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The basic units of a computer sysiem are as follows: () .

A.CPU, memory and disk

B.CPU, input and output

C.CPU, memory and ALU

D.CPU, memory and I/O system


更多 “ The basic units of a computer sysiem are as follows: () .A.CPU, memory and diskB.CPU, input and outputC.CPU, memory and ALUD.CPU, memory and I/O system ” 相关考题
考题 ●Which of the following statements describe(s)the properties of a purely segmented memory system? (73) .Ⅰ.It suffers from internal fragmentationⅡ.It permits implementation of virtual memoryⅢ.It divides memory into units of equal size(73) A.Ⅰ onlyB.Ⅲ onlyC.Ⅱ onlyD.Ⅰ andⅢ

考题 The basic input device on a small computer is a () . A、keyboardB、printerC、A display screenD、card reader

考题 The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the(72). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.A.KilobyteB.BitC.GigabyteD.Megabyte

考题 Which of the following statements describe(s) the properties of a purely segmented memory system?Ⅰ.It divides memory into units of equal sizeⅡ.It permits implementation of virtual memoryⅢ.It suffers from internal fragmentationA.Ⅰ onlyB.Ⅱ onlyC.Ⅲ onlyD.Ⅰand Ⅲ

考题 Computer(75)is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units,it iS used for the purpose of data communication and resource Sharing.A.storageB.deviceC.networkD.processor

考题 Computer(75)is a complex consisting of two or moreconnected computing units, it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing.A.storageB.deviceC.networkD.processor

考题 Which element is NOT part of a microkemel?A.basic I/OB.a file systemC.IPC mechanismsD.memory management

考题 Anti- virus software protects your computer from viruses by(75)your computer's memory and disk devices.A.deletingB.changingC.scanningD.replacing

考题 is a complex consisting of two or more connected computing units, it is used for the purpose of data communication and resource sharing.A.Computer networkB.Computer deviceC.Computer processorD.Computer storage

考题 Primary memory is stored on chips located(66). In addition, computers usually use disks as second memory, for example,(67)disks located inside the computer.A.on the motherboardB.outsideC.inside the processorD.on the CPU

考题 One of the basic rules of computer security is to change your(73)regularly.A.nameB.computerC.deviceD.password

考题 We know a computer is a machine that processes data(stored in main memory)into information, under control of a stored program. We also know that, internally, a computer is a binary machine; thus the data and the program instruictions must be stored in binary form. Characters are represented in(71). Numbers are stored as binary numbers, with each bit's positional value significant. A computer's main memory is divided into bytes, words or both(depending on the system), and each of these basic storage units is assigned an(72). Using this address, the processor can read or write selected bytes or words.The processor consists of a clock, an instruction control unit, an arithmetic and logic unit, and registers. Once a program is stored in main memory, the processor can begin to execute it. During(73), the instruction control unit fetches an instruction from main memory; during(74), the arithmetic and logic unit executes it. Precisely timed electronic pulses generated by the clock drive this basic(75)A.a binary codeB.wordsC.registersD.positional values

考题 Aconsultanthasbeenaskedtodoaperformanceanalysisonadatabaseserver.Whichsubsystemshouldtheconsultantfirstanalyzeandwhy?() A.CPU,becausethedatabasereplicationprocessrequiresaconsiderableamountofCPUtimeB.Memory,becausethebuffercacherequiresalargeamountofmemorytomaintainthedatainsystemmemoryC.Disk,becauseitisimportanttoconfigureasufficientnumberofdiskstomatchtheCPUprocessingpowerD.Network,becausethedatareturnedtotheclientfromtheservercanbealargesubsetofthetotaldatabase

考题 Which of the following statements describe(s)the properties of a purely segmented memory system?(73).Ⅰ. It suffers from internal fragmentationⅡ. It permits implementation of virtual memoryⅢ. It divides memory into units of equal sizeA.Ⅰ onlyB.Ⅲ onlyC.Ⅱ onlyD.Ⅰand Ⅲ

考题 The program and the data are kept inside the computer in a place called______.A.busB.cacheC.CPUD.memory

考题 ()is the basic software that allows the user to interface with the computer. A.DisplayB.ApplicationC.ScreenD.Operating System

考题 The(72) is the primary device for entering information into the computer.A.diskB.keyboardC.USBD.memory

考题 ● The basic unit of measure in a computer system is the(72). It is the smallest unit in computing. There are some other measures in a computer, such as Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte and so on.(72)A.KilobyteB.BitC.GigabyteD.Megabyte

考题 The basic units of( )computer system are as follows:A.CPU,memory and disk B.CPU,input and output C.CPU,memory and ALU D.CPU,memory and I/O system

考题 The basic units of a computer system are as follows()。A、CPU, memory and diskB、CPU, input  and  output  unitC、CPU, memory and I/O systemD、CPU, memory and  ALU

考题 A new computer is displaying the wrong amount of memory. Which of the following may be the cause?()A、The module is installed backwards.B、A USB device is using some memory.C、An onboard video card is using some memory.D、The CPU is using some memory.

考题 列长文件名中()不符合windows的文件名命名法则。A、Basic。Computer.Learrling.docB、Basic/Computer.learning.docC、Basic。Computer?Learning.docD、Basic&Computer&Learning.Doc

考题 A user is receiving an error about not having enough virtual memory. A technician wants to manually set the amount of available virtual memory for the computer. At a MINIMUM, the technician should set the virtual memory to be which of the following?()A、0.5 times the amount of physical memoryB、1.5 times the amount of physical memoryC、2 times the amount of physical memoryD、Equal to the amount of physical memory

考题 You are the administrator of 20 Windows XP Professional computers. Each computer has one hard disk that has three volumes named C, D, and E. Each volume is 4 GB in size and has approximately 1 GB of available space. The total physical memory of each computer is 196 MB in size. The paging file on each computer is located on drive D. A user named Andrea reports that every day, one hour after she starts her Windows XP Professional computer, the computer appears to perform very slowly for 15 seconds. This always happens after she receives an error message stating that the system is low on virtual memory. You want to improve the performance of Andrea's computer. You do not want to install additional memory. What should you do?() A、Increase the initial size of the paging file.B、Move the current paging file to the system drive.C、Increase the Buffers setting in the Config.sys file. D、Enable the Adjust for best performance of: System cache memory usage option.

考题 Your portable computer has two 512-MB memory modules installed in the only two memory slots available.  You need to improve the speed of your computer.  What should you do? ()A、Adjust the processor scheduling to optimize for background services.B、Connect a USB flash drive to the computer. Enable the ReadyBoost feature.C、Configure the virtual memory file to exist on the same drive as the operating system.D、Configure the local security policy setting of the computer to clear the virtual page file upon shutdown.

考题 单选题A new computer is displaying the wrong amount of memory. Which of the following may be the cause?()A The module is installed backwards.B A USB device is using some memory.C An onboard video card is using some memory.D The CPU is using some memory.

考题 单选题The download will not be ______ if your computer does not have sufficient internal memory.A completionB completedC completelyD completes