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3、然后在后续页面中选择科目等信息,机考报名的操作流程非常简单清晰,一般不会弄错。       4、点击下方考试科目自动弹出考试地点的选择,填写合适的城市就会自动生成考试报名信息,只要添加到考试计划中缴费确认即可报名成功。 另外,如果计划考试的当天无法参加考试,那么你还可以提前更改你的预约信息,以免造成不必要的经济损失。


1、登录到你的myacca账户,进入”Exam Entry”页面中,点击”View/Amend Exam Entry”进入报考更改页面。      

2、进入页面后,点击”Amend Exam Entry”进行考试报名更改。      


4、更改考试报名后,会显示出哪门科目被取消,哪门科目已报考成功,相应的费用也会在此页面中进行调整和更改。点击“Proceed to payment”进入支付页面进行付费。



ACCA官网缴费是支持使用银联卡和支付宝的。但ACCA总部推荐学员使用双币信用卡在线考试报名。这样将可以及时确认报名成功并且可以享受提前考试报名时段的优惠价格。 但如果在我们缴纳ACCA报名费时,网页显示报名成功,但未收到银行扣款通知怎么办?如果其他步骤都没有出错,并且有显示报考成功的话,有可能是由于因为报名时ACCA使用的信用卡预授权消费,信用卡发卡行会先把你这笔缴费款冻结住,一般银行过1-2个工作日会跟ACCA官方对账,确定这笔款项真的没问题时,才会把费用真正扣除。所以,当出现上述情况时,先检查自己的各项信息,没错的话,可以过两天再查询具体情况吧!










下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(ii) Upwards; (3 marks)

(ii) Upwards communication is generally non-directive in nature and often takes two forms: personal problems or suggestions and/or technical feedback as part of the organisation’s control system.

(b) When a director retires, amounts become payable to the director as a form. of retirement benefit as an annuity.

These amounts are not based on salaries paid to the director under an employment contract. Sirus has

contractual or constructive obligations to make payments to former directors as at 30 April 2008 as follows:

(i) certain former directors are paid a fixed annual amount for a fixed term beginning on the first anniversary of

the director’s retirement. If the director dies, an amount representing the present value of the future payment

is paid to the director’s estate.

(ii) in the case of other former directors, they are paid a fixed annual amount which ceases on death.

The rights to the annuities are determined by the length of service of the former directors and are set out in the

former directors’ service contracts. (6 marks)


Draft a report to the directors of Sirus which discusses the principles and nature of the accounting treatment of

the above elements under International Financial Reporting Standards in the financial statements for the year

ended 30 April 2008.

(b) Directors’ retirement benefits
The directors’ retirement benefits are unfunded plans which may fall under IAS19 ‘Employee Benefits’.
Sirus should review its contractual or constructive obligation to make retirement benefit payments to its former directors at the
time when they leave the firm. The payments may create a financial liability under IAS32, or may give rise to a liability of
uncertain timing and amount which may fall within the scope of IAS37 ‘Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent
assets’. Certain former directors are paid a fixed annuity for a fixed term which is payable annually, and on death, the present
value of future payments are paid to the director’s estate. An annuity meets the definition of a financial liability under IAS32,
if there is a contractual obligation to deliver cash or a financial asset. The latter form. of annuity falls within the scope of
IAS32/39. The present value of the annuity payments should be determined. The liability is recognised because the directors
have a contractual right to the annuity and the firm has no discretion in terms of withholding the payment. As the rights to
the annuities are earned over the period of the service of the directors, then the costs should have been recognised also over
the service period.
Where an annuity has a life contingent element and, therefore, embodies a mortality risk, it falls outside the scope of IAS39
because the annuity will meet the definition of an insurance contract which is scoped out of IAS39, along with employers’
rights and obligations under IAS19. Such annuities will, therefore, fall within the scope of IAS37 if a constructive obligation
exists. Sirus should assess the probability of the future cash outflow of the present obligation. Because there are a number of
similar obligations, IAS37 requires that the class of obligations as a whole should be considered (similar to a warranty
provision). A provision should be made for the best estimate of the costs of the annuity and this would include any liability
for post retirement payments to directors earned to date. The liability should be built up over the service period rather than
just when the director leaves. In practice the liability will be calculated on an actuarial basis consistent with the principles in
IAS19. The liability should be recalculated on an annual basis, as for any provision, to take account of changes in directors
and other factors. The liability will be discounted where the effect is material.

(c) Outline the ways in which Arthur and Cindy can reduce their income tax liability by investing in unquoted

shares and recommend, with reasons, which form. of investment best suits their circumstances. You are not

required to discuss the qualifying conditions applicable to the investment vehicle recommended. (5 marks)

You should assume that the income tax rates and allowances for the tax year 2005/06 apply throughout this


(c) Reduction of income tax liability by investing in unquoted shares
The two forms of investment
Income tax relief is available for investments in venture capital trusts (VCTs) and enterprise investment scheme (EIS) shares.
A VCT is a quoted company that invests in shares in a number of unquoted trading companies. EIS shares are shares in
qualifying unquoted trading companies.
The most suitable investment for Arthur and Cindy is a VCT for the following reasons.
– An investment in a VCT is likely to be less risky than investing directly in EIS companies as the risk will be spread over
a greater number of companies.
– The tax deduction is 40% of the amount invested as opposed to 20% for EIS shares.
– Dividends from a VCT are not taxable whereas dividends on EIS shares are taxed in the normal way.

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