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解析: 政府要自觉接受人民的监督,其根本原因在于我国是人民当家作主的社会主义国家。
更多 “单选题政府要自觉接受人民的监督,其根本原因在于()。A 我国政府是为人民服务的政府B 政府是由人民直接选举产生的C 我国是人民当家做主的社会主义国家D 人民享有广泛的政治权利和自由” 相关考题
考题 单选题《史记·萧相国世家》记载:“何(萧何)置田宅必居穷处,为家不治垣屋(围墙)。曰:‘后世贤,师吾俭;不贤,毋为势家所夺。’”这表明汉代()A 买田置地是藏富传家的重要手段B 政府推行“重农抑商”政策C 勤俭节约是为官执政的行为准则D 土地兼并现象尚不普遍

考题 单选题Passage1The Nobels are the originals, of course. Alfred Nobel, the man who invented deadly explosives, decided to try and do something good with all the money he earned, and gave prizes to people who made progress in literature, science, economics and-perhaps most importantly-peace.Not all awards are as noble as the Nobel. Even though most countries have a system for recognizing, honoring and rewarding people who have done something good in their countries, there are now hundreds of awards and awards ceremonies for all kinds of things.The Oscars are probably the most famous,a time for the(mostly) American film industry to tell itself how good it is, an annual opportunity for big stars to give each other awards and make tearful speeches. As well as that there are also the Golden Globes, apparently for the same thing.But it's not only films-now there are also Grammies, Brits, the Mercury Prize and the MTV and Q awards for music. In Britain,a writer who wins the Booker Prize can expect to see their difficulty, literary novel hit the bestseller lists and compete with The Da Vinci Code for popularity.The Turner Prize is an award for a British contemporary artist-each year it causes controversy by apparently giving a lot of money to artists who do things like displaying their beds, putting animals in glass cases or-this year-building a garden shed.Awards don't only exist for the arts. There are now awards for Sports Personality of the Year, for European Footballer of the Year and World Footballer of the Year. This seems very strange sometimes awards can be good to give recognition to people who deserve it, or to help people who don't make much money carry on their work without worrying about finances, but professional soccer players these days certainly aren't short of cash.Many small towns and communities all over the world also have their own awards ceremonies, for local writers or artists, or just for people who have graduated from high school or got a university degree. Even the British Council has its own awards for Innovation in English Language Teaching.Why have all these awards and ceremonies appeared recently? Shakespeare never won a prize, nor did Leonardo da Vinci or Adam Smith or Charles Dickens.It would be possible to say, however, that in the past, scientists and artists could win patronagefrom rich people-a king or a lord would give the artist or scientist money to have them paint their palaces or help them develop new ways of making money. With the change in social systems across the world, this no longer happens. Scientific research is now either funded by the government or by private companies. Perhaps awards ceremonies are just the most recent phase of this process.However, there is more to it than that. When a film wins an Oscar, many more people will go and see it, or buy the DVD. When a writer wins the Nobel Prize, many more people buy their books. When a group wins the MTV awards, the ceremony is seen by hundreds of thousands of people across the world. The result? The group sells a lot more records.Most awards ceremonies are now sponsored by big organizations or companies. This means that it is not only the person who wins the award who benefits but also the sponsors. The MTV awards, for example, are great for publicizing not only music, but also MTV itself.On the surface, it seems to be a win-winsituation, with everyone being happy, but let me ask you a question-how far do you think that publicity and marketing are winning here, and how much genuine recognition of achievement is taking place?At the end of the passage,the writer shows concerm about whether_______.A it is worthwhile to give so many awardsB people are happy to contribute to their countriesC people are really given credit for what they have doneD more awards will continue to be given

考题 单选题周恩来1958年在青岛民族工作座谈会上指出:“在中国适宜于实行民族区域自治,而不适宜于建立也无法建立民族共和国。历史发展没有给我们造成这样的条件,我们就不能采取这样的办法。”这一论述()。A 指出实行民族区域自治缺乏历史基础B 要求给予民族区域自治地区自主自治C 旨在说明实行民族区域自治的合理性D 表明建立民族共和国的时机尚不成熟

