


Professional Level – Essentials Module,

Professional Accountant

1 (a) (i) Three Kohlberg levels

At the preconventional level of moral reasoning, morality is conceived of in terms of rewards, punishments andinstrumental motivations. Those demonstrating intolerance of regulations in preference for self-serving motives aretypical preconventionalists.

At the conventional level, morality is understood in terms of compliance with either or both of peer pressure/socialexpectations or regulations, laws and guidelines. A high degree of compliance is assumed to be a highly moral position.

At the postconventional level, morality is understood in terms of conformance with ‘higher’ or ‘universal’ ethicalprinciples. Postconventional assumptions often challenge existing regulatory regimes and social norms and sopostconventional behaviour is often costly in personal terms.

Level 1: Preconventional level

Stage/Plane 1: Punishment-obedience orientation

Stage/Plane 2: Instrumental relativist orientation

Level 2: Conventional level

Stage/Plane 3: Good boy-nice girl orientation

Stage/Plane 4: Law and order orientation

Level 3: Postconventional level

Stage/Plane 5: Social contract orientation

Stage/Plane 6: Universal ethical principle orientation

(ii) The level that Jack Mineta operated at

The evidence from the case suggests that Mr Mineta operated at the preconventional level. Although he seemed lessconcerned with punishment, his actions were strongly driven by the incentives of financial rewards suggesting a rewardsorientation consistent with preconventional thinking. He seemed prepared to ignore internal control systems (‘I’m in thisjob for what I can get for myself – big risks bring big returns and big bonuses for me.’). The internal control systems at

Global-bank placed clear limits on traders’ behaviour in terms of limits and exposure to the highest risk derivativeinstruments. Mr Mineta was unconcerned about compliance with controls and prevailing rules would have suggestedconventional thinking. Had he complied with the internal control constraints, he would not have lost the large amountof money. Nor would he have made the large prior profits but these were manifestly not sustainable. Miss Hubu’scomment that he ‘didn’t believe in right and wrong’ excludes any suggestion that his ignoring of rules was driven bypostconventional assumptions.

(iii) Stage most appropriate for a professional bank employee

The most appropriate level of moral development for Mr Mineta in his work is stage 4 within the conventional level (level

2). This level stresses compliance with laws and regulations rather than the 3rd stage which is about compliance with

norms to gain social acceptance.

Stage 4 is concerned with legal and regulatory compliance and the moral right is that which is the most compliant withprevailing regulatory systems.

[Tutorial note: it is possible to argue for other stages. Credit should be given for this only when robustly defended withevidence. Unsupported assertions should not be rewarded.]

(b) FIVE typical causes of internal control failure and the performance of Global-bank

There are several possible causes of internal control failure. The UK Turnbull report (in paragraph 22) gives examples ofcauses of failure but this list is not exhaustive.

Poor judgement in decision-making. Internal control failures can sometimes arise from individual decisions being made basedon inadequate information provision or by inexperienced staff.

Human error can cause failures although a well-designed internal control environment can help control this to a certain extent.

Control processes being deliberately circumvented by employees and others. It is very difficult to completely prevent deliberatecircumvention, especially if an employee has a particular reason (in his or her opinion) to do so, such as the belief that higherbonuses will be earned.

Management overriding controls, presumably in the belief that the controls put in place are inconvenient or inappropriate andshould not apply to them.

The occurrence of unforeseeable circumstances is the final cause referred to in the Turnbull Report. Control systems aredesigned to cope with a given range of variables and when an event happens outwith that range, the system may be unableto cope.

Tutorial note: accept other, equivalent explanations or references to other governance codes if valid. Study texts makereference obliquely rather than as a ‘list’ to learn. The above points can be expressed in different ways.

Time allowed

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Section A – This ONE question is compulsory and MUST be attempted

Section B – TWO questions ONLY to be attempted

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During reading and planning time only the question paper maybe annotated. You must NOT write in your answer booklet untilinstructed by the supervisor.

