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更多 “单选题OBese小鼠的特征表现为()。A 常染色体隐性多基因遗传。B 纯合体和杂合体小鼠呈现肥胖症状。C 给动物使用四氧嘧啶、链脲佐菌素也可改善肥胖症的症状。D 血胰岛素水平升高,血糖含量升高。” 相关考题
考题 在杂交瘤技术中,免疫小鼠应优先选用何种品系的小鼠A.NZW小鼠B.Balb/c小鼠C.NZB小鼠D.C57BL/6小鼠E.NZX小鼠

考题 杂交瘤技术应用的2种细胞是A、免疫的小鼠脾细胞和免疫的小鼠骨髓瘤细胞B、免疫的小鼠脾细胞和小鼠骨髓瘤细胞C、小鼠脾细胞和小鼠骨髓瘤细胞D、小鼠脾细胞和免疫的小鼠骨髓瘤细胞E、免疫小鼠脾细胞和小鼠骨髓细胞

考题 Questions 88-90 refer to the following advertisement. Obese people are less productive in the workplace and more prone to injury, a study claims. The researchers say their findings were so extreme that overweight people may need to take longer breaks to recover from the strains of work. They assessed how long it took for people of various sizes to perform certain tasks in the workplace. Obese people had, on average, 40 per cent shorter endurance times. The study, conducted at Virginia Tech and the University at Buffalo in the U.S., examined the endurance of 32 people in four categories: non-obese young, obese young, non-obese older, and obese older. Each of them completed three tasks that involved a range of skills: hand grip, shoulder elevation, and a simulated assembly operation. Every task involved periods of work and rest, and included a level of activity similar to manufacturing settings. The number of people who are obese has doubled over the past three decades-and has been linked to higher rates of workplace injury and a greater number of days of sick. ‘Workers who are obese may need longer rest breaks to return to their initial state of muscle function,’ said Dr Cavuoto. Based on the increased fatigue found among workers who are obese, workplace designers may need to consider adding fixtures and supports to minimize the amount of time that body mass segments need to be supported. ‘We believe our results will help to develop more inclusive ergonomic guideline,’ she added. The researchers also looked at the effect of obesity and age on endurance times. Previous research has indicated that both age and obesity hamper mobility-particularly when it comes to walking and low-energy tasks. But the researchers in this study, published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, found no such link. What is the finding supported by the previous study but not the present study? A. Obese people are less productive in work B. Obese people find it hard to recover from strain C. Obese people are more likely to get injured D. Obese people suffer from poor mobility

考题 Questions 88-90 refer to the following advertisement. Obese people are less productive in the workplace and more prone to injury, a study claims. The researchers say their findings were so extreme that overweight people may need to take longer breaks to recover from the strains of work. They assessed how long it took for people of various sizes to perform certain tasks in the workplace. Obese people had, on average, 40 per cent shorter endurance times. The study, conducted at Virginia Tech and the University at Buffalo in the U.S., examined the endurance of 32 people in four categories: non-obese young, obese young, non-obese older, and obese older. Each of them completed three tasks that involved a range of skills: hand grip, shoulder elevation, and a simulated assembly operation. Every task involved periods of work and rest, and included a level of activity similar to manufacturing settings. The number of people who are obese has doubled over the past three decades-and has been linked to higher rates of workplace injury and a greater number of days of sick. ‘Workers who are obese may need longer rest breaks to return to their initial state of muscle function,’ said Dr Cavuoto. Based on the increased fatigue found among workers who are obese, workplace designers may need to consider adding fixtures and supports to minimize the amount of time that body mass segments need to be supported. ‘We believe our results will help to develop more inclusive ergonomic guideline,’ she added. The researchers also looked at the effect of obesity and age on endurance times. Previous research has indicated that both age and obesity hamper mobility-particularly when it comes to walking and low-energy tasks. But the researchers in this study, published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, found no such link. Which of the following statements is true according to the article? A. The subjects of the study are of all ages B. The number of obese people has been on the increase C. The tasks involved takes place in real work situation D. The study has lasted over three decades

考题 感染淋巴细胞性脉络丛脑膜炎的小鼠,大脑型特征性的表现是抓着尾巴倒提时,小鼠头部震颤,肢体阵挛性惊厥,最终表现为()。A、后肢强直性伸展B、立即死亡C、肢体旋转D、尾巴脱落

