英语中级口译岗位资格证书考试 问题列表
问题 单选题Breeding the hybrid offspring to fix desirable traits is called ______.A naturally selectingB inbreedingC pedigree breedingD pure-breeding

问题 单选题Dr. Hartmann is mentioned in the passage ______.A as the opponent of Dr. Ian OswaldB because he has strange sleeping habitsC as the pioneering sleep scientistD because of his observation and analysis of sleep habits

问题 问答题Practice 7  中国积极致力于推进国际军控、裁军与防扩散事业。迄今为止,中国已加入了所有国际军控与防扩散条约。在防扩散方面,中国一贯严格履行所承担的国际义务,积极致力于中国防扩散机制的法制化建设,已建立起一个相当完备的防扩散出口控制体系。  中国政府一向重视人权并为此做出了不懈的努力。中国已加入了包括《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》在内的18项人权公约,并已签署了《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》。

问题 问答题Practice 7  As you approach Wolfeboro from any direction you will pass by lovely old homes and inns until you arrive at the picturesque center of the village with views of Wolfeboro Bay and the lake beyond. Along Main Street you will find channing boutiques and specialty shops of every description, a range of restaurants from casual family spots to historic inn dining rooms and taverns. A beautifully situated park on the lake's shore provides a perfect spot to savor an ice cream while watching the boats darting about on the bay or the exciting arrival of the famous M/S Mount Washington as she docks nearby. This park hosts many cultural and entertaining events throughout the year and is the center point for summertime entertainment. Visitors will enjoy such events as musical performances, fine art shows, craft fairs, the New England Antique Boat Museum, fireworks and many other activities.  A unique way to view Lake Winnipesaukee and its natural surroundings is by Kayak. Views of this region provide a great escape into nature.

问题 问答题Practice 2  位于上海老城厢的豫园是著名的古典园林,距今已有400多年历史。花园设计独特,具有明清两代南方的建筑艺术的风格。园内共有40余景,均有回廊曲径可通,亭台楼阁、假山池塘布局精致,有“小中见大”之特色,在有限的空间创造出无限的意境,完美地展示了宏伟秀丽的景色  豫园前面有一漂亮的莲花池,池上有九曲桥,桥中央有湖心亭。湖心亭重建于1784年,后改为茶楼。这个上海著名的茶楼深受老年人喜爱,他们喜欢在这里喝茶聊天。

问题 单选题According to the passage, one of the reasons why readers in the 1920s and 130s were attracted by free insurance policies was that ______.A they were afraid of being unable to workB jobs were more dangerous thenC they had bigger families to look afterD money was given away with the policies

问题 问答题Practice 1  Twenty years ago, Motorola looked upon the Japanese with something close to fear. The Chicago company’s television-manufacturing division had been large and profitable in the 1960s. By the early 1970s, however, high costs and a rising tide of inexpensive Japanese TVs were taking a heavy toll. “The Japanese were very aggressive”, recalls Motorola spokesman Mario Salvadori. “They wanted to get market share.” With cutthroat pricing, they did—eventually running nearly every U.S. electronic company out of the TV business. Motorola sold its Quasar TV unit to a Japanese company in 1974. But while other U.S. companies were floored for foreign competition, Motorola refocused its energies, It turned to wireless communications—an industry it had pioneered (with mobile radios and walkie-talkie) in the 1920s. It was a prescient move.

问题 单选题To achieve the desired result, humorous stories should be delivered ______.A in well-worded languageB as awkwardly as possibleC in exaggerated statementsD as casually as possible

问题 问答题Practice 1  A symbol of abundance to the rest of the world, the Amazon is experiencing a crisis of overfishing. As stocks of the most popular species diminish to worrisome levels, tensions are growing between subsistence fishermen and their commercial rivals, who are eager to enrich their bottom line and satisfy the growing appetite for fish of city-dwellers in Brazil and abroad.  In response, peasants up and down the Amazon, here in Brazil and in neighboring countries like Peru, are forming cooperatives to control fish catches and restock their rivers and lakes. But that effort, increasingly successful, has only encouraged the commercial fishing operations, as well as some of the peasants' less disciplined neighbors, to step up their depredations.  “The industrial fishing boats, the big 20- to 30-ton vessels, they have a different mentality than us artisanal fishermen, who have learned to take the protection of the environment into account,” said the president of the local fishermen's union. “They want to sweep everything up with their dragnets and then move on, benefiting from our work and sacrifice and leaving us with nothing.”

问题 单选题We learn from the passage that the author ______.A revises someone else’s opinionB explains an opinion of his ownC favors one of the three opinionsD comments on three different opinions

问题 单选题What made the most negative impression on foreign visitors?A The country’s vastness.B The informal friendliness of Americans.C The fact that the American accent is hard to understand.D The fact that not many Americans can speak a foreign language.

问题 问答题Practice 7  我们宿舍里没有穿衣镜,饭厅门口倒是有一面。每当我穿上一件漂亮的新连衣裙,我就禁不住暗暗地想往镜子里瞧瞧自己。但总是在要去瞧的时候就感到特别不自在而踉跄离去——总是在关键时刻打了退堂鼓。  我就是这么羞怯,简直羞怯得不可救药!  我从小就对自己没有信心,这是问题的根子。这种情绪使我受到一点点表扬都会难为情,使我怎么也说不出一个“不”,字,也使我不敢向父母多要一分钱。此外,这种缺乏信心的情况也影响了我对钢琴的热爱。(《爱梦想的羞怯女孩》——在美)

问题 问答题Practice 4 介绍说明

问题 问答题Practice 6  如今游客可以以多种方式进入西藏,他们可以乘汽车从新疆、青海、四川或云南到西藏,也可以乘飞机从北京、成都或重庆到拉萨。  现代游客渴望重返大自然,欣赏大自然。西藏地域广阔、人口稀少,高山白雪皑皑、森林郁郁葱葱、杜鹃满山遍野,河流奔腾不息,湖泊静谧安详。这里绝大多数地方没有污染,散发着淡谈的原始醇香。在这里人们可以尽情地享受大自然的恩赐。

问题 单选题The second paragraph is written chiefly to show that ______.A there will be an acute labor shortage in the near futureB baby-boomers contribute much to the U. S. economic outputC government policies concerning older people are out-datedD older workers are enthusiastic about collecting social benefits