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The computerized doll()the quality test.









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考题 The computerized doll____the quality test. A.passedB.succeededC.madeD.got

考题 After ten years of hard work, the couple ()to pay off all the debts. A. managedB. succeededC. missedD. could

考题 50______A.passedB.rashedC.turnedD.continued

考题 Don't let your mind ________ the failure of the test.A rely onB count onC take onD dwell on

考题 His newly-() album became a hit.A、discoveredB、releasedC、madeD、produced

考题 He ( ) in achieving his aim at last. A、was succeededB、was been succeededC、succeededD、had been succeeded

考题 If I had studies harder, I _______ the exam. A.will have passedB.would have passedC.passedD.would pass

考题 John was ____ to Buddhism by a Chinese priest. A、convertedB、changedC、madeD、obliged

考题 All of us should avoid () mistakes. A、to makeB、makeC、to be madeD、making

考题 Two hours _____ the limit of this test.A、areB、has beenC、will beD、is

考题 If she had studied harder, she ____________.A、would succeedB、had succeededC、should succeedD、would have succeeded

考题 国际上CT的英文全称统一采用的名称是 ( ) A、Computer Aided TomographyB、Computer Trans-Axial TomographyC、Computerized TomographyD、Computer TomographyE、Computerized Transverse Tomography

考题 第43题答案是__________A.was making B.will have made C.made D.will make

考题 请在第_____处填上正确答案。A.passed B.listened C.turned D.walk

考题 Family members worked hard__________sure that they had enough food.A.making B.make C.made D.to make

考题 The computerized doll()the quality test.ApassedBsucceededCmadeDgot

考题 The computerized doll()the quality test.A、passedB、succeededC、madeD、got

考题 One and a half hour()since we arrive. No one has come to meet us.A、have passedB、was passedC、passD、has passed

考题 This is the student()I know will pass the TOEFL test.A、whoB、whomC、whoseD、what

考题 We agree to()the test.A、you didB、your doingC、yours doingD、you do

考题 Captain, I already()(交班) my duty to the new coming A.B.A、passedB、gaveC、took overD、handed over

考题 The fire was ()out.A、putB、takenC、madeD、had

考题 单选题The computerized doll()the quality test.A passedB succeededC madeD got

考题 单选题()is based on logistics network, but more computerized and systematized than logistics operation .A Virtual logisticsB Imaginary logisticsC Thinking logisticsD logistics planning

考题 单选题() is based on logistics network, but more computerized and systematized than logistics operationA Virtual logisticsB Imaginary logisticsC Thinking logisticsD Logistics planning

考题 单选题Breaking Mary’s doll was purely _____. John didn’t mean to do it.A incidentalB accidentalC occasionD opportunity

考题 单选题This vast stock of computerized images has()the possibilities open to the artistA speculatedB sponsoredC generatedD multiplied

考题 单选题()is based on logistics network but more computerized and systemized than logistics operation.A Virtual logisticsB Imaginary logisticsC Thinking logisticsD Logistics planning