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Practice 2  This was the first significant victory for Mary Rose Taylor, the chairman of the Margaret Mitchell House, Inc., Foundation, who has championed the efforts to save the house. Taylor looks like a typical Buckhead Society matron: a former University of North Carolina homecoming queen, she is tall, blond, carefully coifed and married to a successful real-estate developer. But she considers herself a product of the sixties and the civil-rights movement. A former television journalist, she worked for “60 Minutes’’ in the late sixties, was once married to the talk-show host Charlie Rose, and has been an anchorwoman for one of Atlanta’s main television stations. She played an important role in Mayor Campbell’s 1994 election campaign. “I see the Mitchell House and the debate surrounding it as a symbol of Atlanta’s inability to deal with its past,” she says. “I want to use the past to stimulate greater candor about racial relations, not to glorify the antebellum South.”  Taylor has never read Gone with the Wind before moving to Atlanta in 1980, and hadn’t seen the movie since her first date, at the age of sixteen in 1961. She didn’t learn about the existence of the house until 1987 and was surprised to discover that there was no monument commemorating Mitchell. After all, the book has sold some thirty, million copies, and the movie has been seen by hundreds of millions.  Along with Coca-Cola, Gone with the Wind has been Atlanta’s most successful export product and is potentially one of its biggest tourist attractions. (Gung-ho tourists have been known to visit Oakland Cemetery in search of the grave of Scarlett O’Hara.)  Mitchell’s apartment house on Peachtree and Tenth Street dates back to 1899, Taylor tells me. Mitchell moved into an apartment on the ground floor in 1925 (she was a writer for the Atlanta Journal at the time), and she wrote most of Gone with the Wind there, before moving out in 1932. “It was an elegant nineteen-century home,” Taylor says. “This area was still very attractive and fashionable when Margaret lived here. She called it the Dump, but that was part of her off-the-cuff humor. She referred to her office as the Black Hole of Calcutta and to the cafe when she ate lunch as the Roachery.” The house became a hippie hangout in the sixties, and in1979 it was abandoned. In her effort to save it, Taylor formed a not-for-profit organization in 1990. “Andy Young advised me to form a board that was fifty per cent African-American and sixty percent female.” Taylor says, “But I think I probably would have done that anyway.”


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更多 “问答题Practice 2  This was the first significant victory for Mary Rose Taylor, the chairman of the Margaret Mitchell House, Inc., Foundation, who has championed the efforts to save the house. Taylor looks like a typical Buckhead Society matron: a former University of North Carolina homecoming queen, she is tall, blond, carefully coifed and married to a successful real-estate developer. But she considers herself a product of the sixties and the civil-rights movement. A former television journalist, she worked for “60 Minutes’’ in the late sixties, was once married to the talk-show host Charlie Rose, and has been an anchorwoman for one of Atlanta’s main television stations. She played an important role in Mayor Campbell’s 1994 election campaign. “I see the Mitchell House and the debate surrounding it as a symbol of Atlanta’s inability to deal with its past,” she says. “I want to use the past to stimulate greater candor about racial relations, not to glorify the antebellum South.”  Taylor has never read Gone with the Wind before moving to Atlanta in 1980, and hadn’t seen the movie since her first date, at the age of sixteen in 1961. She didn’t learn about the existence of the house until 1987 and was surprised to discover that there was no monument commemorating Mitchell. After all, the book has sold some thirty, million copies, and the movie has been seen by hundreds of millions.  Along with Coca-Cola, Gone with the Wind has been Atlanta’s most successful export product and is potentially one of its biggest tourist attractions. (Gung-ho tourists have been known to visit Oakland Cemetery in search of the grave of Scarlett O’Hara.)  Mitchell’s apartment house on Peachtree and Tenth Street dates back to 1899, Taylor tells me. Mitchell moved into an apartment on the ground floor in 1925 (she was a writer for the Atlanta Journal at the time), and she wrote most of Gone with the Wind there, before moving out in 1932. “It was an elegant nineteen-century home,” Taylor says. “This area was still very attractive and fashionable when Margaret lived here. She called it the Dump, but that was part of her off-the-cuff humor. She referred to her office as the Black Hole of Calcutta and to the cafe when she ate lunch as the Roachery.” The house became a hippie hangout in the sixties, and in1979 it was abandoned. In her effort to save it, Taylor formed a not-for-profit organization in 1990. “Andy Young advised me to form a board that was fifty per cent African-American and sixty percent female.” Taylor says, “But I think I probably would have done that anyway.”” 相关考题
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考题 Among the following, the one who was also an artist of engraving is ________. A.A.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB.B.Robert BurnsC.C.William WordsworthD.D.William Blake

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考题 - Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again. Welcome to our company. -() A、Thank you, Ms. Lin. I’ve come to see your packing for our woolen gloves.B、Hello, my name is John Taylor, but just call me John.C、This is John Taylor.

