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After a check up by our staff at the warehouse it was found that some bags had not been ()in 5-ply strong paper bags as stipulated in the contract, thus resulting in the breakage during transit.


B、 packed

C、packing, package


更多 “ After a check up by our staff at the warehouse it was found that some bags had not been ()in 5-ply strong paper bags as stipulated in the contract, thus resulting in the breakage during transit.A、repackedB、 packedC、packing, package ” 相关考题
考题 请使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹pr092下的工程pros2。此工程中包含一个程序文件main.cpp,其中有“部门”类Department和“职工”类Staff的定义,还有主函数main的定义。在主函数中定义了两个“职工”对象,他们属于同一部门。程序展示,当该部门改换办公室后,这两个人的办公室也同时得到改变。请在程序中的横线处填写适当的代码并删除横线,以实现上述类定义。此程序的正确输出结果应为: 改换办公室前: 职工号:0789姓名:张三部门:人事处办公室:521 职工号:0513姓名:李四部门:人事处办公室:521 改换办公室后: 职工号:0789姓名:张三部门:人事处办公室:311 职工号:0513姓名:李四部门:人事处办公室:311 注意:只在横线处填写适当的代码,不要改动程序中的其他内容,也不要删除或移动“//****found****”。 includeiostream using namespace std; class Department{ //“部门”类 public: Department(const char*name,const char*office){ strcpy(this一name,nanle); //**********found********** } const char*getNameconst{return name;}//返回部门名称 //**********found********** const char*getOfficeconst{________} //返回办公室房号 void changeOfficeTo(const char*office){ //改换为指定房号的另一个办公室 strcpy(this一office,office); } private: char name[20];//部门名称 char office[20];//部门所在办公室房号 }; class staff{//“职工”类 public: //**********found********** Staff(const char*my—id,const char木my_name,Departmentmy_dept):——{ strcpy(this一staff id,my_id); strcpy(this一name,my_name); } const char*getlDconst{return staff_id;} const char*getNameconsl{return name;} Department getDepartmentconst{return dept;} char staff=id[10];//职工号 char name[20];//姓名 Departmentdept;//所在部门 }; void showStaff(Staffstaff){ cout”职工号:”staff.getID””; cout”姓名:”staff.getName" "; cout”部门:”staff.getDepartment.getName" "; cout”办公室:”staff.getDepartment.getOfficeendl; } int main{ Department dept(”人事处”,”521”); Staff Zhang(”0789”,”张三”,dept),Li(”0513”,”李四”,dept); cout”改换办公室前:”endl; showStaff(Zhang); showStaff(Li); //人事处办公室由521搬到311 //**********found********** ———————————————————————一 cout”改换办公室后:”endl; showStaff(Zhang); showStaff(Li); return 0; }

考题 请使用VC6或使用【答题】菜单打开考生文件夹progl下的工程progl,该工程中包含程序文件main. cpp,其中有Salary(“工资”)类和主函数main的定义。程序中位于每个“//ERROR ****found****”之后的一行语句行有错误,请加以改正。改正后程序的输出结果应为: 应发合计:3500应扣合计:67.5实发工资:3432.5 注意:只修改每个“//ERROR ****found****”下的那一行,不要改动程序中的其他内容。 includeiostream using namespace std; class Salary{ public: Salary(const char *id,double the_base,double the bonus,double the_tax) //ERROR **********found********** :the_base(base),the_bonus(bonus),the_tax(tax) { staff_id=new char[strlen(id)+1]; strcpy(staff_id,id); } //ERROR **********found********** ~Salary{delete * staff_id;} double getGmssPayconst{retum base+bonus;}//返回应发项合计 double getNetPayconst}retum getGmssPay-tax;}//返回实发工资额 private: char * staff id;//职工号 double base;//基本工资 double bonus;//奖金 double tax;//代扣个人所得税 }; int main{ Salary pay(”888888”,3000.0,500.0,67.50); cout”应发合计:”pay.getGrossPay" "; cout”应扣合计:”pay.getGrossPay一pay.getNetPay””; //ERROR**********found********** cout”实发工资:”pay::getNetPayendl; return 0; }

