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As a rule, saving is good. It helps individuals afford big-ticket items(a house, college tuition, etc.),protect against emergencies and prepare for retirement. For societies, it provides funds for investments in new factories, technologies and businesses. In economics textbooks, a country’s savings usually stay with in its borders. Also, savings automatically balance with new investment, mainly through interest rates and stock prices. If, for example, people want to save more than businesses want to invest, interest rates should drop.That should encourage investment and discourage saving.


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更多 “问答题As a rule, saving is good. It helps individuals afford big-ticket items(a house, college tuition, etc.),protect against emergencies and prepare for retirement. For societies, it provides funds for investments in new factories, technologies and businesses. In economics textbooks, a country’s savings usually stay with in its borders. Also, savings automatically balance with new investment, mainly through interest rates and stock prices. If, for example, people want to save more than businesses want to invest, interest rates should drop.That should encourage investment and discourage saving.” 相关考题
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考题 —Let ’s watch TV.—hat s_______ good.

考题 Personal saving 个人储蓄

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考题 —pretty good.—62

考题 His performance( )the mathematics exam is not very good. A.inB.withC.onD.at

考题 All children want to have pocket money. Why do their parents just give them a certain amountOne main purpose is to let kids learn _____their own money. First of all, children are expected to _____a choice between spending and saving. Then parents should make the children understand what is expected to pay for with the money. Pocket money can give children a chance to experience the three things _____they can do with the money. They can spend it by giving it to a good cause. They can spend it _____buying things they want.They can save it for future use.Saving helps children _____that costly goals require sacrifice. Saving can also open the door to future saving and investing for children.1.A. when to manageB. how to manageC. which2.A. takeB. giveC. make3.A. thatB. whoC. what4.A. toB. atC. by5.A. understandingB. understandC. understood

考题 His plan _____ good. A has soundedB is soundingC is soundedD sounds

考题 We don’t need air conditioning, ___. A.nor can we afford itB.neither can afford itC.and we can neither afford itD.and nor we can afford it

考题 My eating________ (habit) are pretty good.

考题 Insurance (保险) may be considered a game of risk in which individuals and businesses protect themselves, their families, and their property from possible losses resulting from unpredictable events such as storms, fires, accidents and illnesses. The first rule of the game, devised centuries age, is "share the risk". To play by this rule, many people take a small loss in place of one person′ s taking a large one. It is a simple idea: an individual pays a small amount of money called a premium (保险费) to an agent who acts on behalf of an insurance company, or underwriter, which holds the individual′s premium and the premiums paid by thousands of others. The individual receives an insurance policy, a promise that if there is a loss to the individual as defined in the policy the insurance company will pay for it. The funds will come from the individual′s premium, the premium paid by others who did not have losses, and money from the company′ s investment of all the premiums. An individual who does not have a loss loses the premium money but purchases what insurance underwriters call "peace of mind". It is a gamble for the customer and the underwriter, but it is built on the first rule of risk that losses are small when shared by many. According to the passage, insurance company will protect individuals from the losses EXCEPTA.property B.fires C.accidents D.getting old

考题 Insurance (保险) may be considered a game of risk in which individuals and businesses protect themselves, their families, and their property from possible losses resulting from unpredictable events such as storms, fires, accidents and illnesses. The first rule of the game, devised centuries age, is "share the risk". To play by this rule, many people take a small loss in place of one person′ s taking a large one. It is a simple idea: an individual pays a small amount of money called a premium (保险费) to an agent who acts on behalf of an insurance company, or underwriter, which holds the individual′s premium and the premiums paid by thousands of others. The individual receives an insurance policy, a promise that if there is a loss to the individual as defined in the policy the insurance company will pay for it. The funds will come from the individual′s premium, the premium paid by others who did not have losses, and money from the company′ s investment of all the premiums. An individual who does not have a loss loses the premium money but purchases what insurance underwriters call "peace of mind". It is a gamble for the customer and the underwriter, but it is built on the first rule of risk that losses are small when shared by many. The word "policy" in the 2nd paragraph most probably means ___________.A.a risk between individual and insurance company B.a shared loss C.an agreement between an individual and an underwriter. D.a rule made by the individual

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考题 储蓄(Saving)

考题 脱管eNB的正确步骤是()A、unmange eNB -- delete eNBB、delete eNB -- unmange eNBC、shut down discovery rule -- delete discovery ruleD、delete discovery rule --shut down discovery rule

考题 下列高级ACL规则配置正确的有()。A、rule permit ip icmp-type echoB、rule permit ip source-port eq 1024C、rule permit ip tos normal dscp efD、rule permit udp time-range udp

考题 防火墙路由模式下,防火墙的接口地址为192.168.99.101,主机地址为192.168.99.102。以下配置中,能保证主机ping通防火墙接口地址的是()。A、# acl number 2005 rule 0 permit source192.168.99.1020 rule 1 deny source192.、#acl number 2005 rule 0 deny source192. rule 1 permit source192.168.99.1020#C、#ac lnumber 2005 rule0 deny source192.168.99.1020 rule 1permit source192.、#ac lnumber 2005 rule 0 permit source192. rule 1 deny source192.168.99.1020#

考题 多选题Your manager has informed you that only specific users can have access to the Preferred Members role, and that these users are restricted to the Preferred Members role. The Preferred Members role-mapping rule is currently set as the last rule in your role-mapping rules and is based on username. Currently all users are assigned to the Preferred Members role-mapping rule. Which three changes in the admin GUI will enforce your managers change request?()AMove the Preferred Members role-mapping rule to the top of the list.BRemove the Preferred Members role from the role-mapping rule.CEdit the Preferred Members role-mapping rule so that the username is equal to *.DEdit the Preferred Members role-mapping rule so that only the select users are assigned to the role-mapping rule.EEdit the Preferred Members role-mapping rule and select Stop processing rules when this rule matches.

考题 问答题As a rule, saving is good. It helps individuals afford big-ticket items(a house, college tuition, etc.),protect against emergencies and prepare for retirement. For societies, it provides funds for investments in new factories, technologies and businesses. In economics textbooks, a country’s savings usually stay with in its borders. Also, savings automatically balance with new investment, mainly through interest rates and stock prices. If, for example, people want to save more than businesses want to invest, interest rates should drop.That should encourage investment and discourage saving.

考题 单选题What can a culture camp help to do according to Peter Kassen?A It helps the adopted kids form a correct attitude to their complex heritage.B It helps the Chinese children have fun with their American parents.C It helps the Americans increase the adoption from Russia and China.D It helps the American parents adopt children from other countries.

考题 单选题Recently, Jim has lost all his_______.A wage and saving at cardB wage and savings at cardC wages and saving at cardD wages and savings at cards

考题 单选题According to the passage, a large number of children can be saved only when ______.A the life-saving ways are medically effectiveB their parents are rich enough for the life-saving techniquesC the life-saving techniques are easy to useD their parents learn the life-saving techniques

考题 单选题According to this passage, ORBIS helps fight blindness by doing the following EXCEPT ______.A writing this kind of articles to ask for helpB providing sight-saving trainingC treating thousands of blind people every yearD trying to keep a close relation among countries

考题 单选题We don't need air conditioning, _____ .A nor can we afford itB neither can afford itC nor we can afford itD neither we can afford it