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考题 张力-应力法则是谁提出() A.JudetB.AlbinLambotteC.IlizarovD.BastianiE.Taylor

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考题 The Bridgeport Revitalization Committee (BRC) 13 Robin Way Bridgeport, MA 02126 Kevin Taylor 203 8th Avenue Bridgeport, MA 02133 Dear Mr. Taylor, I am excited to announce to our members that we have received a $750,000 grant from the Roger Coopers Foundation for our City Renovation Project. The City Renovation Project focuses on the downtown area of Bridgeport, between First Avenue and Lincoln Way. We will begin by redesigning Baten Park and the pedestrian walkways to create a more inviting space for shoppers and workers on their lunch breaks. This grant is the largest we have ever received, and we are excited about the work it will allow us to accomplish. We look forward to improving the quality of life in our city through great design! Denise LeBaron What can be inferred about Mr. Taylor?A. He is a member of the BRC. B. He works for Denise LeBaron. C. He lives between First Avenue and Lincoln Way. D. He is on the board of the Roger Coopers Foundation

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考题 Professor Taylor's talk has indicated that science has a very strong influence on the everyday life of non-scientists as well as scientists.A: motivation B: perspective C: impression D: impact

考题 共用题干 College Night Owls Have Lower GradesCollege students who are morning people tend to get better grades than those who are night owls(晚睡的人),according to University of North Texas researchers.They had 824 undergraduate(大学本科生的)students complete a health survey that includ-ed questions about sleep habits and daytime functioning,and found that students who are morning people had higher grade point averages(GPAs)than those who are night people."The finding that college students who are evening types have lower GPAs is a very important finding,sure to make its way into undergraduate psychology texts in the near future,along with the research showing that memory is improved by sleep,"study co-author Daniel J.Taylor said in a prepared statement."Further,these results suggest that it might be possible to improve academic performance by using chronotherapy(时间疗法)to help students retrain their biological clock to become more morning types,"Taylor said.The research was expected to be presented Monday at SLEEP,the annual meeting of the As-sociated Professional(专业的)Sleep Societies ,in Baltimore.In other findings expected to be heard at the meeting,University of Colorado researchers found a significant association between insomnia(失眠)and a decline in college students' aca-demic performance.The study included 64 psychology,nursing and medical students,average age 27 .4 years,who were divided into two groups-low GPAs and high GPAs.Among those with low GPAs,69 .7 percent had trouble falling asleep,53 .1 percent experi- enced leg kicks or twitches(痉挛)at night,65. 6 percent reported waking at night and having trouble falling back to sleep,and 72 .7 percent had difficulty concentrating during the day."In college、students,the complaint of difficulty concentrating during the day continues to have a considerable impact on their ability to succeed in the classroom,"study author Dr. James F. Pagel said in a prepared statement."This study showed that disordered sleep has significant harmful effects on a student's academic performance,including GPAs." Mr. Taylor believed that the finding of their study would soon______.A: be criticized by psychology studentsB: be confirmed by psychological studiesC: be included in undergraduate psychology textsD: become the most popular psychology text

考题 George and Margaret and their children?21?at 140 Davis Street,22?the street from a small park.Their house is just off the main road.George usually goes to work by bus,but sometimes he goes?23?his car.The children usually go to school by bus. The Glenns′house is?24?hidden among the trees.It has small bushes(灌木)planted around it.There is a fence?25 it and the house next door.It is a two-storey house,26 the living room,dining room andkitchen(厨房)on the first floor,and the bedrooms and bathroom on the second floor. The Glenns spend a lot of time at home.27 now they are at dinner.Conversation(谈话)at the Glenns′house is usually lively at meal time.The children are discussing trips they would like to take.Susan,who has never?28?on a plane,says,"I′d like to?29 a plane to California."Henry,who is elder,thinks it would be fun to be on a?30,heading for adventure(冒险)in Africa.Teddy,the youngest child,says,"I want to go around the world on a train."His elder brother and sister are still trying to?31 to him why this is not possible?32?their mother says,"Children,you′ve spent too much time at the table.Henry and Susan,go and?33 your homework.Teddy,it′s time you were in bed." Soon there is silence throughout the?34.Teddy is in bed,Susan and Henry are in their rooms studying,and Mr.and Mrs.Glenns are in their living room,35George is sitting in his favorite(最喜欢的)chair,reading the paper and Margaret is sitting on the sofa,doing some sewing. 第31题答案是查看材料A.explain B.say C.tell D.speak