考题 在杂交瘤技术中,免疫小鼠应优先选用何种品系的小鼠()。A、NZW小鼠B、Balb/c小鼠C、NZB小鼠D、C57BL/6小鼠E、NZX小鼠

考题 KM小鼠、BALB/c小鼠等是常用的封闭群小鼠。

考题 大、小鼠感染流行性出血热多表现为隐性感染,一般无临床症状。

考题 胸腺是()细胞分化成熟的场所,新生期摘除胸腺的小鼠通常表现为()功能缺陷。

考题 小鼠肝炎病毒感染的临床表现为:()。A、肝炎B、脑炎C、肠炎D、以上都是

考题 新生小鼠摘除胸腺通常表现为()功能缺陷。A、体液免疫B、细胞免疫C、血液免疫D、器官免疫

考题 一种由LCMV引起的人和多种动物共患的病毒性疾病。小鼠感染表现为大脑型、内脏型和迟发型3种病型;人类感染主要表现为流感样症状和脑膜炎的疾病是小鼠()A、淋巴细胞性脉络丛脑膜炎B、鼠痘C、仙台病毒感染D、鼠肝炎

考题 带有纯合裸基因(nu/nu)的小鼠有哪两个主要特征缺陷?

考题 问答题带有纯合裸基因(nu/nu)的小鼠有哪两个主要特征缺陷?

考题 填空题胸腺是()细胞分化成熟的场所,新生期摘除胸腺的小鼠通常表现为()功能缺陷。

考题 单选题kk小鼠可能与人糖尿病的多样性相对应的原因是()A kk小鼠的基因突变频率较高。B kk小鼠的糖尿病症状与环境无关,主要由遗传控制。C kk小鼠的糖尿病性变化受多基因控制。D kk小鼠的糖尿病症状主要表现为胰岛素非依赖特性。

考题 问答题小鼠的主要生物学特征有哪些?

考题 单选题小鼠白血病发生率较高的品系是()A C3H小鼠B C57BL/6小鼠C AKR小鼠D BALB/C小鼠

考题 单选题小鼠感染呼肠病毒III型多呈隐性感染,症状表现为()。A 引起小鼠肺炎,影响繁殖率。B 乳小鼠可见脂肪性下痢。C 人兽共患,严重致脑膜炎,感染胎儿,致流产。D 可引起神经症状,肢体麻痹、瘫痪。

考题 单选题在杂交瘤技术中,免疫小鼠应优先选用的小鼠是(  )。A C57BL/6小鼠B NZW小鼠C NZB小鼠D Balb/c小鼠E NZX小鼠

考题 问答题简述昆明小鼠的品种特征。

考题 单选题杂交瘤技术应用的2种细胞是()。A 免疫的小鼠脾细胞和免疫的小鼠骨髓瘤细胞B 免疫的小鼠脾细胞和小鼠骨髓瘤细胞C 小鼠脾细胞和小鼠骨髓瘤细胞D 小鼠脾细胞和免疫的小鼠骨髓瘤细胞E 免疫小鼠脾细胞和小鼠骨髓细胞

考题 单选题如果亚致死量X射线照射小鼠,用同基因预经OVA免疫小鼠的T细胞重建免疫功能,并用同基因预经DNP免疫的小鼠的B细胞重建,然后用DNP-BGG攻击注射,7天以后.你预计会发现为何物的抗体?(  )A BGGB DNPC OVAD BGG和DNPE OVA.BGG和DNP

考题 单选题在杂交瘤技术中,免疫小鼠应优先选用何种品系的小鼠()A NZW小鼠B Balb/c小鼠C NZB小鼠D C57BL/6小鼠E NZX小鼠

考题 单选题3日龄小鼠特征表现为()。A 赤裸无毛,皮肤肉红色B 不开眼,耳廓与皮肤粘连C 有听觉,被毛长齐D 脐带脱落,皮肤转为白色,开始长毛并出现胡须。

考题 单选题具有T/t基因型的小鼠的尾巴呈现为()。A 长尾B 半长尾C 无尾D 极短尾

考题 问答题裸小鼠主要特征有哪些?