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According to the passage, the use of an adjustable mirror increases the oven temperature by ______.

80-120 degrees Celsius


at least 80 degrees Celsius


up to 30 degrees Celsius


up to 15 degrees Celsius


题干中的关键词为adjustable mirror,从而定位到第二段倒数第五句,该句指出安装在炉箱一旁的adjustable mirror可把太阳光反射到炉箱内部,从而把温度提升到15-30 degrees Celsius(摄氏度),可知该可调镜可将炉箱温度最高提升到30摄氏度,故选C。
更多 “单选题According to the passage, the use of an adjustable mirror increases the oven temperature by ______.A 80-120 degrees CelsiusB at least 80 degrees CelsiusC up to 30 degrees CelsiusD up to 15 degrees Celsius” 相关考题
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考题 Two degrees port off the ().A、lineB、routeC、rudderD、course

考题 The temperature now is 6 degrees()zero centigrade.A、onB、lowC、lowerD、below

考题 单选题In how many months are both cities' average temperature above 60 degrees?A 5B 6C 7D 8E 9

考题 单选题A helmsman receives the command “Right 15 degrees rudder.”The helmsman’s IMMEDIATE reply should be().A Aye Aye SirB Right 15 degrees rudderC Rudder is right 15 degreesD No reply is necessary,just carry out the order

考题 单选题Passage3 Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage. When we accept the evidence of our unaided eyes and describe the Sun as a yellow star,we have summed up the most important single fact about it-at this moment in time.It appears probable, however, that sunlight will be the color we know for only a negligibly(微不足道的)small part of the Sun's history. Stars, like individuals, age and change.As we look out into space,we see around us stars at all stages of evolution.There are faint blooded dwarfs so cool that their surface temperature is a mere 4,000 degrees Fahrenheit; there are scaring ghosts blazing at 100,000 degrees Fahrenheit and almost too hot to be seen, for the great part of their radiation is in the invisible ultraviolet range.Obviously, thedaylight produced by any star depends on its temperature, today (and for ages to come) our Sun is at about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and this means that most of the Sun's light is concentrated in the yellow band of the spectrum, falling slowly in intensity toward both the longer and shorter light waves. That yellowhump will shift as the Sun evolves,and the light of the day will change accordingly.(80) It is natural to assume that as the Sun grows older, and uses up its hydrogen fuel-which it is now doing at the spanking rate of half a billion tons a second-it will become steadily colder and redder.14 According to the passage, as the Sun continues to age, what color is it likely to become?A Yellow.B Violet.C Red.D White.

考题 单选题()(舵角多少)? ----Twenty degrees on port.A How answersB What rudderC How rudderD B+C

考题 问答题◆Topic 8: Is education Losing its Value?  Questions for reference:  1. Some people think that this increased access to education is devaluing degrees. What’s your point of view?  2. What can the degrees bring to people?  3. Do you think it’s necessary to have increased emphasis on degrees in our society? Why?

考题 单选题Two degrees port off the ().A lineB routeC rudderD course

考题 单选题My gyro-compass()is two degrees east.A troubleB errorC wrongD mistake

考题 问答题The approximately 65,000 images the Surveyor orbiter has beamed home in the nearly three years it has been circling Mars are full of this kind of expected hydro-scarring. But some of the pictures took scientists by surprise. The older a formation is, the more likely it is to have been distorted over the eons--smoothed by periodic windstorms or gouged by the occasional incoming meteor. However, a few of the newly discovered water channels look flesh. That discovery has lead astonished researchers to conclude that these channels may have been recently formed. Paleontologists have long assumed that if underground water was going to bubble up on Mars, it would have to be somewhere in the balmy equatorial zones, where temperatures at noon in midsummer may reach 68 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Centigrade). Almost all the new channels, however, were discovered at the planet’s relative extremes--north of 30 degrees north latitude and south of 30 degrees south latitude--and all were carved on the cold, shaded sides of slopes.

考题 单选题The helm command PORT TWENTY means().A change course twenty degrees to the leftB put the rudder left twenty degreesC put the rudder hard left for the first twenty degrees of swingD put the rudder left twenty degrees and then ease back as the vessel starts swinging

考题 单选题The ship has a list of 5 degrees()starboard.A onB toC forD of

考题 单选题At that time my ship and others were()within 40 degrees of the compass.A yawingB movinC turningD pitching

考题 单选题I have altered course to 245 degrees for().A identifyB identifierC identityD identification

考题 单选题In the Latin American countries, titles and degrees lend prestige and social status to the individual.A achievementB certificateC knowledgeD honor

考题 单选题Downwind for 1 miles,alter to starboard 90 degrees,go down this course for 1 mile;Then alter 90 degrees to starboard and go down this course for 2 miles;Then alter 90 degrees to starboard and go down this course for 2 miles;Keep adding 1 mile ever time you alter to starboard.This operation is()search patternA Williamson TurnB ParallelC SectorD Expanded

考题 单选题The auxiliary steering gear must be capable of being brought speedily into operation and be able to put the rudder over from 15 degrees on one side to 15 degrees on the other side in no more than () with the ship at its deepest service draught and running ahead at the greater of one half of the maximum service speed or ().A 28 seconds;7 knotsB 28 seconds;14 knotsC 60 seconds;7 knotsD 60 seconds;14 knots

考题 单选题The main steering gear must be able to steer the ship at maximum ahead service speed and be capable at this speed, and at the ships deepest service draught, of putting the rudder from 35 degrees on one side to 30 degrees on the other side within no ().A more than 28 secondsB more than 60 secondsC less than 28 secondsD less than 60 seconds

考题 单选题A helmsman receives the command Right 15 degrees rudder. The helmsman’s IMMEDIATE reply should be().A Aye Aye SirB Right 15 degrees rudderC Rudder is right 15D No reply is necessary,just carry out the order

考题 单选题My gyro-compass error is().A east two degreesB two degrees eastC two east degreesD two-degrees east