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更多 “海伦(Helen)” 相关考题
考题 Jane's friends in school---Helen dies of consumption.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Helen Keller was not()to see or hear or talk and yet she learned to read and write, and to become an author. A、ableB、capable

考题 —Great. Let me introduce you to my new classmate Helen. Helen, this is my friend Mike.—_______________. A. GoodB. FineC. Nice to meet youD. It ‟s my pleasure

考题 I( )the voice of Helen Bates. A. am recognizedB. was recognizedC. recognizedD. was recognizing

考题 It () on Helen Keller that everything had a name.A、occurredB、downedC、dawnedD、hit

考题 Helen was seriously injured in a car ______. A.incidentB.matterC.eventD.accident

考题 Yesterday evening we had a lovely evening at ______. APeter and Helen’sBPeter and HelenCPeter and HelensDPeter’s and Helen’s

考题 ()唤醒海伦思维的灵魂,给了海伦前所未有的快乐。A、水B、字

考题 ()坐在海伦身边用手语向海伦转述会议的情形。A、沙利文老师B、梅西先生

考题 冬天,海伦在新英格兰度假,海伦最喜欢玩的游戏是()。A、滑雪橇B、溜冰

考题 在威廉·韦德先生的农场里,()把鼻子伸进海伦的手里,向海伦要糖吃。A、马B、猴子

考题 海伦和厨娘吵架,让()很生气。A、安妮B、海伦爸爸C、管家

考题 “令人沮丧的是海伦所参演的这部片子叫好不叫座。喧闹了一阵,海伦重归于平静,回到佛拉斯特。”这句话中“海伦所参演的这部片子”是()。A、《青鸟》B、《救济》C、《少女时代》

考题 ()是海伦·凯勒一路走来所依靠的拐杖和桥梁。A、郝博士B、海伦的母亲C、莎莉文老师

考题 海伦.凯勒

考题 海伦1301由()。A、探测报警系统和海伦释系统组成B、火灾盘和海伦释放系统组成C、现场海伦控制盘和海伦释放系统组成

考题 简爱又挑了个新伙伴玛丽,因为()。A、玛丽与简爱相处融洽。B、海伦病重,被隔离。C、简爱与海伦不和。D、海伦消失了好几个星期。

考题 现需添加一新用户helen并设置其用户主目录为/helen,密码为空。还需添加新组群temp,指定其GID为600,并将temp组群作为用户helen的附加组群。请依次写出相应执行的命令。

考题 单选题Matt: Hello, Helen! Helen: Matt, hi. Matt: Haven’t seen you for ages. What’ve you been up to? Helen:I’ve been to Toronto. Matt:Toronto? What brought you there? Helen:I got married—married a Canadian! Matt: You didn’t! _____ How about a drink?A How can you do that? B Well, congratulations!C I know you didn’t marry him.D I’ll miss you a lot.

考题 问答题Helen is twenty years old, and her age is four times as much as Mary’s. When Helen’s age is twice as much as Mary’s, how old is Helen then?

考题 单选题Helen was seriously injured in a car()A incidentB accidentC eventD matter

考题 单选题冬天,海伦在()度假,海伦最喜欢玩的游戏是滑雪橇。A 新英格兰B 普利茅斯

考题 单选题Helen: Hey, ______.  Nigel: I didn’t know you’d applied for one.  Helen: Yes. I had an interview last week and they want me.A I am hunting for a job.B I’ve been offered a job.C I have got promoted.D I’d have to move.

考题 单选题Before falling asleep, Helen got the day’s happenings _____.A reviewedB examinedC remindedD suggested

考题 问答题现需添加一新用户helen并设置其用户主目录为/helen,密码为空。还需添加新组群temp,指定其GID为600,并将temp组群作为用户helen的附加组群。请依次写出相应执行的命令。

考题 单选题冬天,海伦在新英格兰度假,海伦最喜欢玩的游戏是()。A 滑雪橇B 溜冰

考题 单选题海伦1301由()。A 探测报警系统和海伦释系统组成B 火灾盘和海伦释放系统组成C 现场海伦控制盘和海伦释放系统组成