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Which two database operations can be performed at the MOUNT stage of database startup?()

renaming of data files


dropping the database user


renaming of control files


multiplexing of control files


configuring the database in ARCHIVELOG mode


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题Which two database operations can be performed at the MOUNT stage of database startup?()Arenaming of data filesBdropping the database userCrenaming of control filesDmultiplexing of control filesEconfiguring the database in ARCHIVELOG mode” 相关考题
考题 Which two operations are NOT performed by the DUPLICATE command in Recovery Manager (RMAN)while duplicating a running database?() A. Creating the control file for the duplicate databaseB. Restoring the target data files to the duplicate databaseC. Performing complete recovery using all available backupsD. Generating a new, unique DBID for the duplicate databaseE. Copying the online redo log files from the target database to the duplicate database

考题 You want to perform an RMAN backup of database as a copy. Which two factors will you consider while performing the backup operation?() A. The backup as copy can only be taken to diskB. The backup as copy can only be taken to tapeC. Backup can be performed only when the instance is shutdownD. Backup will constitute all used and unused blocks in the database

考题 Which two operations are NOT performed by the DUPLICATE command in Recovery Manager (RMAN) whileduplicating a running database? ()(Choose Two) A. Creating the control file for the duplicate databaseB. Restoring the target data files to the duplicate databaseC. Performing complete recovery using all available backupsD. Generating a new, unique DBID for the duplicate databaseE. Copying the online redo log files from the target database to the duplicate database

考题 You want to perform an RMAN backup of database as a copy. Which two factors will you consider whileperforming the backup operation?() (Choose two). A. The backup as copy can only be taken to diskB. The backup as copy can only be taken to tapeC. Backup can be performed only when the instance is shutdownD. Backup will constitute all used and unused blocks in the database

考题 Which three tasks can be performed using regular expression support in Oracle Database 10g?()A、 it can be used to concatenate two strings.B、 it can be used to find out the total length of the string.C、 it can be used for string manipulation and searching operations.D、 it can be used to format the output for a column or expression having string data.E、 it can be used to find and replace operations for a column or expression having string data.

考题 Which two statements are true about the duplexing of the backups taken by RMAN? ()(Choose two.)A、It's only supported for the backups performed on the tapeB、It is not supported for backup operations that produce image copiesC、Duplex backups need a parallelism for the device to be equal to number of copiesD、Duplex backups can be performed to either disk or tape, but cannot be performed on tape and disk simultaneously

考题 After performing a clean shut down of the database instance for maintenance, you mount the database andthen execute a command to open the database:SQL ALTER DATABASE OPEN; Which two statements are true()A、The online redo log files and online data files are opened.B、All the online data file headers are checked for consistency.C、Instance recovery is performed before opening the database.D、The path and existence of all the log file members are checked

考题 Which two statements are true about the duplexing of the backups taken by RMAN?()  A、 It’s only supported for the backups performed on the tapeB、 It is not supported for backup operations that produce image copiesC、 Duplex backups need a parallelism for the device to be equal to number of copiesD、 Duplex backups can be performed to either disk or tape, but cannot be performed on tape and disk simultaneously

考题 You executed the following query in your database: SELECT oldest_flashback_scn, oldest_flashback_time FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG; What would you determine from the output?()A、 The time when the last flashback operation in your database was performed.B、 The time when the first flashback operation in your database was performed.C、 A list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and time.D、 The approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database.

考题 You want to perform an RMAN backup of database as a copy. Which two factors will you consider whileperforming the backup operation?() (Choose two).A、The backup as copy can only be taken to diskB、The backup as copy can only be taken to tapeC、Backup can be performed only when the instance is shutdownD、Backup will constitute all used and unused blocks in the database

考题 You executed the following query in your database:  FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG;  What would you determine from the output?()A、the time when the last flashback operation in your database was performedB、the time when the first flashback operation in your database was performedC、a list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and timeD、the approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database

考题 You want to perform an RMAN backup of database as a copy. Which two factors will you consider while performing the backup operation?()A、The backup as copy can only be taken to diskB、The backup as copy can only be taken to tapeC、Backup can be performed only when the instance is shutdownD、Backup will constitute all used and unused blocks in the database

考题 Which two operations are NOT performed by the DUPLICATE command in Recovery Manager (RMAN) whileduplicating a running database? ()(Choose Two)A、Creating the control file for the duplicate databaseB、Restoring the target data files to the duplicate databaseC、Performing complete recovery using all available backupsD、Generating a new, unique DBID for the duplicate databaseE、Copying the online redo log files from the target database to the duplicate database

