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更多 “名词解释题发病率(incidence)” 相关考题
考题 在比较不同地区发病率或死亡率时应注意使用A.年龄别发病率、死亡率B.性别发病率、死亡率C.职业别发病率、死亡率D.民族别发病率、死亡率E.标化发病率、死亡率

考题 发病率、患病率和病程三者的正确关系是A、发病率=患病率×病程B、患病率=发病率×病程C、发病率=患病率+病程D、发病率=患病率-病程E、病程=患病率×发病率

考题 发病率、患病率和病程三者的正确关系是A.发病率=患病率×病程B.患病率=发病率×病程C.发病率=患病率+病程D.发病率=患病率一病程E.病程=患病率x发病率

考题 上述龋病评价方式中,最能反映龋病严重程度和详细程度的是() A.DMF(decayedmissingfilled)B.dmftC.DMFSD.prevalencerateE.incidence

考题 效果指数的计算公式为A.对照组发病率-实验组发病率/对照组发病率×100%B.照组发病率/实验组发病率C.对照组发病率-实验组发病率/实验组发病率×100%D.实验组发病率/对照组发病率E.实验组发病率-对照组发病率/对照组发病率×100%

考题 发病率、患病率与病程三者的正确关系是( )。 A. 发病率=患病率×病程 B. 患病率=发病率×病程 C. 发病率=患病率+病程 D. 发病率=患病率-病程

考题 RR是( )。A. 暴露组的发病率与对照组的发病率之差 B. 暴露组的发病率与对照组的发病率之比 C. 暴露组的发病率与暴露组的发病率之比 D. 非暴露组的发病率与暴露组的发病率之比

考题 共用题干 第二篇CaffeineCaffeine is probably the most widely used drug in the world.Humans have been consuming caffeine for hundreds of years,primarily in the form of coffee,tea,and cocoa. Habitual coffee and tea drinkers had longbeen observed to have a lower incidence of non-melanoma(黑色素瘤)skin cancers , although no one knew why.A recent study found that caffeine affects skin cells damaged by ultraviolet radiation,a main cause of skin cancer. Caffeine interferes with a protein that cancerous cells need to survive,leaving the damaged cells to die before they become cancerous. Drinking caffeinated coffee has also been associated with a decreased incidence of endometrial(子宫内膜的)cancer-that is , cancer of the cells lining the uterus. The strongest effect appears to be in overweight women,who are at greatest risk for the disease.Researchers believe blood sugar,fat cells,and estrogen(雌性激素)may play a role. Although the mechanism remains unknown,peo- pie who drink more than two cups of coffee or tea a day reportedly have about half the risk of developing chronic liver disease as those who drink less than one cup of coffee daily;caffeinated coffee has also been as- sociated with lowered risk of cirrhosis(肝硬化)and liver cancer.While many of caffeine's undesirable effects,such as elevated heart rate and blood pressure,are brief, some short-term benefits,including pain relief,increased alertness,and increased physical endurance,have also been attributed to caffeine.As a component of numerous over-the-counter diet pills and pain relievers, caffeine increases their effectiveness and helps the body absorb them more quickly. By constricting(收缩) blood vessels in the brain , it can alleviate headaches一even migraines(偏头痛)一and can help counter the drowsiness(眩晕)caused by antihistamines(抗组胺药).Caffeine does not alter the need for sleep,but it does offer a temporary solution to fatigue for people who need to stay alert. Research has shown that sleep-deprived individuals who consumed caffeine had improved memory and reasoning abilities,at least in the short term. Studies of runners and cyclists have shown that caffeine can improve their stamina一hence its addition to energy-boosting sports drinks.People who consume a lot of caffeine regularly may develop temporary withdrawal symptoms,headache being the most common,if they quit or cut back on it abruptly. Fortunately,these symptoms last only a day or two in most cases.Individuals who are more sensitive to the stimulatory side effects of caffeine may want to avoid it,but most doctors agree that the equivalent of three cups of coffee a day does not harm healthy people.There is no medical basis to give up daily caffeine and many reasons to include a moderate amount in one's diet.Drinking coffee or tea may help_________.A:lower the incidence of being overweightB:lower the incidence of non-melanoma skin cancerC:increase the incidence of endometrial cancer D: increase the incidence of liver cancer

考题 Gun use has an additional tragic dimension when compared with tobacco, namely the high incidence of ____deaths, particularly among the young.A.romantic B.doomed C.interesting D.unintentional

考题 incidence rate

考题 当某地某病的发病率和病程要相当长时间内保持稳定时,患病率、发病率和病程三者的关系是().A、发病率=患病率×病程B、病程=发病率/患病率C、患病率=发病率×病程D、病程=患病率×发病率E、患病率=发病率/病程

考题 发病率(incidence)

考题 当群体发病率为0.1%~1%,遗传度为70%~80%,则患者一级亲属的发病率为()。A、大于群体发病率B、小于群体发病率C、大于群体发病率的平方根D、约等于群体发病率的平方根E、约等于群体发病率

考题 名词解释题发病率(incidence)

考题 单选题比值比的计算公式为( )A (人群发病率-非暴露组发病率)/人群发病率B 暴露组发病率/非暴露组发病率C 暴露组发病率-非暴露组发病率D (暴露组发病率-非暴露组发病率)/暴露组发病率E 病例组中暴露人数与非暴露人数的比值/对照组中暴露人数与非暴露人数的比值

考题 单选题在估计多基因病的复发风险时,以下哪种说法是正确的()A 发病率高的性别阈值低,其子女发病率高B 发病率高的性别阈值低,其子女发病率低C 发病率低的性别阈值低,其子女发病率高D 发病率低的性别阈值高,其子女发病率低

考题 单选题当群体发病率为0.1%~1%,遗传度为70%~80%,则患者一级亲属的发病率为()。A 大于群体发病率B 小于群体发病率C 大于群体发病率的平方根D 约等于群体发病率的平方根E 约等于群体发病率

考题 单选题评价疫苗免疫预防效果常用效果指数,其计算方法是()A 对照组发病率/接种组发病率B 接种组发病率对/照组发病率C (对照组发病率-接种组发病率)/接种组发病率D (接种组发病率-对照组发病率)/接种组发病率E (对照组发病率-接种组发病率)/对照组发病率

考题 单选题发病率、患病率和病程三者的正确关系是()。A 发病率=患病率×病程B 患病率=发病率×病程C 发病率=患病率+病程D 发病率=患病率-病程E 病程=患病率×发病率

考题 单选题当某地某病的发病率和病程在相当长时间内保持稳定时,患病率、发病率和病程三者的关系是()A 发病率=患病率×病程B 病程=发病率/患病率C 患病率=发病率×病程D 病程=患病率×发病率E 患病率=发病率/病程

考题 单选题(对照组发病率-接种组发病率)/对照组发病率×100%(  )。A B C D E