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Corporations and labor unions have conferred great benefits( )their employees and members as well as upon the general public.


解析:confer在此意为“施与,提供,赋予”,其搭配通常为confer sth.on/upon sb
更多 “Corporations and labor unions have conferred great benefits( )their employees and members as well as upon the general public. on” 相关考题
考题 In project-driven companies, costs are usually billed againest the project based upon:A . The burdened labor rate of the actual employees who performed the work.B . The burdened labor rate of the line organization average salary.C . The burdened labor rate of the company average salary.D . The burdened labor rate of the average salary of the project team members.E . None of the above.

考题 According to labor law, which of the following management actions are prohibited during a union organizing drive?A . Forbidding employees from distributing union literature in working areasB . Implementing previously scheduled pay raisesC . Forbidding unions from soliciting workers during working hoursD . Circulating anti-union petitionsE . All of the above

考题 107 In project-driven companies, costs are usually billed againest the project based upon:A. The burdened labor rate of the actual employees who performed the work.B. The burdened labor rate of the line organization average salary.C. The burdened labor rate of the company average salary.D. The burdened labor rate of the average salary of the project team members.E. None of the above

考题 162 According to labor law, which of the following management actions are prohibited during a union organizing drive?A. Forbidding employees from distributing union literature in working areasB. Implementing previously scheduled pay raisesC. Forbidding unions from soliciting workers during working hoursD. Circulating anti-union petitionsE. All of the above

考题 Passage OneIn the late 1860's, industry in America grew rapidly. More factories meant more jobs. But working conditions were dangerous. Employees were forced to work as many as 16 hours a day in hot, dirty rooms. Children often worked alongside adults. Wages were usually very low.Workers tried to improve conditions by forming unions. One of the first important unions was the Knights of Labor, formed in 1869. Blacks and women were welcomed as members. The Knights of Labor wanted an 8-hour workday, higher wages, and better working conditions. The union called for an end to the employment of children under age 14.Together with other unions, the Knights of Labor tried to make changes through collective bargaining. Union leaders would meet with employers and talk. When collective bargaining failed, the unions resorted to strikes. When some strikes that the unions held turned violent, public opinion turned against them. Many members left the Knights of Labor, and by 1890 the union had died out.But other unions survived. The AF of L, American Federation of Labor, was formed in 1881. It continued to push for the goals set by the Knights of Labor. However, most federal laws protecting workers and outlawing child labor were not passed until the 1930's.31. According to the passage, the Knights of Labor wanted all of the following EXCEPT ______.A. an 8-hour workdayB. higher wagesC. improving working conditions in the factoriesD. an increase in the employment of small children

考题 Which of the following statements about labor unions can be concluded based on the information in the passage?A. Labor unions reached their peak of power in the 1986's.B. It. took labor unions many years to improve conditions for workers.C. The early labor unions failed .because they were not concerned with the well-being of workers.D. The early labor unions failed because they could not agree on what they wanted to fight for.

考题 Employees have the opportunity to listen to well-known or important authors.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 The USA ______ a great advanced country without the labor of the newcomers. A.could becomeB.can becomeC.couldn’t have becomeD.couldn’t become

考题 The price at which a stock can be sold depends upon a number of factors. Which statement below is not one of those factors (). A.the financial condition, earnings record, and dividend record of the corporationB.investor expectations of the corporations earning powerC.how high the par valueD.general business and economic conditions and prospects

