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3、 ACCA考试费用



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(二) 为什么MyACCA登陆不上?为什么网页老是无法跳转到支付页面?


(三) 没有及时缴纳年费会有什么影响



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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

6 Certain practices have developed that threaten to damage the integrity and objectivity of professional accountants and

the reputation of the accounting profession.


Explain the following practices and associated ethical risks and discuss whether current ethical guidance is


(a) ‘lowballing’; (5 marks)

Tutorial note: The answer which follows is indicative of the range of points which might be made. Other relevant material will
be given suitable credit.
(a) ‘Lowballing’
Explanation of term
‘Lowballing’ is the ‘loss-leading’ practice in which auditors compete for clients by reducing their fees for statutory audits.
Lower audit fees are then compensated by the auditor carrying out more lucrative non-audit work (e.g. consultancy and tax
advice). Audits may even be offered for free.
Such ‘predatory pricing’ may undercut an incumbent auditor to secure an appointment into which higher price consultancy
services may be sold.
Ethical risks
There is a risk of incompetence if the non-audit work does not materialise and the lowballing firm comes under pressure to
cut corners or resort to irregular practices (e.g. the falsification of audit working papers) in order to ‘keep within budget’.
However, a lack of audit quality may only be discovered if the situation arises that the company collapses and the auditors
are charged with negligence.
If, rather than comprise the quality of the audit, an audit firm substantially increases audit fees, a fee dispute could arise. In
this case the client might refuse to pay the higher fee. It could be difficult then for the firm to take the matter to arbitration
if the client was misled. Thus an advocacy threat may arise.
Financial dependence is a direct incentive that threatens independence. A self-interest threat therefore arises when, having
secured the audit, the audit firm needs the client to retain its services in order to recoup any losses initially incurred.
The provision of many other services gives rise to a self-review threat (as well as a self-interest threat).
Sufficiency of current ethical guidance
In current ethical guidance, the fact that an accountancy firm quotes a lower fee than other tendering firms is not improper,
providing that the prospective client is not misled about:
– the precise range of services that the quoted fee is intended to cover; and
– the likely level of fees for any other work undertaken.
This is clearly insufficient to prevent the practice of lowballing.
Legal prohibitions on the provision of many non-audit services (e.g. bookkeeping, financial information systems design and
implementation, valuation services, actuarial services, internal audit (outsourced), human resource services for executive
positions, investment and legal services) should make lowballing a riskier pricing strategy. This may curb the tendency to
Lowballing could be eliminated if, for example, auditors were required to act ‘exclusively as auditors’. Although regulatory
environments have moved towards this there is not a total prohibition on non-audit services.

3 (a) Discuss why the identification of related parties, and material related party transactions, can be difficult for

auditors. (5 marks)

3 Pulp Co
(a) Identification of related parties
Related parties and associated transactions are often difficult to identify, as it can be hard to establish exactly who, or what,
are the related parties of an entity. IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures contains definitions which in theory serve to provide a
framework for identifying related parties, but deciding whether a definition is met can be complex and subjective. For example,
related party status can be obtained via significant interest, but in reality it can be difficult to establish the extent of influence
that potential related parties can actually exert over a company.
The directors may be reluctant to disclose to the auditors the existence of related parties or transactions. This is an area of
the financial statements where knowledge is largely confined to management, and the auditors often have little choice but to
rely on full disclosure by management in order to identify related parties. This is especially the case for a close family member
of those in control or having influence over the entity, whose identity can only be revealed by management.
Identification of material related party transactions
Related party transactions may not be easy to identify from the accounting systems. Where accounting systems are not
capable of separately identifying related party transactions, management need to carry out additional analysis, which if not
done makes the transactions extremely difficult for auditors to find. For example sales made to a related party will not
necessarily be differentiated from ‘normal’ sales in the accounting systems.
Related party transactions may be concealed in whole, or in part, from auditors for fraudulent purposes. A transaction may
not be motivated by normal business considerations, for example, a transaction may be recognised in order to improve the
appearance of the financial statements by ‘window dressing’. Clearly if the management is deliberately concealing the true
nature of these items it will be extremely difficult for the auditor to discover the rationale behind the transaction and to consider
the impact on the financial statements.
Finally, materiality is a difficult concept to apply to related party transactions. Once a transaction has been identified, the
auditor must consider whether it is material. However, materiality has a particular application in this situation. ISA 550
Related Parties states that the auditor should consider the effect of a related party transaction on the financial statements.
The problem is that a transaction could occur at an abnormally small, even nil, value. Determining materiality based on
monetary value is therefore irrelevant, and the auditor should instead be alert to the unusual nature of the transaction making
it material.

2 Traditionally, the only objective of a business was to make a profit. However, some writers have suggested that this idea is simplistic and that profitability is only one objective amongst many.


State and explain Drucker’s eight classifications of objectives.

(15 marks)

2 For the complex, modern business, the view that the single objective of business is to make a profit is regarded by many writers as simplistic. Peter Drucker has argued that for a business to be successful, it must address a number of objectives.
Drucker was one of the first writers to identify the dangers of the single objective of profit maximisation. Concentrating on a single objective (invariably profit) is not only unproductive but potentially harmful to the organisation and can endanger the survival of the business and seriously undermine its future. He argues that business organisations have in fact eight objectives, all of which must be addressed concurrently. These eight objectives are particularly relevant to management, bringing together as they do the need to address all the issues with which the organisation is concerned.
Market standing is the need to identify and maintain market share and to ensure the development of new products to maintain share. Without market standing, no organisation can succeed.
Innovation is the need to develop and find new products and processes; no business can survive on providing the same product or service over the long term. Innovation is fundamental to understanding growth; organisations grow by developing innovative differences to their competitors.
Productivity and ‘contributed value’ recognises the need for efficiency and the efficient use of business resources.
Physical and financial resources is a recognition of the need to use the correct and appropriate financial resources.
Profitability. The word ‘profit’ does not appear, but ‘profitability’. Here there are three important determinants, profitability as a measure of effectiveness (many businesses make a profit which in fact is a poor return on the effort produced), the need for profit so that the business can be self-financing and the need to attract new capital.
Manager performance and development is the explicit recognition that the business requires objectives and that management activity can be linked directly to those objectives.
Worker performance and attitude is recognition that it is vital to measure the performance of the workforce by such means as labour turnover. However, worker attitude is more difficult to measure, but should be attempted.
Public responsibility has become an issue in the twenty-first century. Any business needs to be aware that it is a part of the community within which it operates and is therefore part of a wider social system.

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