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The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that. The more uncertain an event is. The more information is required to resolve uncertainty of that event. The amount of information is measured in ( ) .



解析:一个事件的不确定性是由它发生的概率来计算的,并与之成反比关系,越是不确定的事件越需要更多的信息来解决该事件的不确定性,信息的数量由位来衡量的。A.可能性 B.位 C.bps D.概率
更多 “The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that. The more uncertain an event is. The more information is required to resolve uncertainty of that event. The amount of information is measured in ( ) . A.possibility B.bits C.bps D.probability ” 相关考题
考题 Project Risk _____ .A should not be calculated for small projects.B is the probability of each risk event minus the sum of the consequences of potential risk events.C is the cumulative effect of uncertain occurrences which will adversely affect project objectives.D cannot be quantified for first time projects.E B or D

考题 Risk Event Status is defined as _____ .A Risk Probability x Amount At Stake.B the severity of the consequences.C how likely the event is to occur with risk.D (Cost + Benefit + Business Risk) / Insurable Risk.E B and C

考题 Risk event probability is defined as:A the total number of possible events divided into the expectations or frequency of the risk eventB the number of times the risk event may occurC the fraction of the total project tasks which may be affected by the risk eventD the total number of possible events divided into the consequences of the risk event.E A and B

考题 Total Project Risk:A should not be calculated for small projectsB is the probability of each project risk event times the sum of the consequences of individual project risk events which could occur during the project.C Is the cumulative sum of the probability of each individual project risk event times the consequences of occurrence of that risk event.D A and BE A and C

考题 122 Total Project Risk:A. should not be calculated for small projectsB. is the probability of each project risk event times the sum of the consequences of individual project risk events which could occur during the project.C. Is the cumulative sum of the probability of each individual project risk event times the consequences of occurrence of that risk event.D. A and BE. A and C

考题 144 Risk event probability is defined as:A. the total number of possible events divided into the expectations or frequency of the risk eventB. the number of times the risk event may occurC. the fraction of the total project tasks which may be affected by the risk eventD. the total number of possible events divided into the consequences of the risk event.E. A and B

考题 70 Risk Event Status is defined as _____ .A. Risk Probability x Amount At Stake.B. the severity of the consequences.C. how likely the event is to occur with risk.D. (Cost + Benefit + Business Risk) / Insurable Risk.E. B and C

考题 170 Project Risk _____ .A. should not be calculated for small projects.B. is the probability of each risk event minus the sum of the consequences of potential risk events.C. is the cumulative effect of uncertain occurrences which will adversely affect project objectives.D. cannot be quantified for first time projects.E. B or D

考题 () the city, () to migrants it is. A、Richer...more attractiveB、Richest...most attractiveC、The richer...the more attractiveD、The richest...the most attractive

考题 A business invitation letter serves the purpose of inviting a () to a party, an event or a celebration while conveying more information than a traditional invitations card.A: hostB: guestC: workerD: collegue

考题 Identify two correct options regarding subscription processing.() (Choose two.) A.processes user responseB.processes function activitiesC.passes information to Notification MailerD.sends event information to a workflow processE.include the task of executing custom code on the event information

考题 The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that.The more uncertain an event is, the more inforamtion is required to resovle uncertainty of that event.The amount of information is measured in__(73)__. (73)A.possibilityB.bitsC.bpsD.probability

考题 A user states that their web browser was recently updated and continuously crashes. Which of the following could the technician use to gather more information about the issue?() A. NTBACKUP logB. Advanced tab in the System applet in Control PanelC. Event LogD. Internet Options applet in Control Panel

考题 In information theory, "information" is regarded as knowledge which reduces or removes(71) about the occurrence of a specific event from a given set of possible events. The concept "event" is to be understood as used in the theory of probability. For instance, an event may be the occurrence of a(72) character or word in a given message or in a given position of a message.In communication theory, channel is defined as that part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink. An encoder may be inserted between the message source and the input to the channel, and a(73) between the output of the channel and the message sink. Generally, these two units are not considered as being parts of the channel. In certain cases, however, they may be considered as pans of the message source and message sink,(74) In information theory(75) to Shannon, the channel can be characterized by the set of conditional probabilities of occurrence of all the messages received at the message sink when a given message emanates from the message source.A.uncertaintyB.unreliabilityC.randomnessD.inconsistency

