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题目来源1月5日 下午 太原市 面试考题
I am always the first one to get to the office. Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day.Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters.By around eight o'clock,I usually find some time to do my own paperwork and answer some personal e-mail.
答辩题目What will you do if students can’t understand the words you explain?
Teaching aims:
Knowledge aim:
Students are able to master the meaning and the usage of underlined words and know the relative words and phrases:get to, take up, be filled with,arrive in/at, occupy,occupation,be full of
Ability aims:
(1) Students can guess the meaning of new words and phrases while reading
(2)After this lesson, students can learn how to use these and relative words and phrases to describe their daily life.
Emotional aim:
Students are able to love learning English after this lesson.
Key and difficult point:
Key Point: master the meaning and the usage of new words and phrases :get to, take up, be filled with,arrive in/at, occupy,occupation,be full of
Difficult Point: understand the meaning of the new words and phrases and use them in their daily life.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a video about a person who is busy with his work life and ask students several questions:
What can you see from this video?
Can you describe information in detail using your own language?
Step 2: Presentation
1. Present the paragraph on the PPT. And then ask students to read this passage to guess the meaning of underlined words and phrases. Give students 5 minutes to discuss in the group. And Invite students to give the answers.
2.Then paraphrase these words in English using the pictures. For example, get to means arrive in/at or reach. If something takes up a particular amount of time, space, or effort, it uses that amount. At the same time, present a picture with a man coming the office through the door.
3. Besides introduce the relative phrases, such as take over, take on, take in and so on.
Step 3: Practice
1.Make sentences: ask students to make sentences using the new words. Then correct the grammar mistakes and give the positive feedbacks.
2.Make up a new story: Give students several pictures in disorder and ask them to describe these pictures using the sentences which concludes the new words that have just learnt. Then rank these sentences into a new story. Give students 5 minutes to discuss with their deskmates and then invite several students to share their stories.
Step4: Production
1. Discussion: Ask students to use the words and expressions learnt to describe their daily life with their partner. After 5 minutes, invite several students to share their daily life.
2. Survey: Ask students to make a survey about your classmates’ daily life using three questions in the group. Four person in one group and finish the chart in 10 minutes.Then invite the representatives to make a report for the whole class.

1.What will you do if students can’t understand the words you explain?
2. Do you have the experience in teaching?


解析:1.First, if students can’t understand the words that I explain, I will change another way to try my best way to explain this words again. Maybe last way isn’t fit for our students. For example, our students are in high school so last way may be the paraphrase, which is just in language not use other methods or approaches. I will add the video or pictures to help students to understand the new words.
Second, after class, I also need to reflect myself. Not only do I need to learn more ways to use in our class, but also I should know more my students, especially their understanding to the new knowledge in case the same situation comes again.

2.Yes, I do. I have taught a teenager in high school. She was the junior. I mainly taught her grammar. I found her grammar was not very systematic. So I taught her from the grammar in words to the grammar in sentences in order to make her master the whole grammar, especially those always appeared in her exams. And during the teaching, I find the most important that it is the teacher should have a better understanding of the whole grammar and the high school English course. Besides, the teacher should pay more attention to the patience. It will make students relax when their learning and get along with the students.
更多 “高中英语?词汇 一、考题回顾 题目来源1月5日 下午 太原市 面试考题 试讲题目1.题目: 2.内容: I am always the first one to get to the office. Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day.Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters.By around eight o'clock,I usually find some time to do my own paperwork and answer some personal e-mail. 3.基本要求: (1)十分钟全英试讲 (2)讲解划线处词汇 答辩题目What will you do if students can’t understand the words you explain? 二、考题解析 【教案】 Teaching aims: Knowledge aim: Students are able to master the meaning and the usage of underlined words and know the relative words and phrases:get to, take up, be filled with,arrive in/at, occupy,occupation,be full of Ability aims: (1) Students can guess the meaning of new words and phrases while reading (2)After this lesson, students can learn how to use these and relative words and phrases to describe their daily life. Emotional aim: Students are able to love learning English after this lesson. Key and difficult point: Key Point: master the meaning and the usage of new words and phrases :get to, take up, be filled with,arrive in/at, occupy,occupation,be full of Difficult Point: understand the meaning of the new words and phrases and use them in their daily life. Teaching procedures: Step 1: Warming-up 1. Greetings. 2. Play a video about a person who is busy with his work life and ask students several questions: What can you see from this video? Can you describe information in detail using your own language? Step 2: Presentation 1. Present the paragraph on the PPT. And then ask students to read this passage to guess the meaning of underlined words and phrases. Give students 5 minutes to discuss in the group. And Invite students to give the answers. 2.Then paraphrase these words in English using the pictures. For example, get to means arrive in/at or reach. If something takes up a particular amount of time, space, or effort, it uses that amount. At the same time, present a picture with a man coming the office through the door. 3. Besides introduce the relative phrases, such as take over, take on, take in and so on. Step 3: Practice 1.Make sentences: ask students to make sentences using the new words. Then correct the grammar mistakes and give the positive feedbacks. 2.Make up a new story: Give students several pictures in disorder and ask them to describe these pictures using the sentences which concludes the new words that have just learnt. Then rank these sentences into a new story. Give students 5 minutes to discuss with their deskmates and then invite several students to share their stories. Step4: Production 1. Discussion: Ask students to use the words and expressions learnt to describe their daily life with their partner. After 5 minutes, invite several students to share their daily life. 2. Survey: Ask students to make a survey about your classmates’ daily life using three questions in the group. Four person in one group and finish the chart in 10 minutes.Then invite the representatives to make a report for the whole class. 1.What will you do if students can’t understand the words you explain? 2. Do you have the experience in teaching?” 相关考题
考题 2012年河南郑州教师资格证高中英语说课问题

考题 教师资格考试高中英语教师说课要注意哪些事项?