考题 单选题上世纪末,四川全兴集团宣称,在对成都锦江水井街的酿酒车间实施环保改造时,发现了历经元明清600年的古代酿酒作坊遗址。于是他们追溯历史,把文化“掺”在酒里卖,以文化树立水井坊品牌形象,仅仅用7年便取得了骄人的营销业绩。这表明()。A 文化作为精神力量决定着社会的发展B 文化作为精神力量深刻影响社会发展C 文化对社会发展始终具有积极的作用D 文化作为精神力量是物质力量的反映

考题 单选题明王朝规定“凡民田五亩至十亩者,栽桑麻、木棉各半亩,十亩以上倍之”,如万历《东昌府志》则言“高唐、夏津、恩县、范县宜木棉,江淮贾客列肆赍收,居人以此致富”又如兖州府郓城县,土宜木棉“五谷之利不及其半”。据以上材料分析下列说法错误的是()A 政府重视推广棉花种植B 棉花种植利润较为丰厚C 棉花进入市场成为商品D 民族交流促进棉花种植

考题 单选题欧洲联盟与欧洲共同体的主要区别是,国际协调、合作机制化达到较高水平,超出一般“政府间”合作范畴,实现了“超国家”管辖。以下对这一论点的解读,最准确的是()A 欧盟已经实现了“超国家”的全员管辖B 欧盟大大超出欧共体的合作水平和范畴C 两极格局和美苏争霸加快欧洲合作进程D 区域集团化和欧洲一体化趋势不断加快

考题 单选题林肯总统在某次内阁会议上就某个方案征询意见,结果出席会议的七名内阁成员都表示反对。但林肯在宣布结果时却说:“七票反对,一票赞成,反对无效,方案通过。”你认为林肯的做法是()A 符合民主集中制原则B 违反了权力制衡原则C 违背宪法,林肯反对无效D 符合宪法对总统权限的规定

考题 单选题在校本课程“阅读与感悟”的主题活动中,教师向学生推荐了几篇以对比手法揭露“人性美丑”的外国文学作品,以下适合的是( )。A 《茶花女》B 《苔丝》C 《巴黎圣母院》D 《红与黑》

考题 问答题虽然通过这节课我学习了很多,但有得也有失,这节课还有很多的不足,包括现在,我还在不断地反思:此课学生们课堂活跃、勇于参与让我振奋,他们的创造力让我惊喜。在课堂中做到了师生、生生间的互动。利用分组合作学习调动学生学习的主动性,合作学习既可以尊重他们个体对事物的感受,同时又可以让学生之间的个性差异相互磨合,有利于激发学生的思维和想象。学生充分地发扬了团队精神。学生的作业效果不错,每个组的作品都与众不同、各式各样,有的同学还加了许多装饰物,学生的个性与创新能力得到了发挥。我看到学生的开心和快乐,我感觉到学生的创新火花在闪耀、合作的精神在滋长,我感觉这节课还是成功的。不足之处在于学生的效果图质量不好,对于模特的绘画能力还比较差,他们还是偏重于做样本拼贴和模型制作。我想是不是应该在课堂环节里加进如何绘画服装模特?想与各位老师探讨这个问题。另外,在时间安排上觉得有些紧张,对学生的把握还是不足,尤其在探究的过程中,总觉得心有余而力不足,以后还要多听课、多学习、多尝试尽快地融入新课标理念中。对于该老师的反思说一说你的看法。教师除了自己反思以外,还可以采用哪些方法进行反思?

