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更多 “单选题类蛋白质中富含(),加热过度使其分解为硫化氢,与蛋黄中的铁结合可形成黑色的硫化铁。煮蛋中蛋黄表面的青黑色和鹌鹑蛋罐头的黑色物质即来源于此。A 半胱氨酸B 亮氨酸C 苏氨酸D 缬氨酸” 相关考题
考题 单选题某品德课想让班上的学生形成科学的人生观、世界观,由此,他最好应该要对学生实施()。A 劳动教育B 人道主义教育C 理想教育D 社会公德教育

考题 单选题进行活动历时估算时,不应考虑以下哪一项()A 资源能力B 分配给活动的资源数量C 历史资料(如可以获取的话)D 管理费用比率

考题 问答题社会效益、经济效益和生态效益之间的关系如何?怎样协调?

考题 单选题Kerberos是为TCP/IP网络设计的基于()的可信第三方鉴别协议,负责在网络上进行仲裁及会话密钥的分配。A 非对称密钥体系B 对称密钥体系C 公钥体系D 私钥体系

考题 问答题沉管灌注桩施工拔管时,为什么管内要保持不少于2米高的混凝土?

考题 单选题一般认为识别的进行,主要应依()A 法院地B 当事人自主选择的法律C 行为地法D 当事人的属人法

考题 多选题中新税收协定中,常设机构是指企业进行全部或部分营业的固定营业场所。通常情况下,应具备的特点有()。A该营业场所是实质存在的B该营业场所是相对固定的,并且在时间上具有一定的持久性C全部的营业活动是通过该营业场所进行的D部分的营业活动是通过该营业场所进行的

考题 多选题《湘江保护条例》规定的湘江流域水资源管理制度包括()A湘江流域用水总量控制制度;B用水效率控制制度;C水功能区限制纳污制度;D饮用水保护制度。

考题 问答题什么是小学(初中)生均预算内公用经费?

考题 问答题中央银行的资金来源由哪些部分组成?

考题 单选题某公司2008年发生利息费用50万元,实现净利润120万元;2009年发生利息费用80万元,实现净利润150万元。若该公司适用企业所得税税率为25%,则该公司2009年已获利息倍数比2008年()。A 减少0.525B 减少0.7C 增加1.33D 增加2.33

考题 填空题按照修宪通常的程序,首先提出修宪建议的是()。

考题 单选题关于劳动关系的说法,正确的是()。A 劳动关系是一种经济关系而非社会关系B 劳动关系就是指劳动者个人与企业之间的关系C 劳动关系仅影响劳资双方,不影响社会公众D 劳动关系是指劳动者与劳动力使用者以及相关组织为实现劳动过程所构成的关系

考题 多选题SMW工法主要特点包括()。A抗渗性好B工期短C造价低D适用范围广E环境影响小

考题 单选题Good Communication for Making Friends As a communication skills trainer, I've met a wide range of people. Some people have trouble associating with others and have difficulty making friends. So I would like to discuss two key points to making good friends. The first is to show respect and love for your friends through your words. Try to say things to others that would feel good to you if you heard them. For example, say things like, "Thanks for the great time" and "It was really nice to get to know you."If you are not good at speaking, then smiling and using body language to express your sincerity is also an effective way to communicate. Additionally, I recommend that when you meet someone new send them an e-mail or letter before the day is over to express how nice it was to meet them. The goal of good communication is to reach another person's heart and form a comfortable relationship. It is, therefore, based the premise that you get rid of your worries and become a bright and positive person. When there is static noise over the phone line, you can't hear the other person clearly, right? In the same way, when your mind is full of worries and you try to communicate with another person, you cannot give or receive messages accurately. For example, let's say you are still tied to a past wound of being betrayed by a friend and feeling hurts .Even if you meet someone new and he or she tells you, "Let's be good friends," you may not be able to accept it because you will hear a negative inner voice saying something like "I might be betrayed again" or "the person might have a hidden agenda."With this worry in your mind, you will not be able to make friends. If you can be refreshed and get rid of your worries, you should be able to sense others' thoughts and feelings without prejudice and build a relationship of trust. If you really can't let go of your painful past experience, then try to change your perspective on the experience. For example, try to think that it was a necessary lesson for you to understand others' pain. If you can think of the positive intention behind the event, then you will be able to view the experience favourably and feel better. The main topic of the passage is()A how to communicate with othersB how to refresh yourselfC how to forget the past unhappinessD how to show respect and love for your friends

考题 填空题在房地产投资方面,投资最多的是()国。

考题 判断题标准以太网采用同轴电缆作为传输介质,传输速率达到100Mbps。A 对B 错

考题 单选题财产清查时,结算往来款项采用的清查方法是()A 抽查检验法B 技术推算法C 函证核对法D 实地盘存法

考题 名词解释题品牌

考题 单选题为了实现真实沟通,客户服务代表应该注意:()A 由于噪音导致任何现有的障碍,以及手势B 将非语言手势和语言信息作为反馈C 各参与者的个人历史和背景D 回应各项顾客要隶属于用得时间

考题 单选题羽毛球女子单打先得()分的球员为胜一局。A 9分B 11分C 15分D 21分

考题 多选题构成创业能力结构模型包括()。A人环模块B规制模块C协同模块D创新模块

考题 单选题IPO理财产品的签约代码是()。A 8311B 8312C 8322D 8321

考题 多选题投保交强险车辆发生以下()情形交通事故,交强险负责赔偿。A因超载造成的事故B保险车辆发生事故后逃逸C保险车辆发生事故前所有人已变更,且未在事故发生前到保险公司批改

考题 多选题作为行业协会和商会的业务主管部门,其职责主要包括()A在方针、政策方面可以对行业协会和商会给与指导B对已经成立的协会和商会进行日常管理C协调行业协会和商会内部会员之间的关系D对申请成立的协会、商会进行资格审查E承担行业协会、商会的登记、日常管理和监督的职责

考题 名词解释题谈判升格

考题 问答题依据教材介绍的视听媒体教学方法,简述教学方法的使用。

考题 单选题万能保险的投保人可根据自己的意愿提高保额或降低保额,提高保额的前提是:被保险人()A 可保性B 无约束性C 灵活性D 需要性