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“所有货舱已打开”可译成:ALL HATCHES OPEN。


更多 ““所有货舱已打开”可译成:ALL HATCHES OPEN。” 相关考题
考题 Why would the Hatches routinely go from store to store?A. They decided to open a storeB. They wanted to save moneyC. They couldn’t afford expensive thingsD. They wanted to buy gifts for local kids

考题 Are stevedores going to open the hatches ________ do we have to?A.eitherB.whileC.orD.nor

考题 当货舱门人工选择活门手柄置于打开(OPEN)或关闭(CLOSE)位时()A、需要驾驶舱接通电动泵才能接通B、电动泵需要人工接通C、电动泵自动接通

考题 用于打开表的宏命令是( )。A.Open FormB.Open TableC.Open ReportD.Open Qery

考题 用于打开窗体的宏命令是( )。A.Open FormB.Open ReportC.Open QueryD.Open Table

考题 已打开学生表,为了统计出所有学生的平均成绩,应使用的命令是______。A.SUM ALL总分TO PJB.AVERAGE ALL总分TO PJC.TOTAL ALL ON总分TO PJD.COUNT ALL FOR总分=0 TO PJ

考题 试题24在打开窗体时,一次发生的事件是()A.打开(Open)?加载(Load)?调整大小(Resize)?激活(Actevate)B.打开(Open)?激活(Actevate)?加载(Load)?调整大小(Resize)C.打开(Open)?调整大小(Resize)?加载(Load)?激活(Actevate)D.打开(Open)?激活(Actevate)?调整大小(Resize)?加载(Load)

考题 In most cases involving spillage of dangerous goods,the most effective response will probably be to ______.A.attempt to repack dangerous goodsB.close all hatches and doorsC.open all hatches and doorsD.wash the substance overboard or jettison it

考题 能使货舱灯亮的条件是()。A、货舱门打开,货舱灯开关放在“关断”位B、货舱门关闭,货舱灯开关在“接通”位C、货舱门打开,货舱灯开关在“接通”位D、货舱门关闭,货舱灯开关在“关断”位

考题 货舱门通气门的作用是:()。A、增压作用,打开时使货舱增压,防止货舱霉变B、检查作用,打开通气门检查货舱,而无需打开货舱门C、通气作用,在飞行中打开通气门,使货舱门外压力保持一致D、防止打开,当货舱压力过大时,防止货舱门打开以避免货舱门弹出伤人或损坏设备

考题 Please close all the hatches.()A、请把所有的舱关闭B、关舱C、请打开舱D、请把所有的舱打开



考题 在打开窗体时,依次发生的事件是()A、打开(Open)→加载(Load)→调整大小(Resize)→激活(Activate)B、打开(Open)→激活(Activate)→加载(Load)→调整大小(Resize)C、打开(Open)→调整大小(Resize)→加载(Load)→激活(Activate)D、打开(Open)→激活(Activate)→调整大小(Resize)→加载(Load)

考题 货舱门平衡机构的作用是()A、帮助货舱门打开时减缓运动速度B、帮助货舱门关闭时减缓运动速度C、帮助货舱门打开和关闭时减缓运动速度D、帮助货舱门打开和关闭时省力,并使门打开时保持在完全打开位

考题 “飞行中”是指航空器从装载完毕,()已关闭时起,直至打开()以便卸载为止。()A、所有客舱门;任一客舱门B、机舱外部各门;任一机舱门C、机舱外部各门;任一货舱门D、所有客舱门;任一机门

考题 维护信息FWDCARGOHEAT表示:()A、前货舱加热关断活门和温度控制活门均未打开B、前货舱加热关断活门和温度控制活门均打开且货舱加热系统工作正常C、前货舱加热关断活门打开D、前货舱温度控制活门打开

考题 当货舱门解锁/打开时:()A、货舱门负释压门不会打开B、货舱门负释压门也会打开

考题 单选题Please close all the hatches.()A 请把所有的舱关闭B 关舱C 请打开舱D 请把所有的舱打开

考题 单选题Before opening and closing the hatches, the spaces around the covers, all the parts and the gears should be ().A clearedB checkedC removedD repaired

考题 单选题在打开窗体时,依次发生的事件是()A 打开(Open)→加载(Load)→调整大小(Resize)→激活(Activate)B 打开(Open)→激活(Activate)→加载(Load)→调整大小(Resize)C 打开(Open)→调整大小(Resize)→加载(Load)→激活(Activate)D 打开(Open)→激活(Activate)→调整大小(Resize)→加载(Load)

考题 单选题水手长,我们为什么要开舱盖?()A Bosun, why do we open hatch covers?B Officer, why do we open hatch covers?C Bosun, why do we close hatch covers?D Bosun, why do we open hatches?

考题 多选题Identify three valid methods of opening, pluggable databases (PDBs).()AALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN ALL ISSUED from the rootBALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN ALL ISSUED from a pdbCALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from the seedDALTER DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from the rootEALTER DATABASE OPEN issued from that pdbFALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE PDB OPEN issued from another pdbGALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE OPEN issued from that pdb

考题 单选题Good seamanship while towing in heavy weather requires all of the following EXCEPT().A reducing speed to reduce surging on the towlineB lashing down or stowing all loose gearC dogging all hatches and watertight doorsD streaming all of your towing hawser

考题 单选题When fueling has been completed().A the fuel tank fill pipe should be left open to allow vapors to vent from the tankB the engine should be started immediately to prevent vapor lock in the fuel lineC all hatches should be opened and all compartments should be ventilatedD open the fuel line and drain a small amount of gasoline into the bilge to clear the line of sediment

考题 判断题“所有货舱已打开”可译成:ALL HATCHES OPEN。A 对B 错

考题 单选题在打开窗体时,依次发生的事件是(  )。A 打开(Open)→加载(Load)→调整大小(Resize)→激活(Activate)B 打开(Open)→激活(Activate)→加载(Load)→调整大小(Resize)C 打开(Open)→调整大小(Resize)→加载(Load)→激活(Activate)D 打开(Open)→激活(Activate)→调整大小(Resize)一加载(Load)