










4. 冲刺阶段 :2020年11月 - 2020年12月



下面小编为大家准备了 研究生入学 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。


孟子所提倡的有关教育作用的思想表现在哪 些方面?

“孟子道性善”是有关人性问题中重要的一派观点,而且是第一次从理论高度对人自身本质加以认识和阐述,并形成 论证政治必先论证教育、论证教育必先论证人性的思维习惯。 孟柯以为,仁义礼智这些人的"良知” "良能”,是人所固有的。但同时,孟冩 "性善论”却又揭示了一些重要的理论网韻成为其教育思想的基础。 其一,"性善论”说明了人性是人类独有的、区别于动物的本质属性。 其二,"性善论”还包含了一个人类种系发展的前提在内。所以人性的善是人类习的结果,是人类缓慢进化的结果。 其三,“性善论”不仅揭示了人之“类’ 而且还揭示了人之“故”。人性之“故”就是 “人性之善也,犹水之就下也”。 孟柯认为教育是扩充“善性”的过程: 尽管他说仁义礼智是"我固有之”,但他又不认为人生来就具备现成的道德观念和道德品质,充其量只能算是一种道德的可能性, 他说:恻隐之心,仁之端也;羞恶之心,义 之端也;辞让之心,礼之端也;是非之心, 智之端也。所谓"端”,是指事物的开头或 缘由。人所具备的恻隐、羞恶、辞让、是非四种心理倾向,不过是仁义礼智的起始点或 可能性。可能不等于现实,要将“四端"转化为现实的道德品质,需要靠学习与教育= 所谓"学问之道无他,求其放心而已矣”。 所以孟轲以为,教育的作用就在于引导人保存、找回和扩充其固有的善端。没有教育, 不要说性善,人就几乎无异于禽兽了。 孟轲所说的“善端”只是人的某种可能 性,将可能变成现实,要靠教育、物质生活条件、社会环境等诸多因素的共同作用,以 促使人所固有的"善端”成长起来。

《永徽律疏》在(  )以后被称为《唐律疏议》。


Text l Americans,we are told,believe in competition.But a shockingly large number of workers-30 million-are shackled by what are called"noncompetes,"which are agreements forbidding employees to leave their job to work for a competitor or to start their own competing business.And the number is growing fast.Once reserved for a corporation's most treasured rainmakers,noncompetes are now routinely applied to low-wage workers like warehouse employees,fast-food workers and even dog sitters.Like other anti-competitive practices,they poison our economy in larger,less perceptible ways.A report from the Treasury Department suggests that noncompetes should be banned for all employees,regardless of skill,industry or wage;they simply do more harm than good.Because laws governing noncompetes vary from state to state,we can analyze the effects of these kinds of contracts on wages,competition and labor mobility.The evidence shows wages in states that enforce noncompetes are 10 percent lower than in states that restrict their use.The Treasury Department concluded in its recent report that"by reducing workers'job options,noncompete agreements force workers to accept lower wages in their current jobs,and may sometimes induce workers to leave their occupations entirely,forgoing accumulated human capital."Workers shackled by noncompetes cannot rely on outside offers and free-market competition to fairly value their talents.Without incentives to increase wages in-house,companies can allow salaries to plateau.California and Massachusetts offer a case study within the high-tech industry.California strictly voids all noncompete agreements.Massachusetts,like most other states,enforces noncompetes.Both states enjoyed an early boom within the high-tech market,but California's Silicon Valley has continued growing,while Massachusetts has sputtered.In Massachusetts the enforcement of those agreements kept out new businesses by preventing people most likely to start new businesses-experienced former employees-from staying in the region.Meanwhile,in Silicon Valley,entrepreneurial activity flourished;thanks to California's refusal to enforce all noncompetes(including those from other jurisdictions),it remains the tech center of the world.The best companies already realize the damaging effect of post-employment restrictions.Companies with little turnover risk becoming stagnant and short-sighted.In fact,relying on noncompetes rather than active recruitment and retention creates a market for lemons-a business will end up with employees who stay despite their unhappiness.Smart leaders treat departing employees as alumni,rather than sour exes in a divorce.But too many other employers have become increasingly inclined to bring disagreements with their former employees to court,relying on noncompetes rather than positive incentives to retain the best talent and reduce the competition.The liberty to move in the job market not only supports workers'choice,equality and wage growth but also creates the competition that catalyzes entrepreneurship,innovation and overall economic growth.If we want a healthy and free market,we should not shackle workers to the first business that offers them a job.Let them compete.
The case study is mentioned to illustrate that noncompetes can_____.

A.bring short-term economic advantages
B.reduce talent exchange between states
C.srifle enirepreneurship and competition
D.resuli in wider regional disparities

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