考题 Among the following poets, who is NOT a lake poet?( ) A.Samuel Taylor Coleridge B.Robert Southey C.William Wordsworth D.William Colins

考题 简述Taylor泰勒类比破裂模型-TAB模型。

考题 A customer has a wireless router installed in their home office. The customer is having issues with signal strength at the opposite end of the house. Which of the following is the BEST option to increase the signal strength?()A、Install a high gain antenna focused towards the office wall.B、Run CAT5e cable to all of the rooms that have poor signal strength.C、Install a wireless repeater at the far end of the house.D、Install a second wired router in the far end of the house.

考题 问答题Over the course of a year, a certain house appreciated in value by 10 percent while the house next door decreased in value by 10 percent as a result of foundation damage. At the end of the year, the reduced price of the second house was what percentage of the increased price of the first house?  (1) The amount by which the first house increased in value was half as much as the amount by which the second house decreased in value.  (2) At the end of the year, the second house was worth $70,000 more than the first house.

考题 问答题Practice 4  This was the first significant victory for Mary Rose Taylor, the chairman of the Margaret Mitchell House, Inc., Foundation, who has championed the efforts to save the house. Taylor looks like a typical Buckhead Society matron: a former University of North Carolina homecoming queen, she is tall, blond, carefully coifed and married to a successful real-estate developer. But she considers herself a product of the sixties and the civil-rights movement. A former television journalist, she worked for “60 Minutes'' in the late sixties, was once married to the talk-show host Charlie Rose, and has been an anchorwoman for one of Atlanta's main television stations. She played an important role in Mayor Campbell's 1994 election campaign. “I see the Mitchell House and the debate surrounding it as a symbol of Atlanta's inability to deal with its past,” she says. “I want to use the past to stimulate greater candor about racial relations, not to glorify the antebellum South.”  Taylor has never read Gone with the Wind before moving to Atlanta in 1980, and hadn't seen the movie since her first date, at the age of sixteen in 1961. She didn't learn about the existence of the house until 1987 and was surprised to discover that there was no monument commemorating Mitchell. After all, the book has sold some thirty, million copies, and the movie has been seen by hundreds of millions.

考题 问答题Practice 10  The momentum is building ahead of next month’s G8 summit in Scotland where the leaders of the world’s richest nations will debate what they can do to help some of the world’s poorest. Africa is the priority and the politicians will discuss reducing the debt burden, ending trade regulations which put the continent’s economy at a disadvantage, and giving more aid. Mark Doyle, who’s reported from Africa for many years, looks at why aid is necessary, and why much of what’s been donated in the past has not worked.  All around the edge of Africa-along the coastline, near the continents’ ports—are monuments to exploitation. On the island of Goree, for example, just off the coast of Senegal, there’s: the Slave House. This was the last place many Africans saw before being shipped off to a lifetime of slavery in American or, just as often, to death on the high seas.  There are many more places like this dating from the three hundred and fifty years or so of the African slave trade. When people wonder why Africa is so poor, they need look no further for the start of an explanation.

考题 问答题Practice 8  For most people the word “education” means “school” and “school” conjures up an image of a building with classrooms. But what do people think of when they hear “literacy programmes”? Probably nothing.  Living in illiteracy is such an unknown-even a little mysterious-experience. Yet today nearly a billion people are illiterate, not to mendon the 113 million school-aged children who do not attend school. Wonderful progress has been made during the last half of the twentieth century in the field of education. But still the number of adult illiterates, particularly women, rises. This is now the challenge of the twenty-first century-the thorn in the side of efforts to achieve Education for All (EFA). It has become clear that Education for All cannot be possible without Literacy for All.  However, tremendous strides have been made in literacy. How has this been possible? Who brought it about? The people behind literacy efforts must be congratulated for working against all odds to bring about this achievement. But where are they? Who are they? What are their tasks like? And their problems, challenges and rewards? What inspires them? What conditions do they work and live under?

考题 问答题Practice 7  ● A new designer, Mary Watts, has just joined your company.  ● Write a memo to all staff:  ● Telling them who the new employee is;  ● Saying what her responsibilities will be;  ● Explaining where her office is located.  ● Write about 30—40 words.

考题 问答题简述Taylor泰勒类比破裂模型-TAB模型。