你知道ACCA 全面机考政策什么时候实施吗?



其实,早在2018年的下半年ACCA考试就在中国地区进行了改革,将PM-FM阶段的课程全部由笔试改革机考考试。随着机考改革的深入,ACCA 战略阶段从20203月起,也将在指定地区率先引入SP阶段的机考,同时,这些区域将不再提供纸质考试。






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下面小编为大家准备了 ACCA考试 的相关考题,供大家学习参考。

(b) Advise Sergio on the appropriateness of investing in a domestic rental property in view of his personal

circumstances and recommend suitable alternative investments giving reasons for your advice. (4 marks)

(b) Sergio’s investments
Sergio aims to leave a substantial asset to his family on his death. Accordingly, in view of his age, he is right to be considering
investing in an asset whose value is unlikely to fall suddenly, such as a domestic rental property. However, it must be
recognised that although the value of land and buildings can usually be relied on to increase over a long period of time, its
value may fall over a shorter period. The only investments that cannot fall in value are cash deposits, although they do, of
course, fall in real terms due to the effects of inflation.
Sergio should consider whether or not he wishes to increase his annual income. The return on capital invested in a domestic
rental property is unlikely to be very high due to the recent increases in property values in the UK. Also, there are likely to be
periods when the house is unoccupied during which no income will be generated. If it is important to Sergio to generate
additional income he should consider other low-risk investments with a more reliable and higher rate of return, for example,
gilt edged stocks, unit trusts and cash deposits.
Sergio must also decide whether it is important to him to be able to access capital quickly, as it is usually not possible to
realise the capital invested in land and buildings at short notice. If this is important, Sergio should consider holding some of
his capital in cash deposits or other liquid investments, eg unit trusts.
Sergio could invest up to £7,000 each year in an individual savings account (ISA). A maximum of £3,000 can be held as a
cash deposit with the balance invested in quoted shares. The income and gains arising on the funds invested would be
exempt from both income tax and capital gains tax. This would be a relatively low-risk investment and would also be
accessible quickly if required.

(c) (i) Explain the inheritance tax (IHT) implications and benefits of Alvaro Pelorus varying the terms of his

father’s will such that part of Ray Pelorus’s estate is left to Vito and Sophie. State the date by which a

deed of variation would need to be made in order for it to be valid; (3 marks)

(c) (i) Variation of Ray’s will
The variation by Alvaro of Ray’s will, such that assets are left to Vito and Sophie, will not be regarded as a gift by Alvaro.
Instead, provided the deed states that it is intended to be effective for IHT purposes, it will be as if Ray had left the assets
to the children in his will.
This strategy, known as skipping a generation, will have no effect on the IHT due on Ray’s death but will reduce the
assets owned by Alvaro and thus his potential UK IHT liability. A deed of variation is more tax efficient than Alvaro
making gifts to the children as such gifts would be PETs and IHT may be due if Alvaro were to die within seven years.
The deed of variation must be entered into by 31 January 2009, i.e. within two years of the date of Ray’s death.

23 The capital structure of a company at 30 June 2005 is as follows:


Ordinary share capital 100

Share premium account 40

Retained earnings 60

10% Loan notes 40

The company’s income statement for the year ended 30 June 2005 showed:


Operating profit 44

Loan note interest (4)


Profit for year 40


What is the company’s return on capital employed?

A 40/240 = 162/3 per cent

B 40/100 = 40 per cent

C 44/240 = 181/3 per cent

D 44/200 = 22 per cent


(ii) Compute the annual income tax saving from your recommendation in (i) above as compared with the

situation where Cindy retains both the property and the shares. Identify any other tax implications

arising from your recommendation. Your answer should consider all relevant taxes. (3 marks)



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