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am staying


have stayed


根据下文可知“现在我住在Crowne Hotel,所以C项正确。一般现在时表示恒久不变的事实或现在不断反复的习惯,所以不符合文意。
更多 “单选题_____A stayB stayedC am stayingD have stayed” 相关考题
考题 单选题_____A destroyedB will destroyC have destroyedD were destroying

考题 单选题What is this notice mainly about?A The new guidelines for product packagingB A change in the method of manufacturingC Early retirement package dealsD The efficiency of the packaging staff

考题 单选题_____A sealedB separateC enclosedD complete

考题 单选题What will accompany Ms. Walter’s letter?A Credit card and email recordsB Payment of late feesC Her business cardD Copies of two billing statements

考题 单选题What will take place on November 23?A A meeting of the chamber of commerceB An industry awards ceremonyC A speech by a prominent businessmanD A charity fundraising event

考题 单选题Salary increases will not be higher than the cost of ______.A lifeB liveC livingD lived

考题 单选题What is implied about Mr. Manala's event?A It is a formal business function.B At least ten people will attend it.C Its purpose is to celebrate Asian cuisine.D He has participated in it several times in the past.

考题 单选题What warning does the article give?A Too much construction could have negative effects.B The contents of the report could be inaccurate.C Investors could pull out of the real estate industry.D The national economy could suffer a downturn.

考题 单选题_____A adequateB permissiveC variableD accurate

考题 单选题What is the main purpose of Ms. Forsyth’s email?A To attempt to sell a second—hand vehicleB To place an order for a vehicle partC To describe the kind of car she is looking forD To request a mechanical service

考题 单选题Who should consult page 78 of the directions?A Those who worked for an employer during 2006B Those who expect to receive a refund from the governmentC Those who did not have enough tax withheld from their payD Those who are not sure how much they earned in 2006

考题 单选题Ms. Nyguen had submitted her résumé before she ______ the position was filled.A will knowB knowsC has knownD knew

考题 单选题What will Mr. Patel receive?A A $100 rebate on the purchaseB A reduced delivery feeC A credit on the next orderD Some complimentary supplies

考题 单选题_____A evaluateB evaluatingC evaluatedD to evaluate

考题 单选题What kind of experience does Mr. Nixon have with Employco?A He worked for it in the past.B He has used its website before.C He is currently one of its headhunters.D He was disappointed with its service.

考题 单选题What does this article mainly discuss?A An investment firm’s sales figuresB A recession’s effect on the real estate industryC Yesterday’s stock market activityD An economic report’s unexpected findings

考题 单选题What has CSS recently undergone?A An alteration to its organizational structureB The relocation of its headquartersC A change in national leadershipD The addition of new service areas

考题 单选题According to the announcement, what does each desk have?A A computerB A whiteboardC A seatD A blackboard

考题 单选题_____A coordinatedB coordinationC coordinatingD coordinator

考题 单选题_____A helpB will helpC helpedD helping

考题 单选题How often will the accepted candidate submit general financial reports?A Once a monthB Every other monthC Twice a yearD Once a year

考题 单选题_____A avoidB gainC missD save

考题 单选题Ms. Silva sent the memo ______ it had been approved.A soB butC afterD until

考题 单选题If the bills ______ in five days, the company will seek damages.A weren’t paidB won’t have paidC aren’t paidD don’t pay

考题 单选题_____A extendB suspendC spoilD decorate

考题 单选题Many workers can’t use computers; ______ , training is required.A on the wholeB besidesC consequentlyD for example

考题 单选题The claims department needed to be intuitive and responsive ______ guests’ needs.A fromB onC ofD to

考题 单选题_____A detainingB retainingC remainingD sustaining