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以下( )英语表示为“请右手持卡,在这里刷卡”。

A.Please wait a moment.Let me check it. Your card is degaussing.

B.Hold the card in your right hand and swipe it here.

C.Please wait for the train at the opposite platform.

D.You can return the ticket at the Ticket Center.


更多 “ 以下( )英语表示为“请右手持卡,在这里刷卡”。 A.Please wait a moment.Let me check it. Your card is degaussing.B.Hold the card in your right hand and swipe it here.C.Please wait for the train at the opposite platform.D.You can return the ticket at the Ticket Center. ” 相关考题
考题 如果贷记卡持卡人不能进行正常刷卡消费,则可能是以下原因造成()。A.卡片未激活B.查询密码使用错误C.卡片过有效期D.刷卡金额超过可用额度

考题 以下( )英文语句表示为“直接刷卡出站就可以了”。 A. This is your card. Swipe it and then you can come out.B. Hold the card in your right hand and swipe it here.C. Please wait for the train at the opposite platform.D.You can return the ticket at the Ticket Center.

考题 以下( )英语表示为“请不要倚靠站台门”。 A.Please stand clear of the door.B.Please wait for the train at the opposite platform.C.Please lean on the door.D.Please pay the excess fare.

考题 以下对商户套现行为描述正确的是( )A、商户与不良持卡人勾结,故意以签名不符的银联卡交易向发卡机构提出拒付B、商户或与其他不法分子勾结,布放假的银联卡受理POS机具,窃取持卡人银联卡信息C、商户与不良持卡人或其他第三方勾结,或商户自身以虚拟交易套取现金D、商户收银员以故意多刷卡、重复刷卡方式侵占持卡人资金

考题 刷卡后应立即将卡片还给持卡人,待核对签名时再向持卡人索取卡片。()

考题 持卡人持彩照卡刷卡消费时,同样需要出示身份证件。()

考题 持卡人持借记卡刷卡消费时,不需要出示身份证件。()

考题 以多刷卡、重复刷卡等方式侵占持卡人资金,将构成侵占财产罪或盗窃罪。()

考题 收银员刷卡后应立即将卡片还给持卡人,待核对签名时再向持卡人索取卡片。()