ACCA考试 2022_04_15 每日一练

(b) The management of Division C has identified the need to achieve cost savings in order to become more

competitive. They have decided that an analysis and investigation of quality costs into four sub-categories will

provide a focus for performance measurement and improvement.


Identify the FOUR sub-categories into which quality costs can be analysed and provide examples (which

must relate to Division C) of each of the four sub-categories of quality cost that can be investigated in order

that overall cost savings might be achieved and hence the performance improved. (8 marks)


(d) Suggest a set of SIX performance measures which the directors of SSH could use in order to assess the

quality of service provided to its clients. (3 marks)


(b) Prepare a reasoned explanation of how any capital gains tax arising in the UK on the sale of the paintings

can be minimised. (2 marks)


1 Your client, Island Co, is a manufacturer of machinery used in the coal extraction industry. You are currently planning

the audit of the financial statements for the year ended 30 November 2007. The draft financial statements show

revenue of $125 million (2006 – $103 million), profit before tax of $5·6 million (2006 – $5·1 million) and total

assets of $95 million (2006 – $90 million). Your firm was appointed as auditor to Island Co for the first time in June


Island Co designs, constructs and installs machinery for five key customers. Payment is due in three instalments: 50%

is due when the order is confirmed (stage one), 25% on delivery of the machinery (stage two), and 25% on successful

installation in the customer’s coal mine (stage three). Generally it takes six months from the order being finalised until

the final installation.

At 30 November, there is an amount outstanding of $2·85 million from Jacks Mine Co. The amount is a disputed

stage three payment. Jacks Mine Co is refusing to pay until the machinery, which was installed in August 2007, is

running at 100% efficiency.

One customer, Sawyer Co, communicated in November 2007, via its lawyers with Island Co, claiming damages for

injuries suffered by a drilling machine operator whose arm was severely injured when a machine malfunctioned. Kate

Shannon, the chief executive officer of Island Co, has told you that the claim is being ignored as it is generally known

that Sawyer Co has a poor health and safety record, and thus the accident was their fault. Two orders which were

placed by Sawyer Co in October 2007 have been cancelled.

Work in progress is valued at $8·5 million at 30 November 2007. A physical inventory count was held on

17 November 2007. The chief engineer estimated the stage of completion of each machine at that date. One of the

major components included in the coal extracting machinery is now being sourced from overseas. The new supplier,

Locke Co, is located in Spain and invoices Island Co in euros. There is a trade payable of $1·5 million owing to Locke

Co recorded within current liabilities.

All machines are supplied carrying a one year warranty. A warranty provision is recognised on the balance sheet at

$2·5 million (2006 – $2·4 million). Kate Shannon estimates the cost of repairing defective machinery reported by

customers, and this estimate forms the basis of the provision.

Kate Shannon owns 60% of the shares in Island Co. She also owns 55% of Pacific Co, which leases a head office to

Island Co. Kate is considering selling some of her shares in Island Co in late January 2008, and would like the audit

to be finished by that time.


(a) Using the information provided, identify and explain the principal audit risks, and any other matters to be

considered when planning the final audit for Island Co for the year ended 30 November 2007.

Note: your answer should be presented in the format of briefing notes to be used at a planning meeting.

Requirement (a) includes 2 professional marks. (13 marks)


(e) Internal controls are very important in a complex civil engineering project such as the Giant Dam Project.


Describe the difficulties of maintaining sound internal controls in the Giant Dam Project created by working

through sub-contractors. (4 marks)


The following statements have been made about life cycle costing:

(i) It focuses on the short-term by identifying costs at the beginning of a product’s life cycle

(ii) It identifies all costs which arise in relation to the product each year and then calculates the product’s profitability on an annual basis

(iii) It accumulates a product’s costs over its whole life time and works out the overall profitability of a product

(iv) It allocates costs to each stage of a product’s life cycle and writes them off at the end of each stage

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

A.(i) and (iii)

B.(iii) only

C.(i) and (iv)

D.(ii) only


(b) Explain the matters you should consider before accepting an engagement to conduct a due diligence review

of MCM. (10 marks)


(c) (i) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s self-assessment corporation tax return for the year ended

30 September 2005 should be submitted, and advise the company of the penalties that will be due if

the return is not submitted until 31 May 2007. (3 marks)

(ii) State the date by which Thai Curry Ltd’s corporation tax liability for the year ended 30 September 2005

should be paid, and advise the company of the interest that will be due if the liability is not paid until

31 May 2007. (3 marks)


(c) (i) Identify and describe FOUR quality control procedures that are applicable to the individual audit

engagement; and (8 marks)