考题 单选题锅庄是()的舞蹈。A 朝鲜族B 维吾尔族C 藏族D 蒙古族

考题 单选题教学《鸿门宴》这一课后,教师设计了这样一道思考题:有人说项羽不在席间杀死刘邦,表现了他的“妇人之仁”,但苏轼却说这表现了他的“君人之度”,试对这两种回答作一些评论。对于这一教学提问,分析不正确的是(  )。A 问题过于笼统,不利于学生找准问题切入点。B 这种问题没有具体答案,学生可自由发挥。C 这种问题可以培养学生的创新、求异思维能力。D 对于学生的回答,教师不应该仅仅给出判断,而是应该引导学生分析答案的依据。

考题 单选题The advantages of pair and group work include all of the following EXCEPT________.A interaction with peersB variety and dynamismC an increase in language practiceD opportunities to guarantee accuracy

考题 单选题孔子说,我们不可能和鸟兽同居共处,除了和人打交道外,还能和什么打交道呢?如果天下太平,我又何必去改变它呢?这说明孔子()①主张“爱人”②持积极入世的人生态度③主张变法革新④有强烈的使命感A ①②③④B ①③④C ①③D ②④

考题 单选题在清代,科道官分工对在京各衙门的政务进行稽察,除军机处和十五道本身无人监察外,其他各衙门均受稽察。据此可知,清代科道官拥有()A 行政监察权B 建议国事权C 辩明诉讼权D 官吏考核权

考题 单选题During the recession of economy, people refuse to cut their losses on plummeting invest-ment because they won't ______mistakes.A add up toB look up toC go up toD own up to

考题 单选题That famous scientist had a very ______ mind as a child and at the age of ten he performed his first experiment.A mechanicalB consciousC impressionableD inquisitive

考题 单选题“其余坊巷市井,买卖关扑,酒楼歌馆,直至四鼓后方静,而五鼓朝马将动,其有趁卖早市者,复起开张。无论四时皆然。”材料反映了()A 商业交易量的提升B 乡村草市规模的扩大C 城市经济的活跃景象D 百姓生活的安逸祥和

考题 单选题Passage2For centuries in Spain and Latin America,heading home for lunch and a snooze with the family was something like a national right,but with global capitalism standardizing work hours,this idyllic habit is fast becoming an endangered pleasure.Ironically,all this is happening just as researchers are beginning to note the health benefits of the afternoon nap.According to a nationwide survey,less than 25 percent of Spaniards still enjoy siestas.And like Spain,much of Latin America has adopted Americanized work schedules,too,with shortened lunch times and more rigid work hours.Last year the Mexican government passed a law limiting lunch breaks to one hour and requiring its employees to work their eight-hour shift between 7 a.m. and 6p.m.Before the mandate,workers would break up the shift-going home midday for a long break with the family and returning to work until about 9 or 10 p.m. The idea of siesta is changing in Greece, Italy and Portugal, too, as they rush to join their more industriouscounterparts in the global market.Most Americans I know covet sleep, but the idea of taking a nap mid-afternoon equates with laziness, unemployment and general sneakiness. Yet according to a National Sleep Survey poll, 65 percent of adults do not get enough sleep. Numerous scientific studies document the benefits of nap taking, including one 1997 study on the deleterious effects of sleep deprivation in the journal Internal Medicine. The researchers found that fatigue harms not only marital and social relations but worker productivity.According to Mark Rosekind,a former NASA scientist and founder of Solutions in Cupertino, Calif, which educates businesses about the advantages of sanctioning naps, we' re biologically programmed to get sleepy between 3 and 5 p.m. and 3 and 5 a.m. Our internal timekeeper-called the circadian clock-operates on a 24-hour rotation and every 12 hours there's a dip. In accordance with these natural sleep rhythms, Rosekind recommends that naps be either for 40 minutes or for two hours. Latin American countries, asserts Rosekind, have had it right all along. They' ve been in sync with their clocks; we haven't.Since most of the world is sleep-deprived, getting well under the recommended eight hours a night(adults get an average of 6.5 hours nightly), we usually operate on a kind of idle midday. Naps are even more useful now that most of us forfeit sleep because of insane work schedules, longer commute times and stress, In a study published last April, Brazilian medical researchers noted that blood pressure and arterial blood pressure dropped during a siesta.The author suggests that most Americans feel that ________.A Spanish culture is inefficientB nap-taking will put their jobs at riskC nap-taking is a sign of lazinessD they get plenty of sleep