考题 根据下列材料,请回答 36~40 题:If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today, he would probably represent civil servant. When Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960, only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union; now 36% do. In 2009 the number of unionists in America’s public sector passed that of their fellow members in the private sector. In Britain, more than half of public-sector workers but only about 15% of private-sector ones are unionized.There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’ thriving. First, they can shut things down without suffering much in the way of consequences. Second, they are mostly bright and well-educated. A quarter of America’s public-sector workers have a university degree. Third, they now dominate left-of-centre politics. Some of their ties go back a long way. Britain’s Labor Party, as its name implies, has long been associated with trade unionism. Its current leader, Ed Miliband, owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome. Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California points out that much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions. The teachers’ unions keep an eye on schools, the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one. But the real gains come in benefits and work practices. Politicians have repeatedly “backloaded” public-sector pay deals, keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.Reform. has been vigorously opposed, perhaps most egregiously in education, where charter schools, academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles. Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable, teachers’ unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.As the cost to everyone else has become clearer, politicians have begun to clamp down. In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker, the hardline Republican governor. But many within the public sector suffer under the current system, too.John Donahue at Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers. The only American public-sector workers who earn well above $250,000 a year are university sports coaches and the president of the United States. Bankers’ fat pay packets have attracted much criticism, but a public-sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.第 36 题 It can be learned from the first paragraph that[A] Teamsters still have a large body of members.[B] Jimmy Hoffa used to work as a civil servant.[C] unions have enlarged their public-sector membership.[D]the government has improved its relationship with unionists.

考题 Which of the following is true of Paragraph 2?[A] Public-sector unions are prudent in taking actions.[B] Education is required for public-sector union membership.[C] Labor Party has long been fighting against public-sector unions.[D]Public-sector unions seldom get in trouble for their actions.

考题 ——In this day and age, women can have children and jobs as well. ——I can’t agree more. it’s great to have the two .A.linkedB.relatedC.connectedD.combined

考题 In a charter-party,where there is a conflict between the printed and written parts of the contract owing to an error or to inadvertence,the intention expressed by the written part should,as a general rule,______ that expressed by the printed part.A.be transferred toB.be preferred toC.be referred toD.conferred to

考题 The onus of proof is upon ______the party claiming in general average to show that the loss or expense claimed is properly allowable as general average.A.the party from which general average is claimedB.the party claiming in general averageC.the carrierD.the shipper

考题 Text 4 If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today,he would probably represent civil servant.When Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960,only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union;now 36%do.In 2009 the number of unionists in America’s public sector passed that of their fellow members in the private sector.In Britain,more than half of public-sector workers but only about 15%of private-sector ones are unionized.There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’thriving.First,they can shut things down without suffering much in the way of consequences.Second,they are mostly bright and well-educated.A quarter of America’s public-sector workers have a university degree.Third,they now dominate left-of-centre politics.Some of their ties go back a long way.Britain’s Labor Party,as its name implies,has long been associated with trade unionism.Its current leader,Ed Miliband,owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome.Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California points out that much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions.The teachers’unions keep an eye on schools,the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one.But the real gains come in benefits and work practices.Politicians have repeatedly“backloaded”public-sector pay deals,keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.Reform has been vigorously opposed,perhaps most egregiously in education,where charter schools,academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles.Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable,teachers’unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.As the cost to everyone else has become clearer,politicians have begun to clamp down.In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker,the hardline Republican governor.But many within the public sector suffer under the current system,too.John Donahue at Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers.The only American public-sector workers who earn well above$250,000 a year are university sports coaches and the president of the United States.Bankers’fat pay packets have attracted much criticism,but a public-sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.40.John Donahue’s attitude towards the public-sector system is one ofA.disapproval. B.appreciation. C.tolerance. D.indifference.

