



学员按科目的先后次序报考,每次最多报考四门。F1-F3考试时间为2小时,其余科目考试时间为3小时,及格成绩为50分(百分制)。 ACCA官方给出的最新的考试年限政策为:F阶段不再设定年限,P阶段年限为7年(从第一门通过P阶段科目开始算起)。

下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

5 (a) IFAC’s ‘Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants’ is divided into three parts:

Part A – Applicable to All Professional Accountants

Part B – Applicable to Professional Accountants in Public Practice

Part C – Applicable to Employed Professional Accountants


Distinguish between ‘Professional Accountants’, ‘Professional Accountants in Public Practice’ and ‘Employed

Professional Accountants’. (3 marks)

(a) Professional Accountants
■ Professional Accountants are members of an IFAC member body. They may be:
– in public practice or employed professionals;
– a sole practitioner, partnership or corporate body.
■ Professional Accountants in Public Practice (‘practitioners’) are:
– each partner (or person occupying a position similar to that of a partner); and
– each employee in a practice providing professional services to a client irrespective of their functional classification
(e.g. audit, tax or consulting); and
– professional accountants in a practice having managerial responsibilities.
This term is also used to refer to a firm of professional accountants in public practice.
■ Employed Professional Accountants are professional accountants employed in industry, commerce, the public sector or

4 (a) The purpose of ISA 510 ‘Initial Engagements – Opening Balances’ is to establish standards and provide guidance

regarding opening balances when the financial statements are audited for the first time or when the financial

statements for the prior period were audited by another auditor.


Explain the auditor’s reporting responsibilities that are specific to initial engagements. (5 marks)

(a) Reporting responsibilities specific to initial engagements
For initial audit engagements, the auditor should obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence that:
■ the opening balances do not contain misstatements that materially affect the current period’s financial statements;
■ the prior period’s closing balances have been correctly brought forward to the current period (or, where appropriate, have
been restated); and
■ appropriate accounting policies are consistently applied or changes in accounting policies have been properly accounted
for (and adequately presented and disclosed).
If the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence concerning opening balances there will be a limitation
on the scope of the audit. The auditor’s report should include:
■ a qualified (‘except for’) opinion;
■ a disclaimer of opinion; or
■ in those jurisdictions where it is permitted, an opinion which is:
– qualified (or disclaimed) regarding the results of operations (i.e. on the income statement); and
– unqualified regarding financial position (i.e. on the balance sheet).
If the effect of a misstatement in the opening balances is not properly accounted for and adequately presented and disclosed,
the auditor should express a qualified (‘except for’ disagreement) opinion or an adverse opinion, as appropriate.
If the current period’s accounting policies have not been consistently applied in relation to opening balances and if the change
has not been properly accounted for and adequately presented and disclosed, the auditor should similarly express
disagreement (‘except for’ or adverse opinion as appropriate).
However, if a modification regarding the prior period’s financial statements remains relevant and material to the current
period’s financial statements, the auditor should modify the current auditor’s report accordingly.

(b) (i) Advise Benny of the income tax implications of the grant and exercise of the share options in Summer

Glow plc on the assumption that the share price on 1 September 2007 and on the day he exercises the

options is £3·35 per share. Explain why the share option scheme is not free from risk by reference to

the rules of the scheme and the circumstances surrounding the company. (4 marks)

(b) (i) The share options
There are no income tax implications on the grant of the share options.
In the tax year in which Benny exercises the options and acquires the shares, the excess of the market value of the
shares over the price paid, i.e. £11,500 ((£3·35 – £2·20) x 10,000) will be subject to income tax.
Benny’s financial exposure is caused by the rule within the share option scheme obliging him to hold the shares for a
year before he can sell them. If the company’s expansion into Eastern Europe fails, such that its share price
subsequently falls to less than £2·20 before Benny has the chance to sell the shares, Benny’s financial position may be
summarised as follows:
– Benny will have paid £22,000 (£2·20 x 10,000) for shares which are now worth less than that.
– He will also have paid income tax of £4,600 (£11,500 x 40%).

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