考题 An architectural Style defines as a family of such systems in terms of a ( )of structural organization. More specifically an architectural style defines a vocabulary of( ) and connector types, and a set of( )on how they can be combined. For many styles there may also exist one or more ( ) that specify how to determine a system's overall properties from the properties of its parts. Many of architectural styles have been developed over the years. The best-known examples of (请作答此空)architectures are programs written in the Unix shell.A.event-based B.object-oriented C.pipe-and-filter D.layered

考题 The uncertainty of an event is measured by its probability of occurrence and is inversely proportional to that. The more uncertain an event is. The more information is required to resolve uncertainty of that event. The amount of information is measured in ()A、possibilityB、bitsC、bpsD、probability

考题 Identify two correct options regarding subscription processing.() (Choose two.)A、processes user responseB、processes function activitiesC、passes information to Notification MailerD、sends event information to a workflow processE、include the task of executing custom code on the event information

考题 A user states that their web browser was recently updated and continuously crashes. Which of the following could the technician use to gather more information about the issue?()A、NTBACKUP logB、Advanced tab in the System applet in Control PanelC、Event LogD、Internet Options applet in Control Panel

考题 After Microsoft Windows boots, a message appears stating that a service failed to start. Which of the following can be used to find more information about this error?()A、Disk ManagerB、Control PanelC、Start MenuD、Event Viewer

考题 The customer has implemented an SNMPP based network monitoring tool and wishes to monitor chang3es in the cluster. The general status of the cluster is gathered via SNMP but the poling time to retrieve the status is too slow for immediate reaction to serious issues. There is a technical reason why the polling time cannot be changed.  How can HACMP report changes in its status on a more timely basis?()  A、 Create a pre/post event script to report errors more rapidly.B、 Edit SNMP configuration file to send traps for cluster state changes.C、 Change the option in "SRC" to enable trap mode for the "clinfo" process.D、 Use the "monitor" pre-event facility in HACMP to send information to the monitoring device.

考题 Why is a data source required?()A、 Data source contains data required for impact event enrichment.B、 Data source contains data required for calculating server downtime.C、 Data source contains data required for services and other related service information.D、 Data source contains data required for LDAP configurations, including login attempts and errors.

考题 单选题The customer has implemented an SNMPP based network monitoring tool and wishes to monitor chang3es in the cluster. The general status of the cluster is gathered via SNMP but the poling time to retrieve the status is too slow for immediate reaction to serious issues. There is a technical reason why the polling time cannot be changed.  How can HACMP report changes in its status on a more timely basis?()A  Create a pre/post event script to report errors more rapidly.B  Edit SNMP configuration file to send traps for cluster state changes.C  Change the option in SRC to enable trap mode for the clinfo process.D  Use the monitor pre-event facility in HACMP to send information to the monitoring device.

考题 多选题Identify two correct options regarding subscription processing.() (Choose two.)Aprocesses user responseBprocesses function activitiesCpasses information to Notification MailerDsends event information to a workflow processEinclude the task of executing custom code on the event information

考题 单选题The author of Passage 2 indicates that, in base- ball, few superstitious behaviors accompany fielding (lines 84-85) because ______.A fielding is a relatively predictable activityB fielding requires more dexterity than many other athletic tasksC baseball players appreciate the need for fielding practice more than fans doD many athletes realize the dangers of superstitionE athletic endeavors are especially filled with uncertainty

考题 填空题Where can you get more information about the promotion?Contact the ____ or visit its websites.

考题 单选题Why is a data source required?()A  Data source contains data required for impact event enrichment.B  Data source contains data required for calculating server downtime.C  Data source contains data required for services and other related service information.D  Data source contains data required for LDAP configurations, including login attempts and errors.

考题 单选题When you try to open your database, you receive the following error:  ORA-00205: error in identifying control file   Where would you find the details required to resolve this error?()A audit trailB alert log fileC user trace fileD online trace fileE background trace fileF operating system event viewer