考题 Text 4 If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today,he would probably represent civil servant.When Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960,only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union;now 36%do.In 2009 the number of unionists in America’s public sector passed that of their fellow members in the private sector.In Britain,more than half of public-sector workers but only about 15%of private-sector ones are unionized.There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’thriving.First,they can shut things down without suffering much in the way of consequences.Second,they are mostly bright and well-educated.A quarter of America’s public-sector workers have a university degree.Third,they now dominate left-of-centre politics.Some of their ties go back a long way.Britain’s Labor Party,as its name implies,has long been associated with trade unionism.Its current leader,Ed Miliband,owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome.Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California points out that much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions.The teachers’unions keep an eye on schools,the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one.But the real gains come in benefits and work practices.Politicians have repeatedly“backloaded”public-sector pay deals,keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.Reform has been vigorously opposed,perhaps most egregiously in education,where charter schools,academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles.Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable,teachers’unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.As the cost to everyone else has become clearer,politicians have begun to clamp down.In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker,the hardline Republican governor.But many within the public sector suffer under the current system,too.John Donahue at Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers.The only American public-sector workers who earn well above$250,000 a year are university sports coaches and the president of the United States.Bankers’fat pay packets have attracted much criticism,but a public-sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.39.The example of the unions in Wisconsin shows that unionsA.often run against the current political system. B.can change people’s political attitudes. C.may be a barrier to public-sector reforms. D.are dominant in the government.

考题 Text 4 If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today,he would probably represent civil servant.When Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960,only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union;now 36%do.In 2009 the number of unionists in America’s public sector passed that of their fellow members in the private sector.In Britain,more than half of public-sector workers but only about 15%of private-sector ones are unionized.There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’thriving.First,they can shut things down without suffering much in the way of consequences.Second,they are mostly bright and well-educated.A quarter of America’s public-sector workers have a university degree.Third,they now dominate left-of-centre politics.Some of their ties go back a long way.Britain’s Labor Party,as its name implies,has long been associated with trade unionism.Its current leader,Ed Miliband,owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome.Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California points out that much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions.The teachers’unions keep an eye on schools,the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one.But the real gains come in benefits and work practices.Politicians have repeatedly“backloaded”public-sector pay deals,keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.Reform has been vigorously opposed,perhaps most egregiously in education,where charter schools,academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles.Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable,teachers’unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.As the cost to everyone else has become clearer,politicians have begun to clamp down.In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker,the hardline Republican governor.But many within the public sector suffer under the current system,too.John Donahue at Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers.The only American public-sector workers who earn well above$250,000 a year are university sports coaches and the president of the United States.Bankers’fat pay packets have attracted much criticism,but a public-sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.37.Which of the following is true of Paragraph 2?A.Public-sector unions are prudent in taking actions. B.Education is required for public-sector union membership. C.Labor Party has long been fighting against public-sector unions. D.Public-sector unions seldom get in trouble for their actions.

考题 Text 4 If the trade unionist Jimmy Hoffa were alive today,he would probably represent civil servant.When Hoffa’s Teamsters were in their prime in 1960,only one in ten American government workers belonged to a union;now 36%do.In 2009 the number of unionists in America’s public sector passed that of their fellow members in the private sector.In Britain,more than half of public-sector workers but only about 15%of private-sector ones are unionized.There are three reasons for the public-sector unions’thriving.First,they can shut things down without suffering much in the way of consequences.Second,they are mostly bright and well-educated.A quarter of America’s public-sector workers have a university degree.Third,they now dominate left-of-centre politics.Some of their ties go back a long way.Britain’s Labor Party,as its name implies,has long been associated with trade unionism.Its current leader,Ed Miliband,owes his position to votes from public-sector unions.At the state level their influence can be even more fearsome.Mark Baldassare of the Public Policy Institute of California points out that much of the state’s budget is patrolled by unions.The teachers’unions keep an eye on schools,the CCPOA on prisons and a variety of labor groups on health care.In many rich countries average wages in the state sector are higher than in the private one.But the real gains come in benefits and work practices.Politicians have repeatedly“backloaded”public-sector pay deals,keeping the pay increases modest but adding to holidays and especially pensions that are already generous.Reform has been vigorously opposed,perhaps most egregiously in education,where charter schools,academies and merit pay all faced drawn-out battles.Even though there is plenty of evidence that the quality of the teachers is the most important variable,teachers’unions have fought against getting rid of bad ones and promoting good ones.As the cost to everyone else has become clearer,politicians have begun to clamp down.In Wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against Scott Walker,the hardline Republican governor.But many within the public sector suffer under the current system,too.John Donahue at Harvard’s Kennedy School points out that the norms of culture in Western civil services suit those who want to stay put but is bad for high achievers.The only American public-sector workers who earn well above$250,000 a year are university sports coaches and the president of the United States.Bankers’fat pay packets have attracted much criticism,but a public-sector system that does not reward high achievers may be a much bigger problem for America.36.It can be learned from the first paragraph thatA.Teamsters still have a large body of members. B.Jimmy Hoffa used to work as a civil servant. C.unions have enlarged their public-sector membership. D.the government has improved its relationship with unionists.