考题 Which two database operations can be performed at the MOUNT stage of database startup?()A、renaming of data filesB、dropping the database userC、renaming of control filesD、multiplexing of control filesE、configuring the database in ARCHIVELOG mode

考题 多选题You want to perform an RMAN backup of database as a copy. Which two factors will you consider while performing the backup operation?()AThe backup as copy can only be taken to diskBThe backup as copy can only be taken to tapeCBackup can be performed only when the instance is shutdownDBackup will constitute all used and unused blocks in the database

考题 多选题Which three tasks can be performed using regular expression support in Oracle Database 10g?()Ait can be used to concatenate two strings.Bit can be used to find out the total length of the string.Cit can be used for string manipulation and searching operations.Dit can be used to format the output for a column or expression having string data.Eit can be used to find and replace operations for a column or expression having string data.

考题 多选题You want to perform an RMAN backup of database as a copy. Which two factors will you consider whileperforming the backup operation?() (Choose two).AThe backup as copy can only be taken to diskBThe backup as copy can only be taken to tapeCBackup can be performed only when the instance is shutdownDBackup will constitute all used and unused blocks in the database

考题 单选题Your test database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode. Which statement is true regarding the type ofbackups that can be performed on the database()A You can perform online whole database backups.B You can performofflinewhole database backups.C You cannot perform schema-level export/import operations.D You can perform the backup of only the SYSTEM tablespace when the database is open.

考题 单选题You executed the following query in your database: SELECT oldest_flashback_scn, oldest_flashback_time FROM V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG; What would you determine from the output?()A  The time when the last flashback operation in your database was performed.B  The time when the first flashback operation in your database was performed.C  A list of flashback operations performed in your database using SCN and time.D  The approximate time and the lowest system change number (SCN) to which you can flash back your database.

考题 多选题After performing a clean shut down of the database instance for maintenance, you mount thedatabase and then execute a command to open the database: SQL ALTER DATABASE OPEN;  Which two statements are true()AThe online redo log files and online data files are opened.BAll the online data file headers are checked for consistency.CInstance recovery is performed before opening the database.DThe path and existence of all the log file members are checked

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about simple views?()AViews can be created as read only.BViews are data segments like tables.CViews can be created on the basis of more than one table.DData manipulation language (DML) operations cannot be performed on views.

考题 多选题Which two statements about Recovery Manager (RMAN) backups are true? ()AOnline redo log files can be backed up.BArchived redo log files are backed up.COnly used data blocks can be backed up as backup sets.DOnly consistent database backups can be performed.ERMAN backup can be taken only if the database is configured in ARCHIVELOG mode.

考题 多选题Which two operations are NOT performed by the DUPLICATE command in Recovery Manager (RMAN)while duplicating a running database?()ACreating the control file for the duplicate databaseBRestoring the target data files to the duplicate databaseCPerforming complete recovery using all available backupsDGenerating a new, unique DBID for the duplicate databaseECopying the online redo log files from the target database to the duplicate database

考题 多选题Which two operations are NOT performed by the DUPLICATE command in Recovery Manager (RMAN) whileduplicating a running database? ()(Choose Two)ACreating the control file for the duplicate databaseBRestoring the target data files to the duplicate databaseCPerforming complete recovery using all available backupsDGenerating a new, unique DBID for the duplicate databaseECopying the online redo log files from the target database to the duplicate database

考题 多选题After performing a clean shut down of the database instance for maintenance, you mount the database andthen execute a command to open the database:SQL ALTER DATABASE OPEN; Which two statements are true()AThe online redo log files and online data files are opened.BAll the online data file headers are checked for consistency.CInstance recovery is performed before opening the database.DThe path and existence of all the log file members are checked

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about the duplexing of the backups taken by RMAN?()AIt’s only supported for the backups performed on the tapeBIt is not supported for backup operations that produce image copiesCDuplex backups need a parallelism for the device to be equal to number of copiesDDuplex backups can be performed to either disk or tape, but cannot be performed on tape and disk simultaneously

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about the duplexing of the backups taken by RMAN? ()(Choose two.)AIt's only supported for the backups performed on the tapeBIt is not supported for backup operations that produce image copiesCDuplex backups need a parallelism for the device to be equal to number of copiesDDuplex backups can be performed to either disk or tape, but cannot be performed on tape and disk simultaneously