

2020年MBA考试《英语》考试共48题,分为英译汉和写作和完形填空和阅读理解A和阅读理解B。小编为您整理第二章 语法5道练习题,附答案解析,供您备考练习。

1、() is the volume of chemical goods.【单选题】

A.Constantly growing too

B.Too constantly growing

C.Growing constant to

D.Too growing constant


答案解析:【译文】化学产品的生产量也在不断增长。【解析】本句的正常语序应是:The volume of chemical goods is growing constantly too,但出于对growing constantly too 的强调,本句采用全倒装:Constantly growing too is the volume of chemicalgoods,此类倒装结构在形式上颇类似于“表→系→主”例装,故可归为一类进行学习。【点睛】广义上的“表→系→主”倒装:Doing.../Done...+ be + S.

2、All the tasks(  )ahead of time, they decided to go on holiday for a week.【单选题】

A.had been fulfilled

B.having been fulfilled

C.were fulfilled

D.been fulfilled


答案解析:【译文】所有的任务已经提前完成,所以他们决定度假一周。【解析】分析句子可知,这号之后是个句子,故逗号之前不能为句子,A和C项均是谓语动词形式,故排除;D项属于be fulfilled用于完成时的部分谓语表达,不能单独存在,故也排除,综上,本题答案选B。B项在语义上相当于一个原因状语从句:As all the tasks had been fulfilled ahead of time...。

3、Imagine our embarrassment when we saw Mary(  ).【单选题】

A.wore her new dress that has a price tag on it

B.she wears her new dress that has a price tag on it

C.wearing her new dress that had a price tag on it

D.to wear her new dress that has a price tag on it


答案解析:【译文】当看到Mary穿着贴着价格标签的新衣时,可以想象我们有多么尴尬。【解析】see的宾语补足语有两种形式:see sb.do sth.或see sb.doing sth.,比对四个选项可知,C项正确。A项wore代入空格,只能把Mary wore...视为一个宾语从句,但see表示“看到”讲时,后面一般不接宾语从句;此外,其后面的that定语从句中,谓语动词has与前面的动词wore和saw时态明显不一致;B项中的she与其前面的Mary明显语义重复;D项的不定式用法显然不符合前面动词see的搭配要求。【点睛】现在分词短语作宾语补足语。

4、He asked me()have and I offered him number.【单选题】

A.what room could he

B.what room he may

C.which room could he

D.which room he could


答案解析:【译文】他问我哪间房是他的,我给了他房号。【解析】逐项代入分析比对:A项作为what引导的名词性从句,出现倒装(could he),有违“陈述语序”的从句规则;B项what room (什么房间/哪一类房间)与and后分句中的number (房间号)语义不对应;C项错误本质同A; D项是正确项,既符合名词性从句的陈述语序(正装语序),引导词which也与后半句中的number形成语义对应。

5、Here we found little snow, as most of it seemed(  )blown off the mountain.【单选题】

A.to be

B.that it was

C.to have been

D.that it had been


答案解析:【译文】在这里我们没见一点雪,因为它们大多似乎从山上被吹走了。【解析】seem的用法①seem to do...②It seems that S + V...,本题才艮据seemed前面的主语most of it可知属于前一种用法,即seem to do的结构;再根据逗号前谓语动词found可知“被吹走”应是在"found"之前已经发生,因此此结构的不定式应使用“完成形式”,即seem to have done,故答案选C。

下面小编为大家准备了 MBA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

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