考题 Staff类含有血型数据成员ID,两个Staff对象相等是指它们的ID相同。下面的函数重载了运算符==,它用来判断两个Staff对象是否相等,相等时返回true,否则返回false。请将横线处缺失部分补充完整。bool Staff::Staff==(const Staff s){return (______);}

考题 Last night Li Gang kept doing the maths exercises ________ after ________. A.one…anotherB.one…the otherC.one…the othersD.some…others

考题 ______school is much larger than ______.A.Our;yourB.Our;yoursC.Ours;yoursD.We;you

考题 有查询设计视图如下,它完成的功能是( )。A.查询表“check-up”中符合指定学号、身高和体重的记录B.查询当前表中学号、身高和体重信息均为“check-up”的记录C.查询符合“check-up”条件的记录,显示学号、身高和体重D.显示表“check-up”中全部记录的学号、身高和体重

考题 Staff类含有int型数据成员ID,两个Staff对象相等是指它们的ID相同。下面的函数重载了运算符==,它用来判断两个Staff对象是否相等,相等时返回true,否则返回false。请将横线处缺失部分补充完整。bool Staff::Staff==(const Staff s){return(【 】)}

考题 Being financially secure in retirement just doesn’t happen magically It takes lots of planning time and savings Some scary facts about retirement ?More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement ?25%do not participate in their company’s retirement plan ?The average person spends 20 years in retirement Here are some tips to help you plan correctly 1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years it’s a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It’s just like a doctor’s visit and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals 2. Save and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can 3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner or find an online retirement calculator 4. Take part in your employer’s retirement plans. If your company offers one it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options 5. Learn about pension. If you have an employer or government pension plan learn all the details 6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don’t make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals Who can be a financial professional?A. The professional who will do physical “check-up” for you B. The professional who will visit you like a doctor C. The professional who will schedule a meeting with you D. The professional who will help you make your financial plans

考题 资料:Being financially secure in retirement just doesn't happen magically. It takes lots of planning, time and savings. Some scary facts about retirement: More than 50% of persons do not have enough finances for retirement. 25% do not participate in their company's retirement plan. The average person spends 20 years in retirement. Here are some tips to help you plan correctly: 1. Talk to a financial professional. Every few years, it's a good idea to schedule a meeting with a financial planner to get a “check-up”. It's just like a doctor's visit, and you should really talk about your present situation and future goals. 2. Save, save, and keep on saving. Make it a habit to save as much as you can. 3. Learn your retirement needs. Retirement can be expensive. Learn from today how much you need to save for your retirement. Talk to a financial planner, or find an online retirement calculator. 4. Take part in your employer's retirement plans. If your company offers one, it is usually the best tool you can use. Talk to a financial professional for all your options. 5. Learn about pension plans. If you have an employer or government pension plan, learn all the details. 6. Keep your retirement savings off-limits. Don't make a withdrawal until you retire. You might incur penalties and it will be a setback for realizing your goals. 7. Get your employer to start one, and it can help you tremendously. 8. Learn about your government's retirement plans. Every country has different plans, some with special tax incentives, so learn what your country offers and plan accordingly. 9. Do your own research. Use the Internet, read the newspapers and magazines, talk to your friends, to find out as much as you can about retirement. Who can be a financial professional?A.The professional who will do a physical “check-up” for you. B.The professional who will visit you like a doctor. C.The professional who will schedule a meeting with you. D.The professional who will help you make your financial plans.

考题 Staff类含有int型数据成员ID,两个Staff对象相等是指它们的ID相同。下面的函数重载了运算符==,它用来判断两个Staff对象是否相等,相等时返回true,否则返回false。请将横线处缺失部分补充完整。 bool Staff::Staff==(const Staffs) { return (); }