考题 单选题根据我国宪法的规定,宪法的修改,需经全国人民代表大会以全体代表()以上的多数通过。A 二分之一B 三分之二C 四分之三D 五分之四

考题 单选题据史载,民国初年“内则军阀干政,干戈迭寻,外则列强环伺,压迫有加。实业供其脧削„„民间资金若无出路,壅塞于外国银行。在外商银行全盛时期,国人存款,多数无息,且有收取保管费者”。由此可见,“民间资金”寻求“出路”的主要原因是()A “实业救国”政策的引导促进B 中外反动势力的双重压迫盘剥C 民族资本家获取利润的驱使D 外国银行对中国资本收取保管费

考题 单选题哈佛大学教授弗格森将1989年11月9日柏林墙的坍塌视为“世界经济的转折点”。其主要依据是()A 不诉诸武力的冷战方式保障了经济的安全B 德国的再次统一推动了世界经济的发展C 冷战秩序的瓦解加速了欧洲一体化的进程D 冷战秩序的瓦解加速了经济全球化的进程

考题 单选题1915年袁世凯复辟帝制时,策划西南独立,打出“护国”旗号的是()A 孙中山与李烈钧B 梁启超与蔡锷C 唐继尧与梁士诒D 黄兴与蔡锷

考题 单选题下列属于音乐评价功能的是()。A 调控功能B 主体功能C 审美功能D 娱乐功能

考题 单选题钱穆说:“如今美国,大学最早全由教会创立,如哈佛、如耶鲁皆是。其建校全在于美国开国前。美国总统主持全国行政,大学不在管辖下。美国开国已两百年,逐渐有州立大学之创建,但迄今仍无国立大学。”材料主要说明()A 美国缺乏强有力的中央政府B 政教分离使美国无国立大学C 美国总统掌握部分行政大权D 美国各州享有一定的自治权

考题 单选题2013年11月21日中新网报道,陕西省洛川县果商为每颗苹果贴上独有的激光防伪二维码,对苹果生产过程中施肥、开花、病虫防治、搜果、套袋、采摘装箱、入库等环节进行全过程记录。消费者通过扫描二维码,就可全方位追溯苹果的来龙去脉。“买得放心,吃得放心”,让洛川苹果销售价格、销量不断增长。这表明()A 生产为消费创造动力B 生产决定消费的质量和水平C 消费的发展促进生产的发展D 新的消费方式可以创造消费动力

考题 单选题俄罗斯科学院院士丘巴里扬曾说:“1917年二月革命、十月革命和与此相连的国内战争,较之其他国家类似的革命,完全可以称之为‘伟大的革命’。”其理由是俄国通过这些革命()A 推翻了俄国君主专制统治B 走上了社会主义发展道路C 奠定了俄国社会转型基础D 彻底改变了社会落后面貌

考题 单选题以下是一位教师在作文评改中进行的教学尝试,阅读并按要求答题。某位教师在作文评改中进行了名为“给自己的作文找读者”的尝试。学生完成作文后,作文不是当堂收上来而是让学生保留两天,在这两天里要求学生将自己的作文给同学写评语(内容不限,字数不限)。两天后作文收上来,教师在课堂上进行了评价,这项活动学生参与热情极高。对上述教师作文评改尝试的评价,哪项是错误的?()A 教师关注学生的写作热情,学生乐于分享写作欲望B 教师用“给作文找读者”的方法激发学生的写作欲望C 教师是作文评价的主体,教师要多改,反对学生的独立修改D 写作评价能采用学生互评教师讲评相结合的评价形式

考题 单选题在欣赏无伴奏合唱《牧歌》时,一位音乐教师用诗一般的语言,描述着草原的美景,给学生创设了一个优美的教学情境。请问这位老师运用的是哪种创设情境的教学方法?()A 光线创设情境B 美术创设情境C 语言创设情境D 音源创设情境