考题 资料:Human resource professionals act as mediators between an organization's management and its workers. This requires wearing many hats It's an HR administrator's job to make sure that employees are working in a safe environment that disputes are settled, and that benefits are understood and administered properly. At the same time, HR is charged with recruiting new employees who will not only fit in personally and professionally but also help the company achieve its business goals. They also represent management when negotiating for benefits with companies administering these benefits and when implementing companywide policies that will ultimately lower costs or boost profits. The needs of HR cover a wide range of tasks and,therefore, require individuals who are good with people in addition to being organized, analytical, business-minded, and heroic multitaskers. All companies need some kind of HR support The Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS) expects jobs in HR to grow faster than average for all occupations through 2012. Opportunities will increase as a result of a growing economy as well as a need to replace workers transferring to other occupations or retiring. BLS expects particularly strong demand for training and development and employment, recruitment, and placement specialists, with management, consulting, and employment services firms offering the greatest number of opportunities, thanks to a trend toward outsourcing personnel functions. You can get the inside edge for a career in HR by strengthening your understanding of business strategy and planning and by specializing in a specific industry. A great way to get started in the field is with practice, look for an internship or an HR assistant job if you're in school or just out. Many HR professionals work their way up. As you develop an understanding of the various career tracks and master the basic skills within the function, you'll be in a great position to rise up the ladder. According to the passage, HR is required to carry out all the following jobs EXCEPT?A.Ensure a sound working environment for employees. B.Represent management in negotiation and policy implementation C.Help achieve business goals and profit boost D.Hire promising new employees for the sake of the company.

考题 According to the passage,the combined efforts by govermments,layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in( ) A.people’s outlook on life B.people’s life styles C.people’s living standard D.people s social values

考题 翻译:If the freight, contribution in general average demurrage to be paid to the carrier and other necessary charges paid by the carrier on behalf of the owner of the goods as well as other charges to be paid to the carrie have not been paid in full nor has appropriate security been given the carrier may have a lien to a reasonable extent on the goods.

考题 单选题When preparing benefit changes, companies shouldA treat employees as customers.B stress the benefits of the changes.C talk employees into accepting the changes.D act quickly according to the reactions of employees.

考题 单选题In modern times the period of technical apprenticeship ______.A may have bad effects upon the young menB can very well train the young menC is a root cause of many evilsD is unnecessary for the employees and the business

考题 单选题According to the passage, the combined efforts by governments, layout unions and big corporations to guarantee economic comfort have led to a significant change in _____.A people’s outlook on lifeB people’s life stylesC people’s living standardD people’s social values

考题 单选题Defining employee “customer” segments meansA offering some employees more and the other less.B relating the customers to the employees’ benefits.C varying benefits according to different employees.D dividing employees into different groups.

考题 单选题At the last place Gary worked, they ______ an annual company picnic. All the employees ______ bring their families along and spend the day at a nearby park. It was great.A had to have; had to B used to have; couldn’tC would have; didn’t have toD used to have; would

考题 单选题Towards the issue, what the writer is most concerned about is ______.A to advocate radically reforming government policiesB to take into account the benefits upon retirementC to put in practice what Hudson researchers believe inD to prolong the practicability of older experienced employees