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You want to create a filter for your web application and your filter will implement javax.servlet.Filter. Which two statements are true?()

Your filter class must implement an init method and a destroy method.


Your filter class must also implement javax.servlet.FilterChain.


When your filter chains to the next filter, it should pass the same arguments it received in its doFiltermethod.


The method that your filter invokes on the object it received that implements javax.servlet.FilterChaincan invoke either another filter or a servlet.


Your filter class must implement a doFilter method that takes, among other things, anHTTPServletRequest object and an HTTPServletResponse object.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题You want to create a filter for your web application and your filter will implement javax.servlet.Filter. Which two statements are true?()AYour filter class must implement an init method and a destroy method.BYour filter class must also implement javax.servlet.FilterChain.CWhen your filter chains to the next filter, it should pass the same arguments it received in its doFiltermethod.DThe method that your filter invokes on the object it received that implements javax.servlet.FilterChaincan invoke either another filter or a servlet.EYour filter class must implement a doFilter method that takes, among other things, anHTTPServletRequest object and an HTTPServletResponse object.” 相关考题
考题 Given a class whose instances, when found in a collection of objects, are sorted by using the compareTo()method, which two statements are true?() A.The class implements java.lang.Comparable.B.The class implements java.util.Comparator.C.The interface used to implement sorting allows this class to define only one sort sequence.D.The interface used to implement sorting allows this class to define many different sort sequences.

考题 A custom JSP tag must be able to support an arbitrary number of attributes whose names are unknown when the tag class is designed.  Which two are true? ()A、 A  element in the echo tag LTD must have the value JSPB、 The echo tag handler must define the setAttribute (String key, String value) methodC、 The true element must appear in the echo tag TLDD、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag interfaceE、 The class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface

考题 Your web application requires the adding and deleting of many session attributes during a complex usecase. A bug report has come in that indicates that an important session attribute is being deleted too soonand a NullPointerException is being thrown several interactions after the fact. You have decided to create asession event listener that will log when attributes are being deleted so you can track down when theattribute is erroneously being deleted. Which listener class will accomplish this debugging goal?()A、Create an HttpSessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeDeleted method and log the attribute name using the getName method on the event object.B、Create an HttpSessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeRemoved method and log the attribute name using the getName method on the event object.C、Create an SessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeRemoved method and log the attribute name using the getAttributeName method on the event object.D、Create an SessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeDeleted method and log the attribute name using the getAttributeName method on the event object.

考题 Which the three are true about servlet filters?()A、 A filter must implement the destroy methodB、 A filter must implement the doFilter methodC、 A servlet may have multiple filters associated with itD、 A servlet that is to have a filter applied to it must implement the javax.servlet.FilterChain  interfaceE、 A filter that is part of a filter chain passes control to the next filter in the chain by invoking the filterChain forward methodF、 For each  element in the web application deployment descriptor, multiple instances of a filter may be created by the web container

考题 In your web application,you need to execute a block of code whenever the session object is first created. Which design will accomplish this goal?()A、Create an HttpSessionListener class and implement the sessionInitialized method with that block ofcode.B、Create an HttpSessionActivationListener class and implement the sessionCreated method with thatblock of code.C、Create a Filter class, call the getSession(false) method, and if the result was null, then execute that block of code.D、Create an HttpSessionListener class and implement the sessionCreated method with that block of code.

考题 在J2EE中使用Servlet过滤器时,可以在web.xml文件的()元素中包括<init-param>元素。A、<filter>B、<filter-mapping>C、<filter-name>D、<filter-class>

考题 Which is the true choice about the web container request processing model()?A、 The init method on a filter is called the first time a servlet mapped to that filter is invokedB、 A filter defined for a servlet must always forward control to the next resource in the filter chain.C、 Filters associated with a named servlet are applied in the order they appear in the web application deployment descriptor fileD、 If the init method on a filter throws an UnavailableException, then the container will make no further attempt to execute it

考题 在JAVA EE中,使用Servlet过滤器时,可以在web.xml文件的()元素中包括〈init-param〉元素。A、〈filter〉B、〈filter-mapping〉C、〈filter-name〉D、〈filter-class〉

考题 Given a class whose instances, when found in a collection of objects, are sorted by using the compareTo() method, which two statements are true?()A、The class implements java.lang.Comparable.B、The class implements java.util.Comparator.C、The interface used to implement sorting allows this class to define only one sort sequence.D、The interface used to implement sorting allows this class to define many different sort sequences.

