PDB plan.

考题 单选题Your multitenant container database (CDB) is running in ARCHIVELOG mode. You connect to the CDB RMAN. Examine the following command and its output: You execute the following command: RMAN BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG; Which data files will be backed up?()A Data files that belong to only the root containerB Data files that belong to the root container and all the pluggable databases (PDBs)C Data files that belong to only the root container and PDB$SEEDD Data files that belong to the root container and all the PDBs excluding PDB$SEED

考题 多选题Which three statements are true concerning the multitenant architecture?()AEach pluggable database (PDB) has its own set of background processes.BA PDB can have a private temp tablespace.CPDBs can share the sysaux tablespace.DLog switches occur only at the multitenant container database (CDB) level.EDifferent PDBs can have different default block sizes.FPDBs share a common system tablespace.GInstance recovery is always performed at the CDB level.

考题 多选题Which three statements are true concerning unplugging a pluggable database (PDB)?()AThe PDB must be open in read only mode.BThe PDB must be dosed.CThe unplugged PDB becomes a non-cdb.DThe unplugged PDB can be plugged into the same multitenant container database (CDB)EThe unplugged PDB can be plugged into another cdb.FThe PDB data files are automatically removed from disk.