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第一角投影中,投影面、观察者、物体三者相对位置如何? What is the correct relative position of the first angle projection method ? projection plane, observer and object

A.人——面——物 observer—projection plane —object

B.物——人——面 object—observer—projection plane

C.人——物——面 observer—object—projection plane

D.面——人——物 projection plane —observer——object

人 ——物——面 observer — object — projection plane
更多 “第一角投影中,投影面、观察者、物体三者相对位置如何? What is the correct relative position of the first angle projection method ? projection plane, observer and objectA.人——面——物 observer—projection plane —objectB.物——人——面 object—observer—projection planeC.人——物——面 observer—object—projection planeD.面——人——物 projection plane —observer——object” 相关考题
考题 多面正投影法中投影面、投影者、物体三者相对位置是() A、物一人一面B、人一面一物C、人一物一面D、面一人一物

考题 随投射方向、空间物体和轴测投影面三者相对位置的变化,能得到无数不同类型的轴测投影。() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 直线在三面投影体系中,按其对投影面的相对位置可分为()。 A.投影面平行线、投影面垂直线和一般位置直线B.投影面剪切线、投影面垂直线和一般位置直线C.投影面平行线、投影面垂直线和投影面剪切线D.投影面平行线、投影面剪切线和一般位置直线

考题 [A] objection [B] projection [C] project [D] object

考题 A SELECT statement can be used to perform these three functions:1. Choose rows from a table.2. Choose columns from a table3. Bring together data that is stored in different tables by creating a link between them. Which set of keywords describes these capabilities? ()A. difference, projection, joinB. selection, projection, joinC. selection, intersection, joinD. intersection, projection, joinE. difference, projection, product

考题 Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT e.EMPLOYEE_ID,e.LAST_NAME,e.DEPARTMENT_ID, d.DEPARTMENT_NAME FROM EMP e, DEPARTMENT d WHERE e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID; In the statement, which capabilities of a SELECT statement are performed?()A. Selection, projection, joinB. Difference, projection, joinC. Selection, intersection, joinD. Intersection, projection, joinE. Difference, projection, product

考题 Evaluate this SQL statement:In the statement, which capabilities of a SELECT statement are performed?() A. Selection, projection, joinB. Difference, projection, joinC. Selection, intersection, joinD. Intersection, projection, joinE. Difference, projection, product

考题 A polyconic projection is based on a ______.A.plane tangent at one pointB.cylinder tangent at one parallelC.cone tangent at one parallelD.series of cones tangent at selected parallels

考题 What information is NOT found in the chart title?A.Survey informationB.ScaleC.Date of first editionD.Projection

考题 第一视角:是按人(观察者)--物(机件)--面(投影面)的相对位置,作正投影所得的图形的方法。我国侧重()画法。A、第一视角B、第二视角C、第三视角

考题 在第一角内三个基本投影面是()投影面、()投影面、()投影面。

考题 观察者从前往后看,在投影面上得到物体的正面投影叫做主视图。

考题 改变物体相对于投影面的位置,而投影方向仍垂直于投影面,所得的轴测图称为()。A、轴测投影图B、斜轴测图C、斜二测图D、正轴测图

考题 第一角法又称第一象限法,右列何者是正确的正投影顺序?()A、观察者→物体→投影面B、观察者→投影面→物体C、投影面→观察者→物体D、投影面→物体→观察者

考题 第三角画法就是将物体置于第三分角内,使投影面处于观察者与物体之间进行投射,然后按国标规定展开投影面得到基本视图的画法。

考题 面对投影面的相对位置有三种投影面()、投影面()、一般()。

考题 当position属性的取值为relative时,可以将元素定位于相对位置。

考题 观察者从前往后看,在正立投影面上得到物体的正面投影叫做主视图。

考题 在Atoll中,对于Planet格式电子地图,地图的投影方式和投影带在哪个文件夹中的projection文件中?()A、ClutterB、HeightC、VectorD、txt

考题 将物体放在()体系中,用正投影的方法,将物体分别向3个投影面投影,即得到物体的三视图。A、三投影面B、二投影面C、四投影面D、侧投影面

考题 第一角投影法采用的投影相互位置关系是()。A、人——投影面——物B、人——物——投影面C、投影面——物——人D、物——人——投影面

考题 单选题Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT e.EMPLOYEE_ID,e.LAST_NAME,e.DEPARTMENT_ID, d.DEPARTMENT_NAME FROM EMP e, DEPARTMENT d WHERE e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID; In the statement, which capabilities of a SELECT statement are performed?()A Selection, projection, joinB Difference, projection, joinC Selection, intersection, joinD Intersection, projection, joinE Difference, projection, product

考题 单选题第三角投影是以()关系得到的投影。A 投影面→物体→观察者B 观察者→投影面→物体C 投影面→观察者→物体D 观察者→物体→投影面

考题 单选题Which statement is true?()A  If only one thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the modify on that same object, then the first thread immediately resumes execution.B  If a thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, it is still possible that the first thread might never resume execution.C  If a thread is blocked in the wait method of an object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, then the first thread definitely resumes execution as a direct and sole  consequence of the notify call.D  If two threads are blocked in the wait method of one object, and another thread executes the notify method on the same object, then the first thread that executed the wait call first definitely resumes execution as a direct and sole consequence of the notify call.

考题 单选题Evaluate this SQL statement: SELECT e.EMPLOYEE_ID,e.LAST_NAME,e.DEPARTMENT_ID, d.DEPARTMENT_NAME FROM EMP e, DEPARTMENT d WHERE e.DEPARTMENT_ID = d.DEPARTMENT_ID; In the statement, which capabilities of a SELECT statement are performed?()A Selection, projection, joinB Difference, projection, joinC Selection, intersection, joinD Intersection, projection, joinE Difference, projection, product

考题 单选题The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to turn power switch to()position first,then to()position.A off/standbyB standby/offC standby/closeD close/standby

考题 单选题A SELECT statement can be used to perform these three functions: 1.Choose rows from a table. 2.Choose columns from a table. 3.Bring together data that is stored in different tables by creating a link between them. Which set of keywords describes these capabilities?()A difference, projection, joinB selection, projection, joinC selection, intersection, joinD intersection, projection, joinE difference, projection, product

考题 判断题在编辑工程图时,投影角(Projection)参数只能在没有产生投影视图的情况下被修改,如果已经生成了投影视图,只有将所有的投影视图删除后,才可以进行投影角参数的修改。A 对B 错