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Which two statements are true about a Work Item with "Open" Notification? ()(Choose two.)

The Work Item is not eligible for Purge.


The Work Item is eligible for a Permanent purge.


The Work Item is eligible for a Temporary purge.


The Work Item is not complete because it still has Open Notification.


The Work Item is eligible for both Temporary and Permanent purge.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题Which two statements are true about a Work Item with "Open" Notification? ()(Choose two.)AThe Work Item is not eligible for Purge.BThe Work Item is eligible for a Permanent purge.CThe Work Item is eligible for a Temporary purge.DThe Work Item is not complete because it still has Open Notification.EThe Work Item is eligible for both Temporary and Permanent purge.” 相关考题
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