护理学章节练习 问题列表
问题 单选题吸气性呼吸困难()A 腺病毒肺炎B 金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎C 急性感染性喉炎D 支气管哮喘E 肺炎球菌肺炎

问题 单选题You are creating a client application and configuring it to call a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service.When the application is deployed, it will be configured to send all messages to a WCF routing service. You need to ensure that the application can consume the target service after the application is deployed. What should you do?()A In the client application, add a service reference to the router service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the router service.B In the client application, add a service reference to the target service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the target service.C In the client application, add a service reference to the router service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the target service.D In the client application, add a service reference to the target service. In the client binding configuration, specify the address of the router service.

问题 单选题属于《卫生部关于加强卫生行业作风建设的意见》提出的八项行业纪律之一的是()A 医疗机构和科室不准实行药品等加价销售办法B 医疗机构不准使用无生产批准文号的自制药品与制剂C 医务人员不准在医疗服务活动之外接受患者及其亲友的宴请D 医务人员不准介绍病人到其他单位检查或治疗E 医疗机构的内部科室可根据承包运转情况设立小金库

问题 单选题Your network has a single domain with 1,000 client computers that run Windows 7.   You use Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 to distribute and install software applications.   All users have standard user accounts.   You plan to use Group Policy to ensure that application installation functions properly.    You need to design the User Account Control (UAC) policy. What should you do?()A  Configure the User Account Control: Only elevate executables that are signed and validated setting to be Enabled.B  Configure the User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation setting to be Enabled.C  Configure the User Account Control: Detect application installations and prompt for elevation setting to be DisabledD  Configure the User Account Control: Behavior of the elevation prompt for standard users setting to be Prompt for credentials.

问题 多选题Your network has client computers that run Windows XP.   Users do not have administrative rights to their local computers.   You use Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to manage software updates. You are planning to deploy Windows 7.   Your company uses a custom application that is not compatible with Windows?7.   You need to ensure that all users are able to run the custom application.    What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?()ADeploy and register the compatibility-fix database file to the client computers by using a user startup script.BDeploy and register the compatibility-fix database file to the client computers by using a computer startup script.CInstall and register a shim on the client computers by using Group Policy.DInstall and register a shim on the WSUS server.

问题 单选题膀胱全切除术后的饮食是()A 流食B 半流食C 无渣软食D 禁食E 以上都不对

问题 单选题患者,女性,48岁。患1型糖尿病30年,因感冒体温达39℃,食欲减退、恶心、呕吐及腹痛而入院。下列哪些食物该患者不宜食用()A 粗粮B 水果C 海鲜D 动物脂肪E 植物油

问题 单选题You have a computer that runs Windows 7. You update the driver for the computer s video card and thecomputer becomes unresponsive. You need recover the computer in the minimum amount  if time.  What should you do?()A Restart in safe mode and then roll back the video card driver.B Restart in safe mode and then revert the computer to a previous restore point.C Start the computer from the Windows 7 installation media. Select Repair your computer and then selectSystem Restore.D Start the computer from the Windows 7 installation media. Select Repair your computer and then selectSystem Image Recovery.

问题 单选题结石引起排尿中断主要是()A 肾盂结石B 输尿管结石C 膀胱结石D 尿道结石E 肾盏结石

问题 单选题You have a computer named Computer1 that runs Windows 7. Computer1 uses an NTFS-formatted USBdrive that has ReadyBoost enabled. You need to modify the amount of space that ReadyBoost reserves onthe USB drive. What should you do?()A Open Computer and modify the properties of the USB drive.B Open Performance Information and Tools and run disk cleanup.C Open Devices and Printers and modify the properties of the USB drive.D Open Device Manager and modify the properties of the USB device.

问题 单选题关于肺炎链球菌肺炎的临床表现,下列哪项是错误的()A 最常见的症状是突发的寒战、发热、咳嗽、咳痰与胸痛B 咳痰呈红棕色胶胨状C 可出现呕吐、腹痛、腹泻D 严重者可出现昏迷E 可出现发绀与口周疱疹

问题 单选题患儿,男性,7岁,高热、寒战5h,左下肢活动受限。左胫骨上端剧痛,且有深压痛。血白细胞计数21×109/L,中性粒细胞0.90。X线片未见异常。4d前有左膝部碰伤史。其可能的诊断是()A 左膝化脓性关节炎B 急性血源性骨髓炎C 急性蜂窝织炎D 膝关节结核E 创伤性关节炎

问题 单选题男性,23岁,因第4胸椎椎体单纯压缩骨折卧床休息。骨折后早期胸腰部的功能锻炼方法是()A 三点法B 四点法C 五点法D 俯卧挺胸法E 飞燕点水法

问题 单选题明确诊断心脏和大血管病变的部位与性质的检查为()A 心电图B 动态心电图C 心电图运动负荷试验D 选择性心血管造影术E 超声心动图

问题 单选题硝苯地平治疗变异型心绞痛的作用原理是()A 扩张周围血管,解除冠状动脉痉挛,抑制心肌收缩力,减少心肌耗氧量B 扩张冠状动脉及周围血管,减轻心脏负担C 抑制血小板聚集D 减轻心脏前负荷,降低心肌耗氧量E 减慢心率、降低心肌收缩力,降低心肌耗氧量,改善心肌缺血区供血