大学英语六级 2021_09_07 每日一练







听力原文:W: Hello, Ultimate Computers. May I help you?

M: Yes, this is Jack Kordell from Hunter's Office Supplies. May I speak to Elaine Strong, please?

W: (22)I'm sorry, but she's not in right now.

M: Okay, do you know when she'll be back?

W: Uh, yes, she should be here later on this afternoon maybe about 4: 30. May I take a message?

M: Yes. Ms. Strong sent me a brochure detailing your newest line of laptop computers with a description of other software products, (23)but there wasn't any information about after-sales service.

W: Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?

M: Yes, but our fax is being repaired at the moment, and it won't be working until around 2: 30. Hum... could you try sending that information around 3: 30? (24)That should give me time to look over the material before I call Ms. Strong, say, around 5: 00. W: Sure. Could I have your name, telephone number, and fax number, please?

M: Yes. (25)Jack Kordell and the phone number is 560-1287. And the fax number is 560-1288.

W: Okay. Jack Kordell. Is your name spelled C-O-R-D-E-L?

M: No. It's Kordell with a "K" and two "l"s. K-O-R-D-E-L~L.

W: All right, Mr. Kordell. And your phone number is 560-1287,and the fax number is 560-1288. Is that correct?

M: Yes it is.

W: All right. I'll be sure to send you the fax this afternoon.

M: Okay, bye.


A.She's in a meeting.

B.She's out of the office.

C.She's talking with another customer.

D.She's avoiding the caller.










Section B

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.

The number of parents teaching their offspring at home will increase if the current public school system continues to be viewed as an irrelevant institution that can hinder a child's ability to learn.

The rise of home-schooling reflects broadening dissatisfaction with formal education in the US. Discontent is high for two reasons. First, public schools are turning out a poor product--illiterate and unprepared graduates. For example, American 13-year-olds have been documented as having math skills that rank below their counterparts in 14 other developed countries. One survey noted that just one-third of high school juniors could place the Civil War in the correct half-century. Equally troubling, public schools have become scenes where drugs are sold, teachers are robbed, and homemade bombs are found in lockers.

Compounding the situation, teachers' unions, school officials, and many politicians adamantly(坚决地) oppose the use of public monies(钱) for innovative solutions, such as vouchers and charter schools. Those alternatives, although not a panacea(万能) for all the present problems, are at least promising vehicles that could help poor and middle-income parents to find better schools for their children and break up the monopoly of a "one-size-fits-all" philosophy of education.

In light of the educational quagmire(沼泽) the US finds itself in, many parents, impatient for reform, are taking matters into their own hands. One alternative that is gaining growing public acceptance is the educational option known as home-schooling. Home-schooling is defined simply as the "education of school-aged children at home rather than at a school". Home-schoolers believe that students who receive instruction simultaneously from the home and the community at large will be more culturally sophisticated than those whose bulk of learning experience is confined to a school. Home-schooling families believe they are using their liberties well and wisely. The American can-do spirit is evident in the home-schools and households parents manage simultaneously. Those families, however, could use some further deregulation, be it through home-school tax credits or a loosening of compulsory attendance school laws, to make their task easier.

According to the text, the number of children being schooled at home has increased because ______.

A.children don't want to go to school

B.parents are dissatisfied with pubic schools

C.home-schooled children learn better

D.public schools are too crowded