考题 A developer wants too use EL to invoke a function using S{my:bloof(“foof”)}. Which is always true?()A、 The method invoked by this function must be statie.B、 The function class must implement the Function interface.C、 The expression is NOT a valid EL expression for invoking a function.D、 The function must be declared in a web.xml file using the  element.E、 The function class must have a method with the signature:Void bloof (java.lang.Strings)

考题 Which three are true about servlet filters?()A、A filter must implement the destroy method.B、A filter must implement the doFilter method.C、A servlet may have multiple filters associated with it.D、A servlet that is to have a filter applied to it must implement the javax.servlet.FilterChain interface.E、A filter that is part of a filter chain passes control to the next filter in the chain by invoking the FilterChain.forward method.

考题 Which interface must a class implement so that instances of the class are notified after any object is added to a session? ()A、 javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListenerB、 javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionValueListenerC、 javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListenerD、 javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener

考题 You want to create a filter for your web application and your filter will implement javax.servlet.Filter. Which two statements are true?()A、Your filter class must implement an init method and a destroy method.B、Your filter class must also implement javax.servlet.FilterChain.C、When your filter chains to the next filter, it should pass the same arguments it received in its doFiltermethod.D、The method that your filter invokes on the object it received that implements javax.servlet.FilterChaincan invoke either another filter or a servlet.E、Your filter class must implement a doFilter method that takes, among other things, anHTTPServletRequest object and an HTTPServletResponse object.

考题 Which is true about the web container request processing model?()A、The init method on a filter is called the first time a servlet mapped to that filter is invoked.B、A filter defined for a servlet must always forward control to the next resource in the filter chain.C、Filters associated with a named servlet are applied in the order they appear in the web application deployment descriptor file.D、If the init method on a filter throws an UnavailableException, then the container will make no further attempt to execute it.

考题 You are developing an ASP.NET Dynamic Data Web application. Boolean fields must display as Yes or No instead of as a check box. You replace the markup in the default Boolean field template with the following markup.You need to implement the code that displays Yes or No. Which method of the FieldTemplateUserControl class should you override in the BooleanField class?()A、OnLoadB、ConstructC、OnDataBindingD、SaveControlState

考题 You are developing a Web application to display products. Products are displayed on different pages on your Web site. You want to create a user control to manage the display of products. You need a default visual implementation of the UI of the user control. In addition, you need to provide developers with the flexibility to change the layout and controls of the UI. Which three actions should you perform? ()A、Apply the TemplateContainerAttribute to a property of type ITemplate. Pass the type of the template's naming container as the argument to the attribute.B、Apply the TemplateContainerAttribute to the user control's class declaration.C、Implement a property of type INamingContainer in the user control's code-behind class.D、Implement a property of type ITemplate in the user control's code-behind class.E、Define a new class that inherits from the ITemplate interface. Implement the InstantiateIn method of the ITemplate interface.

考题 You are developing a custom-collection class.You need to create a method in your class. You need to ensure that the method you create in your class returns a type that is compatible with the Foreach statement. Which criterion should the method meet?()A、The method must return a type of either IEnumerator or IEnumerable.B、The method must return a type of IComparable.C、The method must explicitly contain a collection.D、The method must be the only iterator in the class.

考题 多选题Which three are true about servlet filters?()AA filter must implement the destroy method.BA filter must implement the doFilter method.CA servlet may have multiple filters associated with it.DA servlet that is to have a filter applied to it must implement the javax.servlet.FilterChain interface.EA filter that is part of a filter chain passes control to the next filter in the chain by invoking the FilterChain.forward method.