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The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) State the enquiries you would make of the directors of Mulligan Co to ascertain the adequacy of the

$3 million finance requested for the new production facility. (7 marks)

(b) It is important to appreciate that the finance request should cover not only the cost of the construction of the new facility, but
also costs in order to get the business unit up and running, and enough cash to meet initial working capital requirements.
Mulligan Co may have sufficient cash to cover such additional expenses, but the bank will want comfort that this is the case.
Enquiries would include the following:
Who has prepared the forecast? It is important to evaluate the experience and competence of the preparer. If management
has previously prepared forecasts and capital expenditure budgets that were reliable and accurate, this adds a measure of
confidence in the preparation of the new forecast and the underlying assumptions used.
To what extent is internal finance available to cover any shortfall in the finance requirement? If there is surplus cash within
the organisation then the bank need not provide the full amount of finance necessary to start up the new business operation.
Has the cost of finance been included in the forecast? It appears that this cost is missing. Finance costs should be calculated
based on the anticipated interest rate to be applied to the loan advanced, and included in the total finance requirement.
What is the forecast operating cycle of the new business unit? In particular how long is the work in progress period, and how
much credit will be extended to customers? i.e. when will cash inflows specific to the new business unit be received? More
finance might be required to fund initial working capital shortfalls during the period when work in progress is occurring, and
before cash receipts from customers are received.
Will further raw materials be required? A request has been made for $250,000 for raw materials of timber. Other materials
may need to be purchased, for example, non-timber raw materials, and inventory of other consumables such as nuts and
How long will the ‘initial’ inventory of raw material last? What is the planned work in progress time for the new product? More
finance may be needed to avoid a stock out of raw materials.
Construction of the new factory – is there any documentation to support the capital expenditure? For example, architect’s
plans, surveyor’s reports. This will support the accuracy of the finance requested and is an important source of evidence given
the materiality of the premises to the total amount of finance requested.
How likely is it that costs may be subject to inflation before actually being incurred? This could increase the amount of finance
required by several percentage points.
Have quotes been obtained for the new machinery to be purchased?
Purchase of new machinery – will any specific installation costs be incurred? These costs can be significant for large pieces
of capital equipment. Also, enquiries should be made regarding any delivery costs.
The budget does not appear to contain any finance request for overheads such as use of electricity during the construction
period, and hire of installation equipment. Have these overheads been included in the construction cost estimate?
Will staff need to be trained in using the new machinery? If so, any incremental costs should be included in the finance
Advertising and marketing of new product – enquire of Patrick Tiler the methods that will be used to market the new product.
Some types of advertising are more of a cash drain due to their high expense e.g. television advertising is expensive and ‘up
front’ compared to magazine advertising, which is cheap and spread out. As Patrick Tiler is new to Mulligan Co, his forecast
is not based on past experience of this particular business.
LCT Bank will also consider the recoverability of the amount advanced by looking at the cash generating potential of the new
business unit. Enquiries should therefore be made regarding the likely success of the new products, for example:
– Has any market research been carried out to support the commercial viability of the new products?
– Have any contracts with retailers to carry the new products been negotiated?
– How quickly have past products generated a cash inflow?
– Is there a contingency plan in place in case the new products fail to be successful?

4 Assume today’s date is 15 May 2005.

In March 1999, Bob was made redundant from his job as a furniture salesman. He decided to travel round the world,

and did so, returning to the UK in May 2001. Bob then decided to set up his own business selling furniture. He

started trading on 1 October 2001. After some initial success, the business made losses as Bob tried to win more

customers. However, he was eventually successful, and the business subsequently made profits.

The results for Bob’s business were as follows:

Period Schedule D Case I

Trading Profits/(losses)

1 October 2001 – 30 April 2002 13,500

1 May 2002 – 30 April 2003 (18,000)

1 May 2003 – 30 April 2004 28,000

Bob required funds to help start his business, so he raised money in three ways:

(1) Bob is a keen cricket fan, and in the 1990s, he collected many books on cricket players. To raise money, Bob

started selling books from his collection. These had risen considerably in value and sold for between £150 and

£300 per book. None of the books forms part of a set. Bob created an internet website to advertise the books.

Bob has not declared this income, as he believes that the proceeds from selling the books are non-taxable.

(2) He disposed of two paintings and an antique silver coffee set at auction on 1 December 2004, realising

chargeable gains totalling £23,720.

(3) Bob took a part time job in a furniture store on 1 January 2003. His annual salary has remained at £12,600

per year since he started this employment.

Bob has 5,000 shares in Willis Ltd, an unquoted trading company based in the UK. He subscribed for these shares

in August 2000, paying £3 per share. On 1 December 2004, Bob received a letter informing him that the company

had gone into receivership. As a result, his shares were almost worthless. The receivers dealing with the company

estimated that on the liquidation of the company, he would receive no more than 10p per share for his shareholding.

He has not yet received any money.