考题 公文拟制者要掌握大量公文语言的( )。A、丰富词汇B、生动词汇C、专业词汇D、情感词汇

考题 根据题目要求完成下列任务。用中文作答。 以下是某高中英语教师教授短文的教学片段: (1) The teacher wrote the new vocabulary down and asked students to look them up in the dictionary. (2) The teacher explained the usage of those words in Chinese. (3) After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher began to focus on passage reading. 根据所给材料回答下列三个问题: (1)该教师采用了什么教学方法?用这种方法进行词汇教学有何缺点?(10分) (2)针对该教学方法的缺点,对该教师的词汇教学提出建议。(12分) (3)列举两种常见的词汇教学模式,并简要说明。(8分)

考题 以下是某高中英语教师教授短文的教学片段: (1) The teacher wrote the new vocabulary down and asked students to look them up in the dictionary. (2) The teacher explained the usage of those words in Chinese. (3) After dealing with the vocabulary, the teacher began to focus on passage reading. 根据所给材料回答下列三个问题: (1)该教师采用了什么教学方法?用这种方法进行词汇教学有何缺点?(10分) (2)针对该教学方法的缺点,对该教师的词汇教学提出建议。(12分) (3)列举两种常见的词汇教学模式,并简要说明。(8分)

考题 下面是一位高中英语教师进行词汇教学的课堂板书。 结合图示回答下面三个问题: (1)图1和图2体现了词汇教学的哪两种方法 (2)这两种词汇教学方法各有什么优缺点 (3)这两种教学方法遵循了词汇教学的哪两个原则

考题 高中英语教学内容的特征有哪些?

考题 高中英语 阅读 一、考题回顾

考题 依据《普通高中英语课程标准》,高中英语教学要鼓励学生通过积极尝试、自我探究、自我发现和__________ 等学习方式,形成具有高中生特点的学习过程和方法。

考题 高中英语学业水平第一阶段要求学生能使用衔接收端有效提高书面语篇的连贯性,能使用特殊词汇、语法创造性地表达意义。

考题 语言学的词汇分为()词汇和()词汇两种。

考题 下列积极、消极词汇的说法正确的是()。A、积极词汇是指儿童既能理解又能正确使用的词汇B、消极词汇是指儿童或者不能理解,或者有些理解却不能正确使用的词汇C、随着年龄的增长,消极词汇逐渐增多D、随着年龄的增长,积极词汇逐渐增多

考题 词汇教学技巧可以分为展示词汇的技巧、解释词汇的技巧、词汇练习的技巧、词汇积累的技巧。

考题 笑话不属于普通高中英语课程语篇类型内容要求之一。

考题 高中英语学业质量水平中,水平一是高中学生在英语学科应达到的合格要求,也是()命题的主要依据。A、英语高考命题B、高中英语学业水平考试命题C、高中英语测评命题D、其他相关考试

考题 幼儿词汇的发展主要表现为()。A、词汇的数量不断增加B、词汇的内容不断丰富C、词类的范围不断扩大D、积极词汇不断增加E、消极词汇不断减少

考题 从语汇角度看"天"一词是()A、一般词汇B、基本词汇C、固定词汇D、外来词汇

考题 词汇反映事物的概念,词汇影响的主要表现是()。A、词汇转用B、词汇借用C、词汇兼用D、词汇误用

考题 关于基本词汇和一般词汇,下面说法正确的是()A、从成员数量看,基本词汇多于一般词汇B、基本词汇具有稳固性和全民性C、大量的新词新语,一开始总是先进入一般词汇D、基本词汇是词汇的核心E、基本词汇里的基本词都具有能产性

考题 消极词汇是指()。A、不能理解也不能运用的词汇B、不能理解但能运用的词汇C、能理解但不能运用的词汇D、能理解也能运用的词汇

考题 语言的三要素的变化速度由慢到快排列为()A、语音——语法——词汇B、语音——词汇——语法C、语法——语音——词汇D、语法——词汇——语音

考题 判断题高中英语学业水平第一阶段要求学生能使用衔接收端有效提高书面语篇的连贯性,能使用特殊词汇、语法创造性地表达意义。A 对B 错

考题 单选题公文拟制者要掌握大量公文语言的()。A 丰富词汇B 生动词汇C 专业词汇D 情感词汇

考题 单选题词汇反映事物的概念,词汇影响的主要表现是()。A 词汇转用B 词汇借用C 词汇兼用D 词汇误用

考题 单选题高中英语学业质量水平中,水平一是高中学生在英语学科应达到的合格要求,也是()命题的主要依据。A 英语高考命题B 高中英语学业水平考试命题C 高中英语测评命题D 其他相关考试

考题 多选题消极词汇是指()A意义消极的词汇B儿童不能理解的词汇C儿童理解却不能正确使用的词汇D儿童既能掌握又能理解的词汇

考题 单选题消极词汇是指()。A 不能理解也不能运用的词汇B 不能理解但能运用的词汇C 能理解但不能运用的词汇D 能理解也能运用的词汇

考题 判断题词汇教学技巧可以分为展示词汇的技巧、解释词汇的技巧、词汇练习的技巧、词汇积累的技巧。A 对B 错