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As far as the professor (), college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves.

  • A、concern
  • B、concerns
  • C、concerned
  • D、is concerned


更多 “As far as the professor (), college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves.A、concernB、concernsC、concernedD、is concerned” 相关考题
考题 Student: Good morning, Professor Liu. ______I'm late.Professor: You are late every morning. You were late Tuesday, yesterday...Don't you have a watch?

考题 Xiao Li: I'm sorry, Professor Liu. I have to be late again. I just had a car accident.Professor: What? An accident!______?

考题 If a student has a problem with classroom work,he or she should______.A. make an appointment with the professor a week beforeB. approach a professor after classC. seek the professor's help in his officeD. go to the professor's apartment

考题 If you need _______ information, please call me. A.far awayB.fartherC.furtherD.far

考题 _______writing a book, that too can be measured as a success.A: So far asB: As far asC: So as toD: In order to

考题 1.importjava.util.*;2.publicclassTestSet{3.enumExample{ONE,TWO,THREE}4.publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){5.Collectioncoll=newArrayList();6.coll.add(Example.THREE);7.coll.add(Example.THREE);8.coll.add(Example.THREE);9.coll.add(Example.TWO);10.coll.add(Example.TWO);11.coll.add(Example.ONE);12.Setset=newHashSet(coll);13.}14.}Whichstatementistrueaboutthesetvariableonline12?()A.Thesetvariablecontainsallsixelementsfromthecollcollection,andtheorderisguaranteedtobepreserved.B.Thesetvariablecontainsonlythreeelementsfromthecollcollection,andtheorderisguaranteedtobepreserved.C.Thesetvariablecontainsallsixelementsfromthecoilcollection,buttheorderisNOTguaranteedtobepreserved.D.Thesetvariablecontainsonlythreeelementsfromthecoilcollection,buttheorderisNOTguaranteedtobepreserved.

考题 In terms of the rank of position, an associate professor is ________ to a professor. A、superiorB、betterC、inferiorD、worse

考题 Coll部骨折最有诊断意义的体征是A.银叉畸形B.局部压痛C.反常活动D.骨擦音E.腕部肿胀

考题 According to the American system,one rank below the full professor is the( )professor.A.under B.associate C.vice D.deputy

考题 __________,he is not a very bright pupil.A.As far as his intelligence is concerned B.As far his intelligence is concerned C.So his intelligence is concerned D.As far as his intelligence are concerned

考题 Anybody will do,_______he is responsible for that.A.as far as B.so far as C.as long as D.as soon as

考题 As far as the professor (), college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves.AconcernBconcernsCconcernedDis concerned

考题 11185客户服务中心的英文全称为()。A、Coll CenterB、Call CenterC、Call CentD、Call Canter

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考题 关于FAR失速和1g失速的描述正确的是()。A、FAR失速速度比1g失速速度大B、FAR失速时机判断较早C、FAR失速时载荷因数小于1


考题 单选题国际货运单中,对于(14)栏,即运费方式支付栏(PPD/COLL)的填列内容规定为:如果COLL内填人一个“×”,则表示()。A 航空运费到付B 航空运费预付C 其他费用到付D 其他费用预付

考题 问答题And if the weather is used to make political points, then so of course, is clothing. The one essential and multipurpose item of clothing for modern Britain is, of course, denim jeans. Worn by everyone outside working hours from royalty to the woman in the street, jeans are the symbol of a casual and classless approach to life. In the informal environments of universities the only suits are worn by administrators—hence the pejorative name for these bureaucrats as “the suits”. Everyone else from professor to undergraduate can be seen carrying out their tasks in blue denim in various states of repair. The most fashionable young men and women will be seen in jeans that are either far too big or far too small for them, with holes, patches, badges, sequins or drawings on them. However, most of us prefer our jeans plain, draught proof and comfortable!


考题 单选题Dr Hampton: Good morning, Professor Smith.Professor Smith:______,Dr Hampton.Dr Hampton: May I come in?Professor Smith: Of course, please.A Good morningB Fine, thanksC Pleased to meet youD How do you do

考题 单选题As far as the professor (), college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves.A concernB concernsC concernedD is concerned

考题 单选题1. import java.util.*;  2. public class TestSet {  3. enum Example { ONE, TWO, THREE }  4. public static void main(String[] args) {  5. Collection coll = new ArrayList();  6. coll.add(Example.THREE);  7. coll.add(Example.THREE);  8. coll.add(Example.THREE);  9. coll.add(Example.TWO);  10. coll.add(Example.TWO);  11. coll.add(Example.ONE);  12. Set set = new HashSet(coll);  13. }  14. }  Which statement is true about the set variable on line 12?()A  The set variable contains all six elements from the coll collection, and the order is guaranteed to be preserved.B  The set variable contains only three elements from the coll collection, and the order is guaranteed to be preserved.C  The set variable contains all six elements from the coil collection, but the order is NOT guaranteed to be preserved.D  The set variable contains only three elements from the coil collection, but the order is NOT guaranteed to be preserved.

考题 单选题D’après le texte, quelle affirmation n’est pas vraie?A Si elle a déménagé plusieurs fois, c’est que son père changeait souvent de travail.B Quand elle est entrée au collège, elle avait lu pas mal d’oeuvres littéraires.C Quand elle était collégierme, elle était très à l’aise dans ses études.

考题 单选题Mes résultats empirent. A moins que je ne _____, je serai collé à mes examens.A augmenteB progresseC amélioreD régresse

考题 单选题Le film nous montre des collégiens qui disent《foutre》à toutes les phrases et posent surles adultes un oeil circonspect.A irrespectueuxB peu admiratifC respectueuxD prudent

考题 单选题Qu’est-ce qu’elle avait appris quand elle est entrée au collège?A l’additionB la divisionC la grammaire

考题 单选题Certains collègues sont jaloux de ta réussite. Tu fais des _____ . Sois prudent. »A cupidesB envieuxC inquietsD soucieux