(a) Write a letter to Bob advising him on whether or not he is correct in believing that his book sales are nontaxable.

Your advice should include reference to the badges of trade and their application to this case.

(9 marks)

(a) Evidence of trading
[Client address]
[Own address]
Dear Bob,
I note that you have been selling some books in order to raise some extra income. While you believe that the sums are not
taxable, I believe that there may be a risk of the book sales being treated as a trade, and therefore taxable under Schedule D
Case I. We need to refer to guidance in the form. of a set of principles known as the ‘badges of trade’. These help determine
whether or not a trade exists, and need to be looked at in their entirety. The badges are as follows.
1. The subject matter
Some assets can be enjoyed by themselves as an investment, while others (such as large amounts of aircraft linen) are
clearly not. It is likely that such assets are acquired as trading stock, and are therefore a sign of trading. Sporting books
can be an investment, and so this test is not conclusive.
2. Frequency of transactions
Where transactions are frequent (not one-offs), this suggests trading. You have sold several books, which might suggest
trading, although you have only done this for a short period - between one and two years.
3. Length of ownership
Where items are bought and sold soon afterwards, this indicates trading. You bought your books in the 1990s, and the
length of time between acquisition and sale would not suggest trading.
4. Supplementary work and marketing
You are actively marketing the books on your internet website, which is an indication of trading.
5. Profit motive
A motive to make profit suggests trading activity. You sold the books to raise funds for your property business, and not
to make a profit as such, which suggests that your motive was to raise cash, and not make profits.
6. The way in which the asset sold was acquired.
Selling assets which were acquired unintentionally (such as a gift) is not usually seen as trading. You acquired the books
for your collection over a period of time, and while these were intentional acquisitions, the reasons for doing so were for
your personal pleasure.
By applying all of these tests, it should be possible to argue that you were not trading, merely selling some assets in
order to generate short-term cash for your business.
The asset disposals will be taxed under the capital gain tax rules, but as the books are chattels and do not form. part of
a set, they will be exempt from capital gains tax.
Yours sincerely
A N. Accountant

(b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of using franchising to develop La Familia Amable budget hotel

chain? (8 marks)

(b) Franchising is typically seen as a quick and cost effective way of growing the business but Ramon should be aware of both
the advantages and disadvantages of using it as the preferred method of growth. Franchised chains are argued to benefit from
the sort of brand recognition and economies of scale not enjoyed by independent owner/managers. When combined with the
high levels of motivation normally associated with owner/managed businesses, franchises can be argued to get the best of
both worlds.
Franchising is defined as ‘a contractual agreement between two legally independent companies whereby the franchisor grants
the right to the franchisee to sell the franchisor’s product or do business under its trademarks in a given location for a specified
period of time. In return, the franchisee agrees to pay the franchisor a combination of fees, usually including an up-front
franchise fee, royalties calculated as a percentage of unit revenues, and an advertising conbribution that is also usually a
percentage of unit sales.’
Ramon is considering a type of franchising called ‘business-format franchising’, where the franchisor sells a way of doing
business to its franchisees. Business-format franchising is a model frequently found in the fast food and restaurant industry,
hotels and motels, construction and maintenance, and non-food retailing. Often these franchises are labour intensive and
relatively small-scale operations.
Franchising is seen as a safer alternative to growing the business organically, so while this may be true of well established
global franchises, failure rates among franchised small businesses were greater than those of independent businesses (in one
US study a 34·7% failure rate for franchises as opposed to 28·0% for independents over a six or seven year period). Often
it is the failure of the franchisor that brings down its franchisees. Failure stems from the franchisee not only having to rely on
their own skills and enthusiasm but also the capacity of the franchisor and other franchisees to make the overall operation
The advantages to the franchisee are through gaining access to a well-regarded brand name that will generate a higher level
of demand and use of a tried and tested business model that should reduce the franchisee’s operating costs. Both of these
benefits stem from being a member of a well-established franchised system. Yet La Familia Amable along with many other
franchises will be new and small. These smaller franchises tend to be regional in scope, and fairly unknown outside their
regional market. This has a significant effect on what the franchisees can expect to gain from their franchisors and their
prospects of success. Both parties need to carefully assess the strengths and weaknesses of the system. Companies growing
via franchises need to take the time to understand their business model thoroughly and determine how franchising fits with
their long-term strategy. Care must be taken with the franchise agreement that creates a genuine partnership with the rightbalance between freedom and control over the franchisees.

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