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In order to minimize the effects of a tender vessel,when carrying a cargo of lumber,you should ______.

A.Maximize your deck load

B.Distribute lumber so that those stowing most compactly per unit of weight are in the upper holds

C.Place the heaviest woods in the lower holds

D.Keep the vessel's frame spaces free from lumber


更多 “ In order to minimize the effects of a tender vessel,when carrying a cargo of lumber,you should ______.A.Maximize your deck loadB.Distribute lumber so that those stowing most compactly per unit of weight are in the upper holdsC.Place the heaviest woods in the lower holdsD.Keep the vessel's frame spaces free from lumber ” 相关考题
考题 The Master of a vessel may tender a Notice of Readiness to the charterer when the vessel ______.A.has completed the terms of the charter partyB.is in all respects ready to loadC.is in all respects ready to sailD.is safely moored or at a suitable anchorage

考题 When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?A.Call the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorB.Unplug the deck scuppersC.Order the dock man to shut downD.Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

考题 To determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry you should ______.A.refer to the vessel's Certificate of InspectionB.examine the cargo tanks and fittingsC.ask the terminal supervisor or his representativeD.check the loading order

考题 A shipper of cargo aboard your vessel offers a letter of indemnity for the cargo. This is done in order to obtain a(n) ______.A.Clean Bill of LadingB.Order Bill of LadingC.Straight Bill of LadingD.Through Bill of Lading

考题 You are on a cargo vessel carrying toluol in bulk in portable tanks. Which is a requirement for pumping the toluol?A.Hose connections to the tank must be made with a minimum of three boltsB.There must be water pressure on the fire mainC.You must shut down if another vessel comes alongsideD.If transferring at anchor,you must display a red flag by day and a red light at night

考题 Which cargo would require a dangerous cargo manifest ________.A.CottonB.WheatC.SugarD.Lumber

考题 For GMDSS,when may a compulsory vessel not be allowed to leave port ________.A.When the vessel is in an overloaded conditionB.When the vessel has arranged for both duplication of equipment AND shore-based maintenanceC.When the vessel has replaced a required piece of GMDSS-related equipment but its performance has not been verified or loggedD.When the vessel is carrying only two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators and is capable of performing all required functions

考题 当船舶停靠码头时,为了保证船货安全,有必要24小时值班。()A、When a vessel is alongside the wharf, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.B、When a vessel is alongside the wharf, t’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.C、When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.D、When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.

考题 单选题When a vessel’s LCG is aft of her LCB,the vessel will().A trim by the sternB trim by the headC be on an even keelD be tender

考题 单选题Under the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act of 1936,a vessel will be liable for damage to a cargo when the damage arises from().A Unseaworthiness when sailingB Insufficient packingC Quarantine delaysD Mismanagement of the vessel

考题 单选题You see a vessel carrying a black diamond which indicates a().A vessel towing asternB barge pushed aheadC vessel towing astern only when the length of her tow exceeds 200 metersD this signal does not exist in international waters

考题 单选题Deadweight,which is the cargo carrying capacity of a vessel in tons,is determined by().A Loaded displacement minus light displacementB Gross tonnage minus net tonnageC Loaded displacement minus net tonnageD Light displacement minus the weight of the vessel

考题 单选题You are on a cargo vessel carrying toluol in bulk in portable tanks. Which is a requirement for pumping the toluol? ()A Hose connections to the tank must be made with a minimum of three boltsB There must be water pressure on the fire mainC You must shut down if another vessel comes alongsideD If transferring at anchor,you must display a red flag by day and a red light at night

考题 单选题When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the FIRST action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?()A Trip the pump relief valveB Order the dock man to shut downC Call the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorD Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

考题 单选题When loading bulk liquid cargo,what is the first action you should take if a cargo valve jammed open?()A Call the owner,operator,or terminal supervisorB Unplug the deck scuppersC Order the dock man to shut downD Run out the vessel's or terminal's fire hose

考题 单选题To determine which grades of cargo a tank vessel is permitted to carry you should().A refer to the vessel's Certificate of InspectionB examine the cargo tanks and fittingsC ask the terminal supervisor or his representativeD check the loading order

考题 单选题According to regulations,access to a cargo pumproom in a tanker carrying grades C or D liquid cargo shall be().A from areas equipped with power ventilationB only from enclosed areas free from sources of vapor ignitionC from the open deckD from within the vessel

考题 单选题A vessel would be referred to as tender when the weight of the cargo is().A evenly distributed vertically and the double bottoms are fullB concentrated low and the double bottoms are emptyC concentrated low and the double bottoms are fullD concentrated high and the double bottoms are empty

考题 单选题According to regulations,access to a cargo pumproom in a tank vessel carrying grades C or D liquid cargo shall be().A from areas equipped with power ventilationB only from enclosed areas free from sources of vapor ignitionC from the open deckD from within the vessel

考题 单选题In order to minimize the effects of a tender vessel,when carrying a cargo of lumber,you should().A maximize your deck loadB distribute lumber so that those stowing most compactly per unit of weight are in the upper holdsC place the heaviest woods in the lower holdsD keep the vessel's frame spaces free from lumber

考题 单选题The Master of a vessel may tender a Notice of Readiness to the charterer when the vessel ().A has completed the terms of the charter partyB is in all respects ready to loadC is in all respects ready to sailD is safely moored or at a suitable anchorage

考题 单选题A vessel is tender if cargo weight is().A concentrated high and the double bottoms emptyB concentrated low and the double bottoms emptyC evenly distributed vertically with the double bottoms fullD concentrated and with the double bottoms full

考题 单选题In restricted visibility a towed vessel must sound a fog signal when it is().A the last vessel in the towB the last vessel in the tow and it is carrying a crewC manned,regardless of its position in the towD None of the above are correct

考题 单选题The certificate of loading required by each vessel carrying grain in bulk is issued by the().A owner or charterer of the vesselB American Bureau of ShippingC shipper of the cargoD National Cargo Bureau

考题 单选题Which is NOT a required entry in the ship’s Official Logbook?()A Sale of effects of a deceased crew memberB Medical treatment of an injuryC Inspections of cargo gearD Drydocking of the vessel

考题 单选题You are advised to enter the traffic route at about 1730 hours,because a vessel is scheduled to enter at the time when you intended to enter.What can you understand from this seaspeak?().A It's a warning of navigation for my vesselB It's an advice from Port Control to order my vessel not enter the traffic route of the harborC It's an advice to change my estimated time of entering the traffic routeD It's an order from the VTS to indicate my vessel to follow the traffic route

考题 单选题To determine which grades of cargo a tanker is permitted to carry you should().A refer to the vessel's Certificate of InspectionB examine the cargo tanks and fittingsC ask the terminal supervisor or his representativeD check the loading order