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A.found B.knew C.finds D.saw


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考题 测试数据库记录指针是否指向数据库末尾所使用的函数是( ),A.FOUND()B.BOF()C.FILE()D.EOF()

考题 使用VisualFoxPro的查询命令查询时,是否已找到符合查询条件的记录,可通过哪个函数来测试() A.FOUND()B.EOF()C.RECNO()D.BOF()

考题 阅读以下说明和流程图,从供选择的答案中选出应填入流程图(n)处的字句写在答题纸的对应栏内。【说明】一个印刷电路板的布线区域可分成n×m个方格,如图3-1(a)所示,现在需要确定电路板中给定的两个方格的中心点之间的最短布线方案。电路只能沿水平或垂直方向布线,如图3-1(b)中虚线所示。为了避免线路相交,应将已布过线的方格做封锁标记,其他线路不允许穿过被封锁的方格。设给定印刷电路板的起始方格x与目的方格y尚未布线,求这两个方格间最短布线方案的基本思路是:从起始方格x开始,先考查距离起始方格距离为1的可达方格并用一个路径长度值标记,然后依次考查距离为2,3,…的可达方格,直到距离为k的某一个可达方格就是目标方格y时为止,或者由于不存在从x到y的布线方案而终止。布线区域中的每一个方格与其相邻的上、下、左、右四个方格之间的距离为1,依次沿下、右、上、左这四个方向考查,并用一个队列记录可达方格的位置。表3-1给出了沿这四个方向前进1步时相对于当前方格的相对偏移量。例如,设印刷电路板的布线区域可划分为一个6×8的方格阵列,如图3-2(a)所示,其中阴影表示已封锁方格。从起始方格x(位置[3,2],标记为0)出发,按照下、右、上、左的方向依次考查,所标记的可达方格如图3-2(a)所示,目标方格为y(位置[4,7],标记为10),相应的最短布线路径如图3-2(b)虚线所示。【图3-2】图3-3和图3-4所示的流程图即利用上述思路,在电路板方格阵列中进行标记,图中使用的主要符号如表3-2所示。在图3-4中,设置电路板初始格局即将可布线方格置为数值-1、已布线方格(即封锁方格)置为-9。设置方格阵列“围墙”的目的是省略方格位置的边界条件判定,方法是在四周附加方格,并将其标记为-9(与封锁标记相同)。供选择的答案A.Found≠true B.Found=trueC.T=EndPos D.Q.insert(T)E.T←Q.delete() F.CurPos=EndPosG.i≥4 H.CurPos←Q.delete()I.Grid[T.row,T.col]=-1 J.Grid[T.row,T.col]≠-1

考题 Magnetic information on a chart may be ______.A.found in the center(s) of the compass rose(s)B.indicated by isogonic linesC.found in a note on the chartD.All of the above

考题 根据下面资料,回答题 They may have lived some 1,700 years ago, but the ancient Maya had an incredible knowledge of celestial bodies, which they believed influenced everything. Now a 15-year-old boy has studied astronomical charts devised by these ancient Mexican people, as well as satellite photos, to pinpoint the location of a forgotten Mayan city. William Gadoury, from Quebec has named the "lost city" in the Yucatan jungle K′aak Chi, or Mouth of Fire. Satellite images suggest the lost city could be among the largest built by the ancient civilisation, which thrived between 300 and 700 AD. Wondering why the ancient people built their cities far away from rivers and in inhospitable mountains prompted the teenager to look to the sky for answers. Incredibly, the brightest of the stars matched the largest cities. "I was really surprised and excited when I realised that the most brilliant stars of the constellations matched the largest Maya cities." He told The Journal of Montreal. He is said to be the first to make the connection, which could lead to further finds. It was in the 23rd constellation, containing three stars, that he found two matching cities on the map, suggesting one has not yet been re-discovered. To investigate further, he used satellite images from the Canadian Space Agency and Google Earth to search the dense jungle for any signs of buildings. The photographs revealed linear features that "stuck out," Daniel De Lisle, from the Canadian Space Agency told The Independent. "There are linear features that would suggest there is something underneath that big canopy," he said. Armand La Rocque, from the University of New Brunswick believes one of the images shows network of streets leading to a large square, which may be a pyramid. "A square is not natural, it is mostly artificial and can hardly be attributed to natural phenomena," he said. It′s possible 30 buildings accompany an impressive pyramid at the site. If true, the lost city would be one of the five largest known to archaeologists, built by the Mayans. Linking the position of stars and the location of a lost city and the use of satellite images on a tiny territory to identify the remains buried under dense vegetation, is quite exceptional. Dr. La Rocque thinks William Gadoury′s technique could lead archaeologists to pinpointing the location of more possible lost Mayan metropolises. It can be learned from the passage that the newly-found Maya city was ___________.查看材料A.found in a jungle B.built along rivers 1,700 years ago C.built far away from rivers 300 years ago D.built along rivers between 300 and 700 AD

考题 如果知道表示软件等“和……兼容”的短语“be compatible with”,就可以很容易地解答问题。 A.has found B.has been found C.finds D.was finding