



名称 步步高 点读机T200
主要参数 工作电压:6V ,变速调整:5级 ,读最大时间:240秒 ,音量调整:16级
屏幕 液晶显示屏
存储 Flash芯片容量:256MB(2Gb)*
数据接口 USB 1.1接口
电池 5号(AA)电池4节
规格 291×249×34mm
附件 说明书,USB线,电源适配器,保修卡,点击笔
其它性能 支持课文播放,支持只能辅导功能,支持单词听写功能,支持标准英语发音,
步步高 点读机T400
主要参数 变速调整5级,跟读最大时间240秒,音量调整16级
存储 Flash芯片容量:256MB(2G)(其中程序软件约占用35MB,内置词典数据约占用46MB)
数据接口 USB 1.1接口
电池 5号(AA)电池4节,工作电压:直流6V
屏幕 液晶显示屏
规格 291×249×34mm
附件 电源适配器,点读笔,保用卡,USB下载线,说明书
其它性能 具有智能辅导,系统学习,单词听写,教材同步,互动测验,随点随读,同步翻译讲解,标准语音,Mp3播放,跟读/对比,课文播放,全能变速,暂停,原声复读等功能,内含英汉词典
名称 步步高 点读机T500
主要参数 工作电压:6V ,变速调整:5级 ,读最大时间:240秒 ,音量调整:16级
屏幕 OLED显示屏
存储 1G
数据接口 USB 1.1接口
电池 5号(AA)电池4节
规格 291×249×32.3mm
附件 说明书,USB线,电源适配器,保修卡,点击笔
其它性能 英汉词典功能,支持标准英语原声复读,宠物学习,Mp3音乐播放,系统学习,单词听写,支持课文播放,支持智能辅导功能,支持同步翻译讲解,支持互动测验,可根据测验评估学习效果
名称 步步高 点读机T300
主要参数 工作电压:6V ,变速调整:5级 ,读最大时间:240秒 ,音量调整:16级
屏幕 LED彩色液晶显示屏
存储 Flash芯片容量:256MB(2Gb)*
数据接口 USB 1.1接口
电池 5号(AA)电池4节
规格 291×249×32.3mm
附件 说明书,USB线,电源适配器,保修卡,点击笔
其它性能 宠物学习,Mp3音乐播放,智能辅导,系统学习,单词听写,标准英语发音,同步翻译讲解,互动测验可根据测验评估学习效果

下面小编为大家准备了 专四专八考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

______'s Leaves of Grass is a collection of poems written in free verse.

A.Robert Frost

B.T.S. Eliot

C.Walt Whitman

D.Ezra Pound


The Capital of Northern Island is ______.






Most people think of lions as strictly African beasts, but only because they've been killed off almost everywhere else. Ten thousand years ago lions spanned vast sections of the globe, and so did people, who —as they multiplied and organized —pat pressure on competitors at the top of the food chain. Now lions hold only a small fraction of their former habitat, and Asiatic lions, a subspecies that split from African lions perhaps 100,000 years ago, hang on to an almost impossibly small slice of their former domain.

India is the proud steward of these 300 or so lions, which live primarily in a 560-square-mile (1,450-square-kilometer) sanctuary. It took me a year and a half to get a permit to explore the entire Gir Forest —and no time at all to see why these lions became symbols of royalty and greatness. A tiger will slink through the forest unseen, but a lion stands its ground, curious and unafraid —lionhearted. Though they told me in subtle ways when I got too close, Gir's lions allowed me unique glimpses into their lives during my three months in the forest. It's odd to think that they are threatened by extinction; Gir has as many lions as it can hold —too many, in fact. With territory in short supply, lions prowl the periphery of the forest and even leave it altogether, often clashing with people. That's one reason India is creating a second sanctuary. There are other pressing reasons: outbreaks of disease or natural disasters. In 1994 canine distemper killed more than a third of Africa's Serengeti lions —thousand animals —a fate that could easily befall Gir's cats. These lions, saved by a prince at the turn of the 20th century, are especially vulnerable to disease because they descend from as few as a dozen individuals. "If you do a DNA fingerprint, Asiatic lions actually look like identical twins," says Stephen O'Brien, a geneticist who has studied them. Yet the perils are hidden, and you wouldn't suspect them by watching these lords of the forest. The lions exude vitality, and no small measure of charm.

Though the gentle intimacy of play vanishes when it's time to eat, meals in Git are not necessarily frenzied affairs. For a mother and cub sharing a deer, or a young male relishing an antelope, there's no need to fight for a cut of the kill. Prey animals are generally smaller in Gir than they are in Africa, and hunting groups tend to be smaller as well. The lions themselves aren't as big as African lions, and they have shorter manes and a long fold of skin on their undersides that many lions in Africa don't have.

What impressed the author most when he went to watch the lions in the Gir Forest?

A.The lions were on the brink of extinction.

B.They were suffering from a fatal disease.

C.They allowed him to see their vitality and charm at close quarters.

D.Mother lion and her cub shared a deer.


According to Bloomfield, meaning can be defined in terms of observable stimuli and responses made by participants in specific situations. This view of meaning is known as ______.






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