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更多 “填空题在DNA分子中,含有()、()、()、()四种碱基(须写出中文名称)。” 相关考题
考题 名词解释题代币管制法

考题 单选题有效的团队发展的主要结果是()A 提高项目绩效B 运转顺利的高效团队C 使项目团队成员了解项目经理最终为项目绩效负责D 增强项目干系列化人作为个体和项目成员做出贡献的能力

考题 单选题直接反映汽车设计速度利用程度的指标是()。A 营运速度B 出车时间利用系数C 技术速度D 平均车日行程

考题 判断题熟练劳动与非熟练劳动的关系即复杂劳动与简单劳动的关系。A 对B 错

考题 单选题国务院有权制定《税收征管法实施细则》的法律依据是()A 《立法法》B 《税收征管法》C 《宪法》D 有关税收条约、协定

考题 单选题企业的无形资产应从()开始摊销。A 取得当月B 取得的次月C 取得当月或次月D 企业自愿

考题 多选题莱尔喜将个性分为()A基础层B上层建筑层C边缘层D结构层E内部层

考题 单选题脊柱疾病常取()。A 强迫侧卧位B 迫仰卧位C 强迫俯卧位D 强迫蹲位

考题 单选题Dreams Dreams do not happen when you're asleep. They happen when you're awake. Whatever your goals are, always remember you can make it true. Whether it be love, money, a childhood dream, and ultimately happiness, the most important idea is that you must never lose sight of your dream. Create reminders. Think about your original motivation often. Besides obvious factors that will come along when your dream is realized, think about other reasons. Who are you doing this dream for? Remind yourself often of your plan. Physical symbols always help—posting up pictures of the end result, buying items that symbolize your goals. Express your dream frequently. Whisper your dream through moonlight. Shout it on a busy highway. Write it on a balloon and set it free. Write it on paper boats and float them in the ocean. Write it as a message on a bottle and float that into the ocean. Explore and try different ways of different cultures of making ishes come true, small or big: paper cranes, and shooting stars. Tell your pet if you have one. Tell it to all the people you care about in your life. Create deadlines and punishments. For every step along the way, think of a realistic deadline. If too small, eventually you will be crashed with all the work you need and possibly never do it. If too large, you will probably forget about it. Punishments are necessary. They can be keeping yourself away from your favorite activities. Get a friend or family member to enforce this punishment. Keep your life. Do not forget about friends, family, work, and especially yourself! Keep contact with friends and family: over the internet, visit them, write to them. Try not start skipping work to work on your dream. Keep your brain, body, and soul in good shape at all times. Sleep often, read often, and enjoy life. Brainstorm ideas for your dream. Mind mapping (essentially creative concept mapping) is the ideal way to brainstorm. Any creative outlet will do just fine to find some creative ideas for your dream, especially writing or drawing. Any sort of art, even singing, playing music, photography, wood-carving can work. Buy a journal or two. Find inspiration. As long as you can see your drearn, you can make it come true.()A TrueB FalseC Not Given


考题 问答题三国名将张飞的书法如何?他有作品传世否?

考题 单选题下列描述中,不符合工程质量控制基本原则的是()。A 坚持质量第一B 坚持以建筑产品为核心C 坚持以预防为主D 坚持质量标准

考题 问答题简述重测信度的计算方法。

考题 单选题“place of origin”,正确的翻译为()。[2007年第一次考试真题]A 产地B 启运地C 途经国家D 目的地

考题 问答题明末通俗文学的一代大家是谁?

考题 填空题COBIT是一套较为全面系统的(),它包括()、()和()三大要素,核心是(),()。

考题 判断题传统教学手段可分为两在:一是基本教学手段,即教师凭借其自身的身体器 官就能完成的,二是教学器具。A 对B 错

考题 问答题单项、单位工程概算表和其他费用概算表各包含哪些表?

考题 问答题什么是日照间距?

考题 单选题将城市总体规划的目标,分解为地区详细规划的目标;将观念形态的管理目标转化为实在的、外在的建设物质形态,是城市规划管理目标的()。A 扩展B 外化C 外延D 实现

考题 多选题单面托盘按形状可分为()A单面托盘B双面托盘C九脚托盘D川字型托盘

考题 多选题坚果是一类营养价值较高的食品,共同特点是()。A是维生素E和维生素A的良好来源B高能量C富含各种矿物质和维生素D碳水化合物的含量很高E还有大量的不饱和脂肪酸

考题 单选题我国现阶段,既要鼓励一部分人能过诚实劳动和合法经营先富起来,拉开收入差距,又要调节过高收入,保障低收入者的基本生活,防止两极分化。这本现了().A 按劳分配原则B 兼顾国家、集体、个人三者利益的原则C 效率优生、兼顾公平的原则D 平等竟争的原则

考题 单选题()是指存款单位与农业银行协议约定,在基本存款账户或一般存款账户之上,开立协定存款账户,并约定基本存款额度,由开户行对超出基本额度的协定户存款按协定存款利率单独计息的存款产品。A 协议存款B 单位通知存款C 单位定期存款D 单位协定存款

考题 单选题新中国民主政治建设中最根本的政治制度是()。A 人民代表大会制度B 共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度C 民族区域自治制度

考题 名词解释题河姆渡遗址

考题 单选题入仓粮食应按()分开储藏。A 种类、水分、容重B 种类、杂质含量C 杂质含量、破碎率D 种类、等级、收获年份

考题 多选题在评价内部审计工作时,注册会计师通常需要考虑的因素有( )A内部审计工作是否由经过充分技术培训且精通业务的人员担任B内部审计是否能够获取充分、适当的审计证据C内部审计结论是否适当D内部审计发现的例外或异常事项是否得到适当解决