



1. 持续高压学习。如果你是那种抓紧睁眼时间里每分每秒学习ACCA的人,小编立马给您跪了,您老可以先歇歇,其实只要早早开始复习,做好合理的复习计划,考生们完全可以过上惬意的人生。并不是说高压式的复习就可以获得所有的回报,长时间的学习,会让你对ACCA产生疲惫感,会有种一直在学习没有尽头的感觉。许多在备考阶段完全放弃社交生活的人,通常都顶着比较大的压力,这种压力极有可能在考前几天彻底爆发出来,打乱复习节奏,摧毁原来比较好的状态。所以与其这样,在考前还是要保持适当的休息和小娱乐。

2. 不是在学习,只是死记硬背。复习是一个学习和吸收知识的过程,从来不是单纯的记忆,虽然ACCA考试中有些公式和概念是必须要背诵的,但我们总体的重点还是放在理解上。还有同学喜欢在复习的时候,再过一遍笔记本,比如说复写一遍曾经的笔记。但是我个人觉得这样效率比较低,大家可以先仔细过一遍笔记,然后根据考纲写出key points或者笔记中的重要内容。


4. 备考环境的问题。很多人觉得ACCA复习环境不重要,但其实合适舒适的复习氛围可以很大程度上提高效率。这个没有特定的标准,看大家喜好。当然如果你一边复习,一边还时不时地刷会微信,看看手机什么的,那我也不知道如何拯救你啦。

5. 考前预测让你误入歧途。许多ACCA报名考生对于考前预测抱着一种深信不疑的态度,感觉有了考前预测,复习范围就缩小了一大块,于是你的分数也掉了不少。之前就有考高分的小伙伴和我们分享,考前预测,只是作为你在复习阶段一种参照而已,并不是完全的复习引导。如果你一开始就按照那个复习,考出来的分数可能会不尽如人意。


下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(c) Outline the problems with references. (7 marks)

(15 marks)

Part (c)
There can be significant problems with references, these include the fact that most referees are well known to the applicant and
hesitate to say anything critical. However, the more skilful reference reader learns to look for what is conspicuous by omission
although there is always the risk that the writer merely forgot.
Often there are glowing tributes designed to aid the candidate on their way and some can be too ambiguous to be useful.
It is also important to note that references are poor predictors of future performance, are time consuming for the referee and the
subsequent reader. A particular problem is that employers who want to rid themselves of unsatisfactory employees could write an
enthusiastic reference, or at best one which leaves a lot unsaid.
However, care should be taken when providing references. Potentially, there can be legal consequences if a reference is misleading
or misrepresents the person for whom the reference is provided.
In addition, problems can arise when references are sought too early in the recruitment process and therefore breach confidentiality.

(b) Briefly explain the two types of informal communication known as the grapevine and rumour. (6 marks)

(b) The grapevine and rumour are the two main types of informal communication.
The grapevine is probably the best known type of informal communication. All organisations have a grapevine and it will thrive if there is lack of information and consequently employees will make assumptions about events. In addition, insecurity,gossip about issues and fellow employees, personal animosity between employees or managers or new information that has not yet reached the formal communication system, will all drive the grapevine.
Rumours are the other main informal means of communication and are often active if there is a lack of formal communication.A rumour is inevitably a communication not based on verified facts and may therefore be true or false. Rumours travel quickly(often quicker than both the formal system and the grapevine) and can influence those who hear them and cause confusion,especially if bad news is the basis of the rumour. Managers must ensure that the formal communication system is such that rumours can be stopped, especially since they can have a serious negative effect on employees.

(b) Prepare a consolidated balance sheet as at 31 October 2005 for the Lateral Group in accordance with

International Financial Reporting Standards. (21 marks)


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