考题 多选题You want to create a filter for your web application and your filter will implement javax.servlet.Filter. Which two statements are true?()AYour filter class must implement an init method and a destroy method.BYour filter class must also implement javax.servlet.FilterChain.CWhen your filter chains to the next filter, it should pass the same arguments it received in its doFiltermethod.DThe method that your filter invokes on the object it received that implements javax.servlet.FilterChaincan invoke either another filter or a servlet.EYour filter class must implement a doFilter method that takes, among other things, anHTTPServletRequest object and an HTTPServletResponse object.

考题 单选题Which is true about the web container request processing model?()A The init method on a filter is called the first time a servlet mapped to that filter is invoked.B A filter defined for a servlet must always forward control to the next resource in the filter chain.C Filters associated with a named servlet are applied in the order they appear in the web application deployment descriptor file.D If the init method on a filter throws an UnavailableException, then the container will make no further attempt to execute it.

考题 多选题Given a class whose instances, when found in a collection of objects, are sorted by using the compare To method, which two statements are true?()AThe class implements java.lang.Comparable.BThe class implements java.util.Comparator.CThe interface used to implement sorting allows this class to define only one sort sequence.DThe interface used to implement sorting allows this class to define many different sort sequences.

考题 多选题A custom JSP tag must be able to support an arbitrary number of attributes whose names are unknown when the tag class is designed.  Which two are true? ()AA  element in the echo tag LTD must have the value JSPBThe echo tag handler must define the setAttribute (String key, String value) methodCThe true element must appear in the echo tag TLDDThe class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.IterationTag interfaceEThe class implementing the echo tag handler must implement the javax.sevlet.jsp.tagext.DynamicAttributes interface

考题 多选题Which the three are true about servlet filters?()AA filter must implement the destroy methodBA filter must implement the doFilter methodCA servlet may have multiple filters associated with itDA servlet that is to have a filter applied to it must implement the javax.servlet.FilterChain  interfaceEA filter that is part of a filter chain passes control to the next filter in the chain by invoking the filterChain forward methodFFor each  element in the web application deployment descriptor, multiple instances of a filter may be created by the web container

考题 单选题在JAVA EE中,使用Servlet过滤器时,可以在web.xml文件的()元素中包括〈init-param〉元素。A 〈filter〉B 〈filter-mapping〉C 〈filter-name〉D 〈filter-class〉

考题 单选题You are developing a custom-collection class.You need to create a method in your class. You need to ensure that the method you create in your class returns a type that is compatible with the Foreach statement. Which criterion should the method meet?()A The method must return a type of either IEnumerator or IEnumerable.B The method must return a type of IComparable.C The method must explicitly contain a collection.D The method must be the only iterator in the class.

考题 单选题In your web application,you need to execute a block of code whenever the session object is first created. Which design will accomplish this goal?()A Create an HttpSessionListener class and implement the sessionInitialized method with that block ofcode.B Create an HttpSessionActivationListener class and implement the sessionCreated method with thatblock of code.C Create a Filter class, call the getSession(false) method, and if the result was null, then execute that block of code.D Create an HttpSessionListener class and implement the sessionCreated method with that block of code.

考题 单选题Your web application requires the adding and deleting of many session attributes during a complex usecase. A bug report has come in that indicates that an important session attribute is being deleted too soonand a NullPointerException is being thrown several interactions after the fact. You have decided to create asession event listener that will log when attributes are being deleted so you can track down when theattribute is erroneously being deleted. Which listener class will accomplish this debugging goal?()A Create an HttpSessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeDeleted method and log the attribute name using the getName method on the event object.B Create an HttpSessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeRemoved method and log the attribute name using the getName method on the event object.C Create an SessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeRemoved method and log the attribute name using the getAttributeName method on the event object.D Create an SessionAttributeListener class and implement the attributeDeleted method and log the attribute name using the getAttributeName method on the event object.

考题 单选题在J2EE中使用Servlet过滤器时,可以在web.xml文件的()元素中包括<init-param>元素。A <filter>B <filter-mapping>C <filter-name>D <filter-class>