英语 问题列表
问题 单选题At first George didn’t want to give way in the argument, but finally he _____ to his opponent.A consoledB concededC consultedD confused

问题 单选题The government’s attempt to inhibit the present speed of inflation is highly appreciated.A checkB inhabitC prohibitD accelerate

问题 单选题A police officer claimed he had attempted to()paying his fare.A avoidB rejectC refuseD neglect

问题 单选题He is over fifty, but he looks as if he()only in his thirties.A isB wereC will beD has been

问题 单选题He is over fifty, but he looks as though he()only in his thirties.A wereB isC will beD has been

问题 单选题Let me()the case carefully before I draw a conclusion.A look outB look intoC look after

问题 问答题题17  著名的旅游胜地黄山坐落在安徽省的南部,面积约1200平方公里。黄山有72座名峰,其中最出名的有莲花峰、天都峰、始信峰和青鸾峰。黄山景色甚为独特,它兼有泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,峨眉山之清秀。奇松、怪石、云海和温泉堪称黄山四绝。黄山的迎客松早以其特殊的造型而闻名于世。  当地流传着不少优美的神话故事,为黄山披上了神秘的外衣。例如青鸾峰这一名字的来历,就很富有诗意和传奇色彩。海拔1780米的青鸾峰形状很像一只蹲伏的大鸟:鸟头微抬,仿佛凝视远处的天都峰,尾巴下垂,两翼紧贴鸟身,绿树覆盖全身,因此得名“青鸾峰”。

问题 问答题甲骨文

问题 问答题社会阶层

问题 填空题____

问题 单选题The reason why man differs from the animals is that _____.A man has education but animal notB man is higher animal than any othersC man is more susceptible to the environment than animalsD after education, man will change permanently in the habits of behavior, thought and attitude

问题 问答题佛教徒

问题 单选题When seeing others living alone, some people panic because they think singleton is _____.A abnormalB diversifiedC unimaginableD disgusting

问题 填空题____

问题 单选题She works in()school near